Saturday, October 31, 2015

Why Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That #Google Is Stealing From Publishers #

Why Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That Google Is Stealing From Publishers Google ... stealing money from web publishers to fatten its own profit margins. The theory is fake — we'll explain why below — but three sources who have done business with Google's AdSense advertising program for years told Business Insider they ... read moreWhy Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That Google Is Stealing From Publishers Google recently denied, vehemently, a gossipy conspiracy theory that suggested the search engine was stealing ... for users, advertisers and other publishers. When we discover violations of these policies, we take quick action, which in some cases includes ... read more

Why Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That Google Is Stealing From Publishers Google recently denied, vehemently, a gossipy conspiracy theory that suggested the search engine was stealing money from web publishers to fatten its own profit margins. The theory is fake — we'll explain why below — but three sources who have done ... read moreThis Guy Says Google Took Away $46K In AdSense Earnings, And He Doesn't Know Why In some cases ... be a former Google employee posted two very detailed explanations about how Google was stealing money from publishers by banning their accounts just ahead of payouts. The claims have been mostly written off as conspiracy theory in ... read moreThe Dominant White Response to Baltimore Shows Why Black Residents are Justified in their Anger Bernard Bailey ... alive and well, before being killed by Police Chief Richard Combs Before Mike Brown, before Eric Garner, before Trayvon Martin, a beloved man in small-town South Carolina named ... read moreExclusive: Google's Click Fraud Rate is Less than 2% The click fraud rate – as discovered by most AdWords advertisers – is on average, less than 2% of all clicks through Google's system. So why did Google break its silence to on this touchy subject? How did we manage to get the ... read moreEscalating Ad Wars On the other hand, I sympathize with the desire to ... t thought of those who use ad-block software as stealing from me, in the way that Frank Schaeffer does. But neither do I think that one has some inherent right to be able to access sites which depend ... read moreWhy I pirate ... is piracy an issue in the first place? To answer that, I have to tell you why I pirate stuff. In its current form, copyright laws are broken. It varies from country to country, but in most Western countries copyright law has devolved into some kind of ... read moreInternet giants wage war on pop-up ad blockers Google ... that helps publishers see which ads are being blocked. Depending on the website, the percentage of viewers equipped with ad-blocking software ranges from 10 to 60 percent Internet users may dream about ad-free surfing, but for advertisers ... read moreMarketing Day: Yelp Down 3 Hours, Pinterest Lands $200M, Google Glass' New Leader Yelp may be down for some of you right now. We're experiencing networking ... First, not only should the end conversion numbers be tied back […] Google Names Ivy Ross As First Head Of Glass Division Google has added another executive with retail ... read more

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Source: Why Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That #Google Is Stealing From Publishers #

User experience vs. making money: With deep linking, developers must choose

This article, User experience vs. making money: With deep linking, developers must choose, originally appeared on

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 Image: iStockