Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Source: A beginner's guide to what is a #Blog!
Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.A Powerful Brand Image Is Vital for Blogging Success Quick steps to a Powerful Brand Image.
NEW YORK - Sept. 30, 2016 - PRLog -- A Powerful Brand Image Is Vital for Blogging SuccessYour blog readers should look up to you for advice and direction. You must be the expert that helps them solve their biggest problems.That will only happen if you constantly build your brand image.
It is and how you're perceived by your readers through your brand image that sells.
Should your competitors have better products than you, but people trust you more, they will buy from you.
From an SEO perspective, branding is also important
It helps to avoid a Google penalty and brands rank higher in the serps.
Tell the story of your brand its core values.There is a powerful story behind every powerful brand. A powerful brand has a clear purpose and a reason for doing business. The story a brand tells connects it to the audience and let them experiences the story.
What is your motivation to work on your blog?
Are you serving a purpose, what is that?
H ow do you want to change the world or your audience?
Create a blogging (http://make- category/blogging/ ) manifesto to list your core values. Based on your values, create a catchy brand slogan. This will help you build trust and a strong connection with your targeted readers.
Quick steps to a Powerful Brand Image.
• Choose a brandable domain name, invest in your blog design.• Solve problems with high quality content.• Feature in Other High Authority Publications to Borrow Credibility.• Start a Facebook Group and Host Facebook Live Sessions.• In your blog posts make use of:
• Snapshots.• Data References.• Infographics.
You need to have a brand image (http://make- category/brand- image/) that encapsulates trust, expertise and consistency. Your sales and revenue numbers will always be directly impacted by the strength of your brand image. Branding (http://make- category/branding/ ) should be one of your primary concerns while starting a new blog or online business.
Recommended tool to use:Free slogan generator ( tools/slogan- maker).
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Thanksgiving Day !!! Well if you are an Internet Marketer, you must be knowing about the significance of these 3 days. Not only you get huge discounts but you also get unlimited opportunities to bank some real cash !!
In this post I won't be promoting offers (I may add few 😛 ), rather I will be teaching you all on how you guys can promote various black Friday offers and make money.
So here's what you will be learning in this post:
So are you guys excited ??
I will try to pour all my knowledge in this article to make it one of a kind. I also wish that I complete this article before this year's black Friday (as I get too Lazy at times)
Note: I will be writing this post focusing on Black Friday, the same is applicable for Cyber Monday and Thanksgiving day.
Types of Offers you can Promote on Black FridayBefore starting, let me share with you the different category of services/products that you can promote on Black Friday.
No matter what niche you are working on, there will always be a product to promote. Just explore the different affiliate marketplaces to find the best offers.
I will be writing this post specifically for blogging and IM niche bloggers !!
How to Find Offers to Promote ?Knowing offers beforehand is something that can be very helpful. It not only gives you time to plan the promotion strategy but it also gives you a good head start. So the question in front is, How to find best offers to promote during black Friday ??
A big question !!
Well If you are a good affiliate marketer or if you have signed up to all big affiliate networks then its not really hard to find offers to promote.
Keep an Eye on your EMAILMost of the companies share their respective black Friday offers with their affiliates via email.
For Example,
Have a look at these 2 emails !!
I got these last year from Bluehost and Hostgator !! You can see the dates, they sent the offers much before blackfriday.
Bluehost sent me mail on 23rd Nov (Black Friday 2015 was on 27th Nov) while hostgator gave me good amount of time by sending their offers on 16th November. The email had the offers, coupons and banners that were lined up for Black friday and cyber Monday.
Blueh ost BlackFriday Email to Affiliates
Host gator BlackFriday Email to Affiliates
Hostgator later mailed the Flash Sale details with sale timings !! It included all the offers that were about to go live on the site. So keep an eye on such mails as well. 😉
Most of the companies send emails but it may happen that you fail to receive or maybe you miss it.
The next option then is to check the affiliate dashboards of the networks that you ought to promote. Most of the times, you will be able to find Banners related to Black Friday being added in the dashboard.
Get an idea of offers from those banners and start working.
Get offers By Simple a Google SearchSometimes you can also search for previous year offers and predict offers for the current year.
This will not give you the exact offer details but it will help you in building your content or marketing strategy.
Just search for : Niche/product/service Black Friday 2015.
Here are some deals that I found from last year articles !!
This way you can also find new offers that you otherwise wouldn't have known.
Another last year post !!
As you can see !! I've got many offers from last year !!
I can keep an eye on these products and promote it this time. 😉
You can do the same to find the offers/products that you can promote. Quite easy, Right ??
How to Write an Article that Converts ?Before starting, let me remind you that a lot of companies have such affiliate policies that don't allow sharing of affiliate links directly through social media or emails. Therefore I recommend you to make good blog posts where you can promote the offers using your affiliate links.
Now there can be multiple methods to do so,
Single Master Affiliate Page (SMAP) Content StrategyThis is my favorite method.
I recommend making a master page that should be designed well and have the best offers listed.
No need to review the products, just write 2-4 lines (that can also be eliminated). Thrive page builder is a good tool to make such pages.
The advantage of writing article using such layout is that it covers multiple category offers instead of a single offer. It looks good and is highly shareable as well !! 🙂
Let me list some key points before moving forward :
This comes handy if you are looking to get organic traffic by ranking the article. Most of the authority blogs does the same, you can follow the same. For example you can write individual posts for Bluehost, hostgator, studiopress (or whatever you promote). Make sure to keep the article well formatted with affiliate links and buy now buttons.
Titles can be like:
And the third option is to make posts covering one category each !! You can make a single article covering all hosting deals, one article covering all theme offers and so on !!
Titles can be:
There are multiple ways by which you can earn money during Black Friday !! And that's what I will be discussing down below. 🙂
Excited ??
Are you are getting good amount of engagement on your social media posts?? If yes, then it means that you have good influence and therefore people like to engage with you on your posts. Guess what, the same influence can be used during black Friday to make some money 🙂 .
Many people earn money during Black Friday only by sharing the best offers on social media. This is possible only because they (or their brand profile) have a good social media influence.
So if you believe you have some influence, you can try out this method. But wiat, what do you have to do ?? :/
Well, Its simple !!
Share on Social Media !! 😛
Share your Black Friday blog posts on your social media profiles. A lot of your followers will open your link and can end up buying what you promoted.
I have personally tested this on my facebook profile. (I get upto 1000 unique clicks on every link that I share on my facebook profile and a lot of them converts to leads).
You can do the same provided your profile gets good engagement too.
The points that you have to keep in mind are:
I'm 100% sure, you will get good number of sales using this. I may do the same this year, and if it works, I will definitely share my reports with you.
Make Money on Black Friday using your Email listAhaa !! Though I am not a good player in email marketing but I am still a big fan of it. Email marketing always proves to be a powerful weapon to convince your readers/subscribers to buy from your link.
Using email list to drive traffic is what most of us do !!
But have you tried sending out an email with offers to various products and services ?? I bet many of us don't !! And those who does, must be knowing the fact that mails with offers in subject and content have a much better open rate as well as click rate.
Why ??
Because your subscribers and readers love offers !! In fact they might be subscribed to you just because your email subscription widget had text like "Get more offers".
Got the point ?? Well that's the primary reason why emails with offers, discounts, coupons gets clicked much more than the traditional mails which only let them know about your latest blog post.
If you are confused on how to do email marketing, then I will recommend you to sign up for Get Response. Its simply the easiest email marketing tool that can help you send great designed emails and also helps you track each and everything about your email campaigns.
So with this being said, you can now easily understand the benefits of emailing during black friday.
You don't really need an extraordinary template for your email. Just use simple words, write a short description, use some words that excites the buyer in them and you are good to go.
Well if you are a regular reader of my content, you must be looking for some more details or maybe an example 😛
Here's a demo email that you can send out to your email list.
Subject: Special Black Friday Offers for you !!
Hello Name,
Hope that you are having a great weekend !!
I just wanted to tell you that I have some special Black Friday bonuses and offers for you. The offers include hosting, themes, plugins and many more.
The offers last only for few hours…
Click here (link the text with your blog post) so that I can take you to Offers page specially designed for you.
I think the message is clear 🙂
You can also create landing pages for Free using getresponse. I do the same and it helps me get some extra leads and sales. I will be coming up with a guide soon.
Lets move onto the next method !!
Using Social Media to Make Money on Black FridayNot everyone gets good engagement on social media !!
Are you one of them ?? If yes, then there's absolutely no problem. You can still try various other methods to get affiliate sales during Black Friday !!
Here are the things that you can do:
For example, if you are promoting Hosting offers. You can offer services like, Free WordPress setup, Free domain setup, free logo, free XYZ plugin, Free Theme etc. A lot can be offered in return to the buyer.
This is what most of my Indian friends are doing. They usually provide services (at times they even offer some cashback) to those who buy from their links. I've seen one of them making 3000$ last year by just providing some cashback + services.
Believe me, this is much easier than ranking a blog post of Black Friday Offer. 🙂
Make money from Black Friday Event BlogEvent Blogging is on a high !! Most of the newbie bloggers are starting their journeys by making event blogs, while many bloggers are making their complete living by earning through event blogging.
On a short note, Event blogging is basically making a dedicated site for any particular event and ranking it on top of google for most of the high searched keywords. This way, event bloggers get huge traffic during the event and thus they make huge amount of money (Usually via AdSense or affiliates).
You can do the same for Black Friday !!!
Yes, you can, but don't be in a hurry. Since this is a very huge event you must first understand the things that will work and things that will just waste your time.
Its a common observation that the more targeted and specific your site is, the better will be the outcome.
So instead of making a black friday site that covers everything, go for building a black friday event blog that targets a particular set of products/services.
Here are few Black Friday related keywords with domain ideas that you can make your Black friday Event Blog about.
And a lot more !!! You just have to do the searching. However from the above list, #1 and #2 gives the best results.
Its mainly because a lot of webmasters buy Hosting and domains during black friday (cyber monday) !!! Its all because of the lucrative offers that these hosting companies come up with during black friday. A lot of people search for such offers on Google and end up buying from any site that they visit !!
Moreover these companies pays upto 200$ per sale which is quite a good amount.
For example, Bluehost pays 100-120$ for every sale to affiliates !! During Black Friday, they come up with offers upto 80% off and with the same commission rates !!
If you rank your site or article for terms like "Bluehost Black Friday offers", you can easily get 10-50 sales. And each sale will generate you 100$ !! That's some 1000-10000$ we are talking about.
Same goes with Hostgator, iPage, WPengine etc !!
So my recommendation will be always to make a Black Friday event blog targeting Hosting offers and discounts.
Softwares, Themes and Plugins are also sold at ultra cheap rates during black friday !! So you can also try making a site that focuses on themes or softwares !!!
The success of such blogs usually lies on how early you start working on it !!
Earning from Long Term Blogs During Black FridayIf you have long term blogs then you can easily use them to promote offers during Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc.
The advantage of using your long term blogs instead of event blog is that it can be ranked easily (as compared to any brand new blog). Your blog's authority and age factor will help you outrank the new blogs.
Most of the pro-bloggers are doing the same. If you check or even any other big blogging website, you will find them promoting offers via blog posts during black friday.
Black Friday article on Shotmeloud
You can do the same and bank some cash (provided you rank) !!
Now this can be done in 2 ways !! Either you make a single blog post covering all the offers and affiliate links or you can write individual blog posts for each product/service.
I will suggest you to make a page first, which should contain all the offers altogether (use the layout I gave above) !! And then make sub-articles of various products/services.
Ranking the content will depend on your content, on-page, site authority and the backlinks. But if you have a big blog with good amount of links and authority, you can easily outrank others.
2 years ago, I ranked one of my former site on page 1 for Digital Ocean (hosting) Black Friday related keyword. It brought me 5 valid sales 🙂 All I did was, posted good content with affiliate banners!! Rankings were all based on the authority of my site.
So this way, make use of your long term blogs during the event.
One friend of mine made 4000$ during Black Friday 2015, a complete case study can be found here.
A Final Conclusion $$$$So I explained everything that people are doing !! Now its your turn to do the same. No doubt the competition is always high, but it can still be achieved.
Do share your case studies and stories related to black friday earning in the comments section. I may include some. 🙂
Subscribe now and start getting premium tricks and guides related.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Blogging is a something that I enjoy doing every single day of my life, and for me, it is a lifestyle-friendly business just because I can handle that from my home too. This is one of the many reasons that the blog is not just only the source of my bread and butter, but blogging is my passion too that makes me feel happy.
With every passing day, I feel inspire and find my blog more meaningful by diving deeper into the world of blogging. Each and every day I explore and learn many new things to make more money online.
For many bloggers, doing blogging might be a part-time hobby or could be the fun. But if you are really serious about blogging and want to make money online then refer this guide in deep and do not miss an even signle article linked in this post.
This article is handy for those people who are beginners in the world of blogging. With this guide, you will get a complete blueprint on how you can start your blog and make money online.
Keep in mind; blogging is not everyone's cup of tea. I make blogging as my profession because I love to do it and found it to be the most profitable way to make money online.
I have generated this article for those who are passionate about blogging just like I and ready to learn something new and of course earn money from your blog.
If you are planning to start a blog and make online, be sure that you open all the links mentioned in this article.
How to Start Blogging and Make Money Online? #1. Build Your New BlogThe very first thing you need to do before you getting started with your blog is to find the most profitable blogging niche. I mean to say is to find your interest and topics that you are going to blog about. So find your interest and topics which you know better than anyone else.
Then pick the best environment for your blog. By environment, I mean to say to choose a blogging platform. If you are a new blogger with no money in your pocket, then it is great to start blogging on BlogSpot platform to keep going and to learn the basics of blogging. Once your basics are cleared, you are ready to start blogging on the most popular blogging platform in the world such as WordPress.
Name of your blog is the most important part of success, which is your domain name. A domain name is a URL, which visitors will use to open your blog. For instance,
Now, you have all the essential things to start a blog except web hosting. Web hosting is an essential part of the time when you want more control on your blog. On a self-hosted blog, you can take actions on according to your needs and customize the functionality, user-experience, and lot more to make your blog more attractive.
There are many web hosting service providers are available. But among them, Bluehost is the WordPress recommended hosting service. My personal recommendation to select WordPress CMS as your blogging platform.
#2. Get the Help and Support From WordPress TeamYou have made your mind and choose WordPress CMS to start a blog. But you have many questions in your mind related to designs, codding, backup plans, monetizing, support and lot more.
Now Worries! While you start your blog with WordPress, you will get incredible support from the expert team members. Visit and explore getting started resources built by WordPress.
I have added a couple of articles to help you out from the base level of installing WordPress for the first time to advance level to keep your WordPress site up to date all the time. Refer below articles.
Planning is an essential ingredient in the blogging. So make sure you plan your every task and list them all in your calendar.
How To Add Google Calendar in WordPress
Update and Backup
To setting up your blog for branding and make it perfect, you will need to make sure you start your blog in the right way. You don't need to worry that much, I have already listed some of the key things which will help you out. You must read and understand each article.
Promoting and marketing your blog is the essential thing to get success in the blogging world. For that, there are many ways to promote and shout out loud for your blog. Making individual post SEO friendly, social media channels, E-mail marketing strategies, content marketing, get active in forums, create webinars, online events and lot more.
I experienced lot many things and found proven ways to promote a blog. Refer all the articles added into the below list and be a master in blog promotions.
Many bloggers believe that Google AdSense is the best source and easiest ways to make money from blogging. But that's not true. There are many ways with which you can make money from blogging. You won't believe, but I am monetizing my blog with different 83 proven ways.
Refer below articles to understand different ways to make money online. Let's explore them all.
If you have read the article seriously along with reading all the hyperlinked posts then now you have a complete understanding of blogging, promotions, and knowing secrets of how to make money online.
Do remember, it takes the time to earn money from a blog, but once you start earning from the blog, you will living a dream life for sure.
If you have any other questions related to the starting a blog or making money from a blog, feel free to ask questions to me through comments.
Article Published by Nikhil Makwana
What is Content Curation? How To Make Money online with it? Simply put it is to bring together a lot of useful information to a post or page on your blog.
LOS ANGELES - Sept. 27, 2016 - PRLog -- How to : Make Money Online by Content Curation on your blog?What is Content Curation? How To Make Money online with it?Simply put it is to bring together a lot of useful information to a post or page on your blog.
Search for and sort through large amounts of content on the web and present the best posts in a meaningful and organized way.
In other words : You don't create your own content.
NB!! Be sure to keep the original source and author attached to the content respectively. And do not try to claim it as your own.
Share curated content on your social networks.key to staying relevant to your followers and growing your following, is to use curated contend on social media.
It demonstrates to your readers:
• You know the industry well.• You're coactive.• You are aware of competition.
A few tips:
• Share content at the optimal times• Structure the post to make it more readable and sharea ble.• Use SEO best practices to discover keywords to drive traffic.• Add value with your own commentary.• Experiment with some humor commentary.
Should the original content creators be impressed with your version, they are more likely to share your content to audience.
Content Curation (http://make- tag/content- curation/) will bring you a lot of search engine traffic, which in turn will bring more people to your adverts or list building. Hence you will Make Money Online in a greater abundance.
Content Curation Tools to Make Money Online.
•• Curation Soft Download. ( download/)• Alltop. ( • Tweeted times ( .• Feedly ( .• Summify ( .
Best to use a combination of text, Video, Infographic.
WordPress users can use this free plugin. ( plugins/wp-experiments- free/)
Sha re valuable content (http://make- category/valuable- content/) that people haven't seen so you become the mecca of best content. To build brand awareness and grow a following. Be a trend finder, a trend analyst.
Do not search for content in the most obvious places. Meaning try the less known sites.
Recommended Software. (http://make- SEOKeywSoftw)
Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Is it actually possible to make money as a blogger?
First of all, let me warn you: if you are not a blogger, you will probably find this post tedious. Unless you are wondering whether it is quick and easy to earn thousands through blogging… Go on, keep reading, you know you want to!
When I started blogging, I had no idea you could make money as a blogger. Of course, I had heard of famous bloggers getting book deals, but until I met a few 'real life' pro bloggers a couple of years ago, I did not even know you could make a decent income though blogging.
I have been blogging over two years now and I do make money out of my blog. I could make more, but I have four young children, two of whom are not at school yet, and they are my number one priority. I am the one taking them to school, playgroups and I can even attend plays, assemblies and fun events at school, what a privilege! I work from home when they are asleep and I love it.
This morning, I led a session about 'monetising your blog' at Manchester conference Blog On MSI. If you are reading this, you might be thinking of making money from blogging. Maybe you are earning money through your blog already but are hoping to take it further.
Most bloggers, should they wish to do so, can make some form of income, no matter how little, through their blog.
Let me get a couple of burning questions out of the way first…
Can you make money out of your blog? Yes
Is it quick and easy? No
BUT brands want to work with bloggers.
It is a flexible, remote way of working around our families and that is worth so much.
How do you earn money as a blogger?
There can be various sources of income, some of which can even be passive once they have been set up.
– Sponsored posts – getting paid to blog (woop, woop!)
– Affiliate links – by being an affiliate, you pick brands you want to work with and promote a company's product in exchange for a commission. To make this very simplistic, if you make a sale, you get a commission.
– Ad placement on your blog – selling a space on your side bar directly to brands.
– Ad networks – potentially lucrative if you get a large number of page views
– Presenting for brands (talking at conferences, cooking demos, etc.)
– Blog ambassadorships – long-term working relationship with a brand. Just make sure you read the contract carefully and agree on everything it involves. If the brand is asking for exclusivity, you can charge more as you could potentially lose work with other companies.
– Writing and selling an ebook like Ciara who blogs at 'My Fussy Eater'
– Writing an e-course like photographer Emily Quinton
– Creating and selling your own products like Vicki and her 'free from' flour
– Social media management
– Photography commissions
– Writing articles as a freelancer
How do I get chosen for a campaign?
Here are 20 ways that will help you stand out from the crowd:
– Innovate, over-deliver, make sure you get remembered
– Keep a list of posts you are proud of so you can link to them in a pitch
– Be professional at all times. PRs talks to each other and they tend to move jobs a lot.
– If possible, go self-hosted – owning your domain will give you more flexibility
– Engaged audience
– confidence: pretend you are the person you want to become until you are that person
– Network and learn from others but do not compare your beginning to someone's middle! That would be disheartening.
– Think of yourself as a brand, have a logo
– Your site is your portfolio
– Credibility – If you want to monetise your blog, you have to look at the way in which other people look at your blog. Be wary of what you write and how you write it, how you engage in social media, and remember that PRs talk to each other.
– Niche audience – targeting a specific audience
– Tell your story, be a real person, a friend to your readers
– Quality – content is King
– Promotion is Queen
– Useful content will arouse your readers' interest. What are your skills? What can you teach others?
– Make your content shareable
– Don't be afraid to pitch to brands
– Work with the brands that are right for you
– Look into SEO and build your traffic
– Gather testimonials (after working with brands, saving complimentary Tweets from fellow bloggers, etc.)
How much should I charge?
Always have a figure in mind when talking to a client or PR company, and ask for their budget rather than giving them your fees, then you can negotiate up with them. Here is a post by Aby, who blogs at 'You Baby Me Mummy' and who gives a formula you could use to decide what your minimum fees are: Domain Authority x 4.5, so if your DA is 20, you should charge upwards of £90 per sponsored post.
Whatever you do, make sure you register with HMRC and complete your tax return.
10 golden rules
– Believe in yourself – start by pretending and after a while, you will believe it! Vicki at 'Honest Mum' could help you find that 'more confident me'
– Publish useful content – unless you are a celebrity or you have an edge, readers will not stick around if you can't help them – Grace, who blogs at 'Eats Amazing,' helps her reader make food fun for their children
– Images are worth a thousand words – your blog is your portfolio – if you can't take a decent photo, learn by practising or take an online course or attend a photography workshop
– Build your 'brand' – consistency across social media, blog, etc. makes you unique and recognisable. Check 'Croque Maman' for example
– Be professional at all times & honest – your readers trust you. Lose their trust and you'll lose them – integrity is key
– Find your tribe & help other bloggers – surround yourself with like-minded people
– Be a good role model – avoid getting your blog associated with gambling sites or loan companies
– Network, network, network
– Disclose – When receiving payment or gifts, always disclose on your blog post as well as social media
– Always remember that whatever you post online is there forever. Ask yourself that: "in 10 years' time, will I be proud of what I am about to publish today?"
Just one more: Follow or no follow
Fancy a little bit of homework?
Here are 3 tasks for you.
I thought I would just finish by directing you to this blog post by Hayley, who blogs at 'Sparkles and Stretchmarks' and earns over £1,000 a month through blogging.
Save me on Pinterest for later:
Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Now, things have changed. More and more people want in on the action, and Google is cracking down. While that all sounds like bad news, there is still a lot of money to be made in blogging. Take Pat Flynn, for instance. He made more than $93,000 in July 2016, and he's just one example.
Of course, you can't be like Pat Flynn overnight unless you have some smart strategies in place.
Fortunately, once you know how to get the ball rolling, you can start making some money with your blog.
In this post, Jerry Low shares his experience with strategies for traffic, niche ideas and tools to make money online.
Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Blogging is something that can be done purely for fun, or as a method of earning an income. If you've been blogging as a hobby for a while and are really enjoying it, it definitely makes sense to try and earn some money from your new pastime.
No matter what it is that you blog about, there are plenty of different ways in which you can turn your blog into a good little earner. Whether you're hoping to use your blog in order to make some extra cash for the holiday season or want to be able to eventually quit your regular job and blog full-time for a living, we've got some tips to help you get started.
If you already have a blog which you maintain often and are hoping to make some money from, you're probably familiar with most of the essentials when it comes to blogging for beginners. However, one of the main things which is not as important to bloggers who do so as a hobby is increasing their online presence. After all, if you're not earning any money from it, it doesn't really matter how many people viewed your latest post! However, when you're hoping to make an income from blogging, it's vital to improve your online presence as much as possible. This could include setting up blogger profiles on social media accounts, guest posting on other blogs, or being active in forums.
Monetizing MethodsIn order to make a profit from your blog, there needs to be something on there which you can earn money from. As great as it would be, content alone and a large blog readership can't earn you any money on its own. One of the most popular methods of monetizing a blog is through adverts. Google AdSense is one of the most commonly used, as it is easy to set up and start earning.
This type of advertising is known as pay per click (PPC), where you'll earn money for each user who clicks through to the ad. Along with this, there are a number of other methods of monetizing your blog, for example selling advertising space or joining an affiliate marketing program. Remember that when it comes to ads, it's important to make sure that they're there, but don't clutter your blog.
Achieving an IncomeMaking an income from your blog is not usually something which can be done overnight. In fact, making a decent amount of money from blogging could be something that takes you months or even years, depending on the amount of work that you put in. Since blogging has become more and more competitive with hundreds of new blogs in various niches cropping up every day, it's vital that you understand exactly how much work needs to be put in in order to eventually make an income.
Blogging can be a great hobby, but why stop there when you can use it to make money? Making an income from blogging may take some hard work, but the end results are definitely worth it.
Main Blogging
Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!
We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.You can make globs of money by either setting up a blog to generate more traffic for your business, or you can use it to create an online store, or to include affiliate links or as a source of advertising. The ideas are limitless.
However you use it to make money, you need traffic.
Without traffic, you might as well go home.
So how do you get as much traffic as possible, to your blog? This post will tell you.
But be warned: it's not for sissies. Setting up a blog that generates a return on investment is not easy and lots of patience and persistence is required.
Attract the right peopleThe biggest mistake newbie bloggers and entrepreneurs make, is to attempt to appeal to many groups of different people. But when you try to attract everybody, you'll end up attracting nobody. Successful bloggers understand who they write for, because it goes deeper than content.
You don't want to attract old women to your blog when you sell razor blades for men.You don't want young sporty girls if you provide a business service for entrepreneurs.You don't want dog lovers when your product is for cats.
It's essential you attract the right people to your blog, and it's your blog content which is going to determine this. Content has to be written by design, not by default. It's strategic, not willy-nilly.
In some niches, it's pretty easy to know your target audience, but there are cases where the lines blur and it becomes a little more difficult. Taking the time to create a clear picture of who you serve, will separate you from the poopballs.
As a simple starting point, ask the following questions:
1. What need do I (or my business) solve?2. What kind of people need the solutions I provide?3. Who is my competition?4. Who are my current customers?
Then find out how to create better content that is based on the right target audience.
Use the right wordsWhen people do a search online, there are certain words they use to find what they're looking for.
It's these words that you have to find out, so that you can use them in your content. Sometimes that's easier said than done, because of something called, "relevancy", as well as whether the term has lots of competition, and whether it is searched enough.
Different types of keywords represent different meanings, interest and intent. For example: "buy tennis shoes" indicates that the person is ready to buy tennis shoes right now and is searching for a way to buy them. "Best tennis shoes" on the other hand, would indicate that the person is still in the research phase and is looking for the best tennis shoes for their needs. They would not yet be ready to buy the shoes.
The different keywords can be summed up as:
Find the right keywords to use in your blog content, goes hand in hand with knowledge about your target audience. When you possess a deep understanding about what makes them tick, you'll start hitting on the kind of words they use for searches.
This is important because by using the right keywords, you're helping search engines to send the right people to your blog.
Your website must be attractiveFirst impressions count. You may have the best content in the world, but if your site's ugly, you're going to miss out on opportunities big time.
No matter what we wish for, people judge others by the way they look, and they will do the same with your website.
When it's being designed, keep in mind your target audience and their desires, not your own.
Search engine optimizationThere are four parts to search engine optimization:
1. Technical2. On-page3. Off-page4. Local
5 Dead Simple Tips That Will Bring You Tons of Traffic from Twitter Set a strong foundation with technical SEOTechnical SEO means laying the foundation so that your blog content can get the best traffic results from search engines.
Technical SEO includes elements like:
On-page SEO involves the content aspect of search engine optimization, and includes:
Image Credit: PointBlankPro
And here's one that does. Spot the difference:
Besides their visual importance, Images need to be optimized for search engines, or they could do more harm than good in terms of SEO.
Off-page SEO tells search engines what others think about your website, and is concerned about reputation and authority. It includes:
Image Credit: NeilPatel
Get found by location with local SEOLocal SEO won't apply if your business is international, but it's very important if you rely on local business, because it determines your search ranking in a geographical location. If you need to rank high for local SEO, this is what you need to do:
It's got to be said. If your content is bad, it's not likely you're going to make your millions from blogging. There are just too many blogs on the Internet, and it's far too easy for visitors to click right off your site and on to another's.
Besides, if your content is bad, you're not going to make it to the first page results of search engines. And if that is the case, there goes something like almost 70% of your organic traffic.
Your content has to grab and hold attention. This is why knowing your target audience is so important, because you really can't provide awesome content if you don't know who you're writing for.
What is meant by "epic content"? It's content that provides value. It entertains, educates or inspires.
If you don't provide content that adds value to people's lives, close shop and just go home.
Crucial pages and their goalsThere are four crucial pages on any website:
1. Home page – this is the page your traffic lands on. It has a maximum of eight seconds to grab attention, so the header on this page is important. Your home page has to tell visitors immediately, what your site is about and how you can help them. Visuals are important – the page has to look good. Include testimonials and social proof to build trust.2. About page – contrary to popular (and old) belief, the About page should not feature your boring history, because who cares? Instead, it should work to build trust, authority and credibility. The About page should help to make visitors think you're awesome, so include awards, company culture (if it's a good one), photos of employees to build trust, etc. Add differentiating factors to the page – what makes you different to competitors?3. Services/products page – 47% of your visitors will check out the services or products page, so be ready. Highlight expertise.4. Contact page – where you include a full physical addre ss, makes visitors know that you are a legitimate business. Adding contact details is also vital if you want your blog to rank high for local search.
Include a call to action on all pagesNo matter how your blog makes money, you should be making full use of those who visit, so a call to action on every page is vital.
A call to action is some kind of guidance as to what you want your reader to do. The importance of this is not to lose them once they leave your site. Digital marketing is all about The List, and The List is simply a list of email addresses of people who are interested in the solutions you provide.
The reason why marketers are so obsessed about The List is because it's where the money sits. People don't usually buy the first time they visit a website. You need to "prime" them by keeping in touch via email, so that when they are ready to make a purchase, your brand is at the forefront of their mind.
Ideas of call to actions:
Example of a call to action
Add social media sharing buttonsIf you want visitors to share your blog content, you've got to make it easy for them. Add social share buttons to your content, but don't overdo it.
Play around to find out which buttons to include. For example, despite a plethora of social media networks, the top sites like Lifehacker, only give two social share options, and Buffer (who should know best of course) provides three.
Blog promotionFinally, you're going to want to promote your blog so that your traffic increases. There are a few motivating factors to spread the news:
Research shows that the most popular methods of website promotion spending, are:
1. Social media marketing – adding posts to social media and paying for social media advertising.2. Content marketing – promoting content in various ways.3. Email marketing – keeping in touch with a list of subscribers.4. Search engine optimization – getting more traffic by making sure your website and content is optimized.
Read this for cost effective ways of promoting your blog.
Key takeawaysSetting up a money-making blog is not for the feint hearted. But if you're prepared to go for it, this is how to set up your website so that it works to bring a maximum amount of traffic: