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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Today, people with decent writing skills can start a blog. But if your purpose is to build a brand, attract a large crowd, and make money along the way, then blogging can be a daunting challenge.
Keep in mind that, as a professional blogger, you need to learn different skills aside from writing and editing. You must be able to do research, design your website, promote your content, and build profound connections with key individuals in your niche.
More importantly, you should always seek to expand your knowledge in online marketing, which can be difficult because the industry is ever-changing. To keep up, you need to learn from only the best thought leaders who've already been to the top.
Below are five of the best blog posts you should read if you want to be a competitive blogger:
Neil Patel is famous for his epic, in-depth articles that hold you by the hand as you learn new strategies and tips. In this particular post, he talks about tips on how you can improve your content if you can't afford a ghostwriter or simply need to improve your writing skills.
Take note that writing an engaging blog post is a lot different from writing an essay. You need to plan an outline and pick the right words that can retain your audience's attention. Also, make sure your article is valuable by covering relevant topics.
You can easily brush up on your writing skills, and you can very easily tackle content marketing with a limited budget. You don't even have to be a good writer – you just have to find a way to provide value and unearth opportunities to share this value. – Neil Patel
Mike Brown's blog – The Blogging Buddha – is full of posts that can teach you the best blogging practices. However, one of his most useful posts is all about the worst ways to blog. Pay attention to the examples of 37 blogging experts to know exactly what to avoid in this field.
To develop their blogging superpowers, making mistakes and failing miserably were vital. Successfully navigating the precarious path to blogging fame and fortune means biting the dust more than once – as you'll see. – Mike Brown
One of the worst mistakes to blogging is to bore your audience to death with a "textbook"-style writing. Keep in mind that your audience won't be impressed if you know every word in the dictionary. They're only in it for the knowledge and value they're going to get – so best to keep things simple.
This post by Henneke Duistermaat on Copyblogger should give you a lesson or two on maximizing engagement using a conversational tone. It also covers the importance of finding your writing voice, which will be instilled in your brand and win the loyalty of readers in the future.
In a world of endless pixels and meaningless 'likes', we crave human connections and voices that resonate with us. – Henneke Duistermaat
Whether you like it or not, you need to learn SEO or Search Engine Optimization if you are to be a successful blogger. Unfortunately, SEO is quite complicated and encompass technical concepts such as keyword research and link building. But first things first, you need to learn how blogging affects SEO and what you can do to improve it.
In this post, Neil Patel talks about the effect of blogging frequency in your search engine rankings. You will also pick up a few tips along the way on how you can sustain traffic and keep conversions coming.
When you stop blogging for an extended period of time, your stream of organic traffic can dry up, which can obviously have some undesirable consequences. – Neil Patel
Remember that there is a huge difference between blogging in copywriting. Unlike blogging, copywriting covers multiple content types such as ads, CTAs, opt-in offers, and so on. In this kind of writing, maximizing engagement means everything.
In this post on HubSpot – written by Eddie Shleyner – you can learn the exact steps on how to create copy that maximizes conversions. It also gives a few examples to help you understand the specific lessons.
Compelling copy fascinates its target audience and drives them to pull the trigger on a CTA. It does this by capturing their attention, unearthing a pain they're desperate to assuage, and presenting a mutually valuable, solution-driven call-to-action. – Eddie Shleyner
Monetizing a blog is never simple. If you're not selling a product as an online store or affiliate, then one of your remaining choices is to live off of paid advertisements. However, you need to implement a strategy that will maximize the visibility of ads without being intrusive to the reading experience of readers.
In this post by Nadav Dakner on Crazy Egg, you will learn how to maximize your income without spamming ads all over the place. There's also a bunch of examples and screenshots that will help you apply the outlined tactics.
Remember that there are tons of native, unobtrusive ways to monetize your existing site. You just have to find the right combination of techniques and tools that work for you. – Nadav Dakner
ConclusionBy taking the advice of thought leaders, you don't have to spend a lot of time figuring things out yourself. Let their experience be your guide as you get your hands dirty in the field of blogging.
Author: Christopher Jan BenitezContent marketer during the day. Heavy sleeper at night. Dreams of non-existent brass rings. Writer by trade. Pro wrestling fan by choice (It's still real to me, damnit!). Family man all the time.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.You've worked hard to make money, now put it to work.Shutterstock
"Make your money work for you" is such common personal finance advice that it borders on being cliché.
But what does it actually mean? And more importantly, how can you do it?
There's no simple answer — or a single way to do it. In fact, almost everyone can find at least one way to put their money to work. Below, Business Insider rounded up eight methods to get you started.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.So everyone keeps telling that you should jump on the guest blogging train, but you are just not exactly sure why you should. That is completely understandable. Not everyone wants to blog, and not everybody enjoys to read them.
What many people do not understand about guest blogging is that there are many different factors contributing to its success.
Below is a comprised list of seven different benefits guest blogging is known for and why you should jump on the bandwagon.
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1. Guest Blogging is the Foundation of CommunityI agree with this statement, taken from ContentMarketingInstitute:
Guest blogging is not dead. Google hates repetitive, spammy content, but as long as your guest post is original with good to great quality on a site known for quality content (like this one), Google is fine with it.
One of the reasons Google still likes it: community. Google cherishes community. In Google's perfect world, there would only be a handful of websites in every niche that has a community of followers interacting with each other, creating amazing, innovative ideas, and sharing all of their insights with their acquaintances, friends and family throughout the web.
That way, whenever someone comes to Google searching for help on a certain issue, they can send them to a site where the user will be fully satisfied.
A guest post should be a place where people come to read an argument, learn about a topic or experience something new. Once the post is read, comments or sharing should follow, and so connections and relationships.
It is my personal feeling that Google would prefer to see a world where advertising does not happen from the top down, but from the bottom up. This is a true organic community, and although it is slow developing, it is long lasting.
Since guest blogging creates community, and since Google wants that community, it is viewed as a great tool for internet marketers.
2. Guest Blogging Develops Your Name and Reputation"Why would I guest post on a blog when I have my own site to write on?" Many people ask this! This is a common, reasonable argument indeed, but through guest blogging, you will begin to grow your name and online reputation.
People want to know who you are before they come to your site. Think about it like going to a movie: you want to watch a preview or read a review before you decide to spend your money on a ticket.
No one is going to subscribe to your site or have high attention for your content if they don't know who you are or read any background of your expertise.
Among the many guest blogging benefits, you have the opportunity to develop your name by writing for other sites around the blogosphere and gain exposure to a new community of followers.
Do you want to be an online celebrity? Make your name stand out!
Tip: I list some of my guest posts (and interviews) in my about page, as I think this helps increasing my authority and online reputation:
A simple concept to understand, link juice is the fuel created to push your website further into the "online land of importance".
The more links you have spread around the web, the more link juice you gain, and as a result, Google sees your website as a better search option.
In other words, the more link juice you have, the more your site works itself up the pages of Google searches.
By guest blogging, you are usually allotted up to two backlinks in the author bio at the bottom of your post, and you want to make sure you take advantage of both by linking to your site and to one of your social media profiles.
4. Guest Blogging Gives You More OpportunitiesThis is not the case for just anyone, but writers who are able to develop amazing content.
Bloggers who create viral and successful guest posts make people bookmark and refer back to them. This is a long lasting opportunity to market yourself for years in future (even more if you target established sites in your industry).
But guest blogging offers more benefits: other than increasing web traffic, you can get new customers and connections by having your content and name exposed to a brand new audience.
5. Guest Blogging Increases Your ExpertiseMost site owners don't start guest blogging thinking that they need to build their portfolio first, but in many cases, the experience level they have in their niche is just enough to start writing about it.
While creating more content, you gain experience and knowledge in your niche. And even if you are an expert, that does not mean you cannot learn new things or gain more knowledge on a certain subject.
By writing guest posts, you are challenged to develop creative ideas and widen your knowledge on the subject.
Not that I would encourage anyone to keep their best content for themselves, but if you are guest blogging great content on other sites, you will be that much better when it is time to get some creative juices flowing to your own site.
With time, you will be able to create such great articles that people can't wait long enough for your next post.
6. Guest Blogging Makes You MoneyNot the actual guest blogging makes you money (unless you offer these services), but the traffic that comes to your site at the result of your successful guest posts and backlinks.
Whether you're selling a $5 ebook or a $500 online course, you will likely make more sales and increase conversions.
This is one of the most important reasons you guest post in the same niche: this way, you attract people who are already interested in the same topic clicking a link to a site they may actually want to see or buy a product from.
Tip: through guest blogging, you will be able to increase your chances of getting new business and building new awesome relationships. Always network with people within your niche. I also think it's wise to invest time answering to the bloggers who is asking you to be interviewed or participate to experts roundups:
One of the amazing benefits of guest blogging is the traffic that comes to your site as a result.
I've already touched on traffic a bit, but there is really a huge benefit from gaining access to other sites.
When you guest post on a blog, you are able to reach thousands, or even tens of thousands of viewers that click on their site every single day.
If you guest post enough, the number of people who you are able to connect with is astronomically high.
Final WordsIf you haven't started yet, I hope this post has finally convinced you to begin guest blogging.
I'd love to hear your experience in this field and please share any of your tips or suggestions, by leaving a comment below, thanks!
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.As many of you know, I have been testing various ways to make money blogging since the get-go.
Today I'm focusing on how to use AmazonI think that many people are missing out on what Amazon has to offer, especially in the way of Amazon CPM ads. (So it goes without saying that this post may contain some affiliate or referral links.)
One of the biggest areas of monetization that I've been working on are with ads. I'm not here to debate whether or not bloggers should have ads on their sites, but today I'd like to tell you all about how to use Amazon CPM ads and use Amazon affiliate links.
I'll be honest – I didn't know about Amazon CPM until a few months ago. It's a relatively new program, but since implementing it, I have seen a pretty substantial change in revenue.
I have tried MANY ad networks, and I would only make a few pennies per day, if that.
I have used, InfoLinks, Google Adsense, and a few others. I made a bit of money over time, but I have never been able to cash out with these companies because I have never made enough to get through to the payment threshold.
On this blog, I have eliminated almost all ads that aren't Amazon CPM ads. Why? Take a look at my earnings since September, when I implemented their ads:
Even though my affiliate earnings are down, my ad revenue is up to between $1-5 per DAY. That's substantial considering my meager pennies from other ad networks. (I took a break from blogging for the whole month of August, and that's where my affiliate earnings tanked. However, you can see them increasing now.)
So let's do the math. Let's say I'm making $1 per day with just Amazon ads. That's an extra $30 per month that I can make for doing nothing extra, really. However, today I made $4.20 on Amazon CPM ads. That's $126 per month if I can make it happen daily.
Mind you, my page views are not super high right now. We're talking an average of about 1,000 page views per day. That's nothing crazy!
But here's the real selling point for me.Not only am I making more per day on my ads, I'm able to cash out A LOT sooner. It would take me an entire year (or more) to cash out my ad earnings on any other network I've used.
But it's not just because I'm making more with CPM ads – it's also because the program is combined with the affiliate program. My earnings from Amazon affiliate links are used with my CPM earnings meaning that things are adding up a whole lot quicker. Just look at this upward trend:
This is all very exciting to me because while I do have ads on my site, I don't have them in every post. I do have them on my sidebar and a few other places, but I don't feel like I have to put them everywhere to make a buck. I feel like I have finally reached a happy compromise – and it's so easy to place a few ads and start earning!
So here's how to put Amazon CPM ads on your site: Step 1: Apply to be an AmazonHead on over to, scroll down to the bottom and click "Become an Affiliate." (If you already are one, skip this step.) On that page, click "Join now for Free." Follow all of the steps completely.
Step 2: Add your domain name to your site list.Hover over "Amazon CPM Ads," then the "Home" button below that. Next, scroll down to "Site List" and edit it to include your domain name. It will just be your basic domain, like ""
Click "Create Ad Code." This is a yellow button on the upper right-hand corner.
Next, you'll need to follow the on-screen instructions.
Where it says "Name," I normally enter something that will help me remember where I place each ad code. For example, if I choose a 300 x 250 ad, I will name my ad "sidebar widget." If I choose a 728 x 90 ad, I'll name it "leaderboard" or "footer," etc. I sometimes get even more specific and say "Holiday Sidebar Widget." Whatever you do, name it something helpful. 🙂
If you aren't sure where to put ads of different sizes, here are some suggestions:
Your target CPM will change as your traffic changes. I based mine off of my CPM from a previous ad network, but if you're new to putting ads on your site, I suggest starting with $1.00. Once you've been in operation for awhile, you can update it.
Now here's where it gets a little tricky. Where it says Passback ad code, you'll need to enter a what I call a "backup" code. This is where a different ad network comes in for me.
When Amazon can't find an appropriate or relevant ad for a particular visitor to your site, it will want to use your backup code to make sure that something is displayed at all times. For this reason, I use my ad codes for Passback codes. That means that if something is going wrong with Amazon, I still make money on my other ad network.
If you've used a different ad network before, you can make an ad with the same dimensions and enter it in here. If you haven't, I suggest choosing a backup ad network to apply to and then entering in their codes here. As you can see, it's a requirement to have something there.
When you're all done there, scroll down a bit and click "View Ad Code."
You probably already have someplace in mind for your ad – maybe a sidebar widget. If so, all you need to do is add a Text/HTML widget to your sidebar and copy and paste your ad code there. (The same goes for leaderboard + footer ads if your theme allows for it.)
If you have WordPress, it's super easy:
That's all there is to it!
Now you can start to see some ad revenue!
A few tips for increasing your revenue:That's all for now! Happy blogging,
In Wednesday's blog we discussed ways RVers can make money with a computer as they travel the country. Here is a second helping of ways that different RVers we know or have met are earning a full or part time income with their computers.
Affiliate Marketing – There are many different affiliate marketing websites online that offer income potential. To make money with affiliate marketing, you sign up with a company that brings advertisers and hosts together, and pick the advertisements you want to run on your website(s) or blog(s). The advertiser pays you for every visitor, subscriber and/or customer who comes to them from your site(s). Depending on the agreement, your commission may be as low as a penny or two per click, to a percentage of each sale made. To be successful with affiliate marketing, you have to have a website or blog that draws a lot of readers every day. Some popular affiliate marketing companies include Commission Junction, Amazon, and Click Bank.
E-Zines – Another popular money making opportunity is publishing e-zines, which are online magazines. These days you can find e-zines on everything from outdoor sports to computers, sailing, crafts, and anything else you can think of. Publishers of e-zines make money from advertising and from selling products they create themselves. An example of a quality e-zine is Destinations Travel Magazine. The Gypsy Journal went all digital early this year, and you can get a sample copy at this link.
Day Trading – At a campground on the Mississippi Gulf coast, we met a man who made a very good living as a day trader. A year later we ran into a gentleman doing the same thing in Tennessee. If you study the markets and aren't afraid to gamble, maybe you can, too.
Creating Web Pages For Businesses – I'm not much of a technical guy, but I've built several websites using simple, inexpensive drop and drag programs. I've also built a couple of websites for friends' businesses, and been paid as much as $1,000 to do so. We know a number of RVers who pay for their winter RV parks with the money they make creating websites for small businesses, including the RV parks where they stay.
Custom Children's Books – With a simple desktop publishing program, a digital camera and scanner, and some relatively inexpensive bindery equipment, you can create a line of simple customized small children's books. By writing several short stories into different books, you can set up your computer program to allow you to drop in the name and photograph of children to create their own custom book – Johnny Goes To The Grand Canyon With Grandma and Grandpa, Susie's Special Saturday, Billy's Summer Adventure – you get the idea. Doting grandparents will love giving these personalized gifts to the kids back home.
Teaching Computer Classes – They say that those who can't, teach. I don't know about that, but there are a lot of computer savvy people offering classes in everything from basic computer operation to advanced things like managing digital photos, desktop publishing, etc. Our friends Jim and Chris Guld from Geeks on Tour have created a very successful business traveling around the country teaching a wide range of computer topics at RV rallies and events, campgrounds, and with online tutorials.
Niche Publishing – A major part of our annual income comes from the sale of the many niche publications we sell to RVers, such as our Guide To Free Campgrounds, Guide to Casino Camping, etc. We print them out on our laser printer as the orders come in and ship them out, or send them as PDF files by e-mail. Over the years I have helped many people create nice publications on everything from recipes to restoring classic cars, to regional historical guides. Here is a link to an article on niche publishing from my self-publishing website.
Computer Repair – Like anything made by man, computers are going to break now and then, or pick up a virus, or develop some problem. If you know how to fix and upgrade computers, and how to clean up viruses and other malware, you can make a lot of your RV park neighbors happy and make money at the same time.
E-Publishing – E-books are revolutionizing the publishing world and there are many people making huge profits self-publishing both fiction and nonfiction e-books. My first mystery novel, Big Lake, has sold over 350,000 copies to date and made the New York Times Kindle bestseller list a few months after it came out. I currently have 25 e-books on Amazon and I am busy writing more.
Services To E-Publishers – You don't have to write books yourself to cash in on the e-book boom. An entire cottage industry has been created by people who offer services to e-book authors that include proofreading, editing, cover design, and e-book formatting.
So there you have it, ten more ways to make money with your computer. And there are many more I have not mentioned. Get creative, do some research, then roll up your sleeves and get to work! If I can do it, you can, too.
Be sure to enter our latest Free Drawing. This week's prize is an audiobook of Point Taken, the tenth book in my friend Ben Rehder's excellent Blanco County mystery series. I've read just about all of Ben's books, and I don't think he could write a bad story if he tried. To enter, all you have to do is click on this Free Drawing link or the tab at the top of this page and enter your name in the comments section at the bottom of that page (not this one). Only one entry per person per drawing please, and you must enter with your real name. To prevent spam or multiple entries, the names of cartoon or movie characters are not allowed. The winner will be drawn Sunday evening.
Thought For The Day – In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.places where the media gossips, that Linda Ikeji has finally gone nuclear and launched everything in every available space, with multi-million naira investments to make sure she wins, the wags are out again: how is she getting the money? Where is she getting the money? Has the APC replaced the PDP as her biggest alleged benefactor?
So maybe we need to put this to rest and for all.
Linda Ikeji does not, in fact, need the money of any reich man, political party, or drug leader. You have to believe it: she makes all this money from blogging, from good old, consistent, hard-charging, talented, break-the-news-and-the-gist-first blogging.
To convince you and shut this down for the very last time, we will do the maths for you.
On Thursday, 11 August, we sat down – all of us together – and did an analysis of Linda's income in just one day, on just one site.
There are five basic income streams that are visible to the eyes on the lindaikejisblog.comhomepage.
1. Sponsored posts
In one day, we counted 20 sponsored posts on Linda Ikeji's site. TWENTY. And for good measure, we went back two weeks. That's the average. 20. Linda Ikeji's posts go for 50,000 each. Now, because they already so fairly priced, she doesn't give discounts on this amount – no matter the bulk, at least for the larger market. Last two weeks, she updated the cost to N55,000. But for the sake of argument, let's go with N50,000.
That means that in just ONE DAY, last Thursday, Linda Ikeji made N1 million naira. And she makes this minimum N1 million EVERY WEEK DAY. Without fail. That's N20 million naira per month, ONLY from sponsored posts.
2. Custom ads
These are adverts placed directly by companies or agencies. We haven't confirmed the new figures, but on an average this should cost N500,000 per month each. We counted 12 on her site on Thursday. That is N6 million in one month.
We see no evidence that any of them is an in-kind ad, perhaps from an event partnership. But let's even assume that 2 of them are. So let's make that N5 million a month.
3. Google Ads
This is her main source of income and the reason why the silly made-up scandal by Mr. Ayedee made her come out swinging. Her Google income, which comes in dollars, is her biggest, most consistent source of income outside of the top banner ads. They are a mainstay of the major sites in the country in terms of traffic including Naij, Pulse, Daily Post, SaharaReporters, TooXclusive, and Naijaloaded.
Let's assume Linda is doing 1 million page views a day in traffic – and there is no reason why she shouldn't. Why we are so sure? Alexa rankings are inaccurate judge of traffic, but for the top 50 players on that rankings site, they are pretty much reliable. You don't get to the top 50 by playing around with Alexa toolbars, or tech-contenting your way there.
Insiders say makes about 3 million, and certainly no more than 2 million page views a day.
Linda is Number 14 in Nigeria, and most importantly, Number 2,130 globally. Naij is Number 18 in Nigeria, and 2,168 globally. Since global is the best indicator for assumed pageviews, it means they are bye and large getting the same traffic. If the sources from Naij aren't suffering some kind of brain damage, that means Linda is hitting at least 2 million page views a day.
But for the purposes, of conservative calculations, let's say it's 1 million. She has the traditional 3 Google Ads on her site to suck up the income from that traffic. For that amount of traffic, she should be making no less than $50,000 monthly. Converting it with the really dollar exchange rate, not the anomaly from the Central Bank of Nigeria, that's at least (we used 375), that is a monthly revenue of at least N18,750,000.
You still here?
4. Top banners
At any given time that Jesus is on the throne, Linda has a minimum of 3 top banners on her site. On Thursday, when we counted there were three.
Each of those go for at least N1 million monthly. So, for those three, Linda has at least N3 million in her bank account.
So, N3 million.
5. Site takeover
This is hugely popular in Nigeria if you're BellaNaija or LindaIkeji. She has had the God is Good Motors app takeover on that site for at least three weeks now, if not a month.
That takeover costs N750,000 a week – the last time our source made a payment for the space. Four weeks makes that N3 million.
So let us do the maths together, brothers and sisters.
20,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 18,750,000 + 3,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 49,750,000.
Rounded up to the closest reasonable total, that is 50 million naira.
From just the things we can see on her site, Linda Ikeji has the capacity, on an average day to pull in 50 million naira through her blog.
That's a reasonable assumption of N600,000,000 every year.
The girl can afford a house in Banana Island based on her own income. She can afford original Louboutins whenever and however she wants them. And she sure as Jove can afford a N100 million a year office if she just wants a place to play.
Stop hating. Start praying.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.STOP…Do not join another company until you read my " How To Make Money With An Online Business" guide. I won't sugar coat it and I won't BS you. I'm going to lay it out clear as Crystal (pun intended) for ya. So if you are looking for the basics of what to do and what not to do, what questions to ask, and when to run – keep reading. If you want me to be a pansy about it, wrong blog
CAN I MAKE MONEY WITH AN ONLINE BUSINESSIs It True….. Can I Make Money With An Online Business? Well, yeah of course it's true!! However, without the proper guidance and help, instead of learning how to make money with an online business you are going to learn how to lose lots of money with an online business. If you just trust the word of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend's cousin's niece…then um, well I have some ocean front property for you in TN to sell. It has a great view
ACTIVELY WORKI've seen the slogans everywhere: make X amount of dollars with as little as 5 hours of work. That's probably not the case unless you have a VAST network of people and know veteran network marketers who have a VAST network of people to recruit. Seriously, don't fall for that. If you want to work a little, you can make a little money. If you are willing to actively work a lot, you have the potential to make a lot of money. Keep in mind, being busy isn't active work. That's busy work, not the same thing. You have to actively engage, actively network, actively recruit, actively build relationships, actively promote. Are you following the pattern……you have to be active.
LET ME EXPLAINI've been in network marketing for 17 years and I've been very successful with several companies. I've also been very unsuccessful too. I've walked away from thousands of dollars in commissions monthly just because the company didn't align with my vision anymore (yeah, that was a tough one to explain to the hubs). There have only been a couple of times that I can honestly say: the company was crap {can I say crap in a professional blog and it be ok? Who's the truth: the company WAS crap}. I don't want you to go through the numerous pitfalls that I did so, let me offer you a little help.
DO YOUR HOMEWORKResearch the company. Ask for documentation of their proclaimed "phenomenal paychecks"! Ask for screen shots of their back office, ask to listen in on conference calls with their team, ask for a 3-way call with their up line leader. Ask for permission to face time as they walk you through the commission structure in THEIR genealogy tree. Make them show you their down line/team of recruits.
Ask, Ask Ask. Then ask again. If you aren't given that information, run for the hills like a grizzly bear is chasing you.
TRY THE PRODUCTThis is a given, right? You can't sell something you don't use, right? You can't sell something you don't love, right? You can't sell something you don't believe in, right? Please tell me you said "right" 3 times. I'm not even going to talk about this anymore. Love the product or leave the idea. Don't be a slimy sales person who only sees dollar signs.
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCEHuge. This is vital. Let me give you an example: you are here probably because you follow me from Train Dirty Fitness, a women's company. So I would never sign up to sell mens jock straps. It wouldn't matter how much profit they are sure I could earn, the commissions of my up lines, or anything else. Um, my audience doesn't need their jocks strapped #WrongEquipment KWIM? If you know your audience is moms of toddlers and the product you are looking at is geared toward moms, then yeah – look into it. Be smart. The amount of money TO BE MADE means nothing if your audience can't relate.
WHERE TO GO FROM HEREI work with some amazing women who run online businesses and they do make money! Don't worry, I wouldn't list a single person on here if I didn't trust they are being truthful in their claims. Feel free to contact one (or several) for more information. Don't be afraid to reach out to ALL of them if you choose! You have to talk to many people to find the one you click with.
Find your soul mate biz partner, then run toward your dreams – like a grizzly bear is chasing you
LEGIT ONLINE BUSINESSESDid anyone else bust out in song? 2 legit, 2 legit to quit…yeah yeah..2 legit, 2 legit to quit. No? Ok, ignore that mini dance break then.
I've compiled a short list for ya to check out, but there are MANY more! Don't limit yourself – know your options.
{listed in no particular order}
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.The following is a guest post by Holly, a freelancer writer and blogger I've known for over five years. I've seen her grow her side-hustle, from a tiny site to one that has allowed her and her husband, Greg to quit their day jobs.
Freelance writing is the easiest way to get started making money online. I did some various freelance writing after I left my day job just to make sure I wouldn't starve to death. Despite receiving a severance and having passive income streams, I'm never 100% sure I'm doing the right thing until a long enough time passes.
Freelance writing is also one of the main reasons why I'll never be scared of running out of money again. I know that if all else fails, I can tap my network of startups I've cultivated since 2012 for writing assignments. Once you become an established online writer, you can easily make more than the median household income earns a year. Take it away Holly!
As someone who gets paid to create interesting content for the web, I recognize writing talent in everyday people all the time. Sometimes it's a thoughtful and poetic Facebook post crafted by someone I know. Other times, it's a witty email, a clever take on an issue, or a handwritten card filled with all the right words.
That doesn't mean everyone wants to write for a living, but some people absolutely do. Over the years, I've watched several of my friends take up blogging to express themselves and (hopefully) begin a digital career. Unfortunately, far too many never blog long enough to build anything meaningful. It's hard at first, they'll say, and there are few rewards for someone just starting out.
One of my friends, Karen, is the perfect example of a would-be writer who couldn't hang in there. After brainstorming passionately for months, she started a blog of her own and poured everything she had into it. But, just a few months later, I noticed she, too, sputtered out.
She worked in a grueling job with hectic hours and desperately needed a change, yet she couldn't juggle both the blogging and the career. Frustrated, she chose to settle on her regular, 9-5 job. For all the talent she had, giving up was such a shame.
Then again, I totally understood where she was coming from. I could have ended up just like Karen. In fact, I was Karen at least five or six times. When my husband and I started our blog in 2011, I quit at least once per month. I had a full-time job that consumed most of my waking hours, and seemingly, my life force. Oh, and I also had two kids under the age of three.
The GrindWhen we first started blogging, I had no choice but to get up at 5:00 a.m. to write before work, only to wait until the kids went to bed at 8:00 p.m. to finish. Needless to say, I was spent.
But I am one of the lucky ones. Each time I wanted to quit, my husband kept our website going. There were times when he wanted to quit, too, yet I was able to pull us through during those times. We have always been very yin and yang like that – always there to support one another at the right times. Fortunately, it worked and we're still blogging to this day.
Eventually, I even turned my love of blogging into a profitable side hustle creating online content. Over time, I found this is where I could really shine. This is where I belonged.
I had always been a writer, but never focused on writing exclusively for profit until I started blogging. Alas, I found I absolutely loved writing content in a variety of online formats outside of my own website, Club Thrifty. And most of all, I loved all the extra money that came with it.
This is where my husband and I are different. While he felt a sense of accomplishment from blogging alone, I only felt like I had "done something" when I was bringing in cash.
Forget the website traffic, I thought. I want the money. And that's exactly what I went after – the money.
Eventually, I had to quit my full-time job. Like, I absolutely had to. Not only was I driving myself crazy, but I was earning more money writing part-time than I was working full-time.
This wasn't a huge feat in itself. After all, I was only earning around $38,000 per year at my job. Still, it was exciting when I finally surpassed the $40,000 per year/$3,300 per month mark with my side hustle. This was 2012.
I still remember the excitement I felt when I landed my first few "big" blogging gigs. Actually, Sam was one of the first editors to give me a break. He hired me to write at a large fintech company when he was their consultant, then again for ongoing work elsewhere.
Fast forward a few years, and I'm still writing for a living. And with a few years under our belts, our blog is profitable enough that my husband is home, too. So yes, we're both full-time, stay-at-home workers. We're the kind of people who keep our neighbors guessing as to what we do.
Despite outward appearances though, I actually stay very busy. If you ever read about money or travel on the web, you have probably read my words. Not only do I serve as Contributing Editor at The Simple Dollar, but I write columns for Lending Tree, Frugal Travel Guy, U.S. News and World Report Travel, and other top publications.
When Sam wrote about how much bloggers actually make earlier this year, he was spot on. There's definitely a difference between earning most of your money on your own website or other people's, but the message is the same. There is an enormous amount of opportunity out there, and the spoils will go to those who seize it.
I work long hours (40+ hours per week) and I pour my soul into at times, but I work less overall and I earn a hell of a lot more. In 2015, for example, I invoiced for around $180,000 in freelance work. This year, I am on track to invoice for more than $225,000.
As an added bonus, being self-employed means never having to deal with the words "overtime," "PTO," or "staff meeting" again. On a personal level, my husband and I are also able to travel around once per month – working intermittently during our longer trips. Since I write about travel for a living now, most of this "work" is also a tax write-off.
Truthfully, it's pretty darn awesome – at least most of the time.
How to Turn Writing Skills into Dollar SignsThis year alone, I have easily received 300+ emails from people asking how we've done it. How was I able to build a freelance writing career from scratch? How were we both able to leave our jobs? And, most importantly, where can a starting writer find the kind of work that might help them do the same thing?
Just as often, however, I get questions on how I became a paid travel writer. For people who love to travel, getting paid to jet around is practically the holy grail. I mean, who wouldn't want to get paid to see the world?
Even for those who don't want to write about travel, the freedom that comes with digital entrepreneurship is intriguing on its own. Location independence and the ability to set your own hours is something people dream of, yet few achieve. Even if you're a homebody, there's something alluring about being able to live life on your own terms.
Then again, it all boils down to how. How do you get started, and where is all of this opportunity I speak of? Who are these people that are hiring, and how can you find them?
How to Turn Writing Skills into a Digital Career, Q&ATo answer all of these questions and more, I did what all digital entrepreneurs do – I created an online course. Totally predictable, I know, but very valuable.
During nine video modules hosted by yours truly, I explain how anyone with writing talent and the drive to succeed can start on the path towards freelance success. If you're interested, you can find my new course online at
No matter what, there is a real thirst for this information. People are yearning to learn more, yet not entirely sure where to look. If you love to write, wish you could write for pay, and desperately want to work from home, here are a few questions and answers that can help.
Q. What is the first step a person should take if they're interested in getting paid to write?
A. By and large, the most important step you can take is to start blogging and building your online presence. Your website doesn't have to be fancy, but you generally need to have an "online home" or online portfolio to get jobs.
Q. What is the most important attribute a person who writes online can have?
A. Being responsive and responsible is just as important as being a good writer. There are so many talented freelancers out there, yet few of them know how to be the ideal freelancer. There's a difference. Ideal freelancers respond to emails promptly, follow directions, and make their editor's jobs easier.
Q. How can I become a travel writer?
A. I suggest doing exactly what Sam has done with his new travel category. To become a travel writer, you have to start writing about travel. Don't wait for permission or for someone to hire you outright. Become who you want to be and create the social proof you are a travel writer first. Once you accomplish that step, the jobs will come.
Q. What if I want to write about something else?
A. Nearly every business has a blog these days, and all of them hire writers to create fresh content on a regular basis. As a result, you could wind up writing about anything from pet care to makeup or even high fashion. I always suggest people find their areas of interest and expertise, then brainstorm related businesses that might hire writers.
While I mostly write about travel and personal finance, I have also created content for all types of businesses that deal in everything from lawn care to higher education. If you can dream it up, you can do it.
Q. How much money can you make creating content online?
A. It really depends. I know people who earn anywhere from a few hundred bucks per week to six figures every year. The amount of money you'll make depends on the niches you'll find yourself in, how well you use your time, and how good your writing skills are.
Personally, I started writing articles for around $100 each. Years later, I try to earn at least $300 for anything I write, and up to $1,500 for meatier and lengthier content.
To give you a broader idea of what to expect, I reached out to a few more writers I know to see how much they earn for various types of content. Here's what they said:
"My name is Carrie Smith Nicholson, and I write blog posts for startups and small businesses related to financial organization, entrepreneurship, productivity and freelancing. I earn between $250 and $500 for every post I submit. In 2015, I earned $78,000 from my freelance writing pursuits."
"My name is Lindsay VanSomeren, and I write science and personal finance blog posts between 700-2000 words. I earn anywhere from $75 to $350 for my work. I've been doing this for just nine months, and depending on the workload, I make anywhere from $700 to $1475 per month."
"I'm Emilie Burke and I write personal finance content for a myriad of sites and brand-sponsored content for my blog. I earn between $65 and $225 per post (300-500 words). I do price myself based on the client. (Bigger brands get charged market rate, a mom and pop shop might get a discount.) I earn about $500/month in freelance income, which is supplementary to my full time job."
"I'm Eric Rosenberg, and I left my day job in April to go full-time with my business as a freelance writer and website developer. Last year, I made $40,000 as a freelancer on the side, and decided to take the plunge this year as a full-time freelancer. Since leaving my job as a Senior Financial Analyst, I have made around $5,000-$8,500 per month and expect to end the year with around $75,000 in revenue."
As you can see, freelance income is can be over the place depending on the person and their niche. How much you can earn depends on your level of skill, your experience, and the rates you negotiate.
A real income statement of a friend who left her job in 2015 and now earns roughly $50,400 a year freelance writing.
Final ThoughtsWhere people once had mostly traditional jobs, the internet has ushered in a new revolution of online freelancers and entrepreneurs. That includes the writers and content creators that craft the blog posts and web content people read every day.
When you really think about it, it's amazing how many businesses need writers to create their web content and write their blog posts. Every word you read on the internet was crafted by someone, after all. If you're someone who loves to write, there's no reason some of that work can't be yours.
If you're already a blogger, you already know how much opportunity is out there. If you're still on the fence, you're probably curious where this path could lead. Either way, you should know that creative people are building epic writing careers from scratch every single day. If you want to be one of them, the onus to take that first step is on you. Here's the link to my course if you're interested in earning extra money freelance writing.
Any freelance writers out there earning some extra money on the side? Anybody else leave their full-time jobs to freelance write or blog full-time?
– Holly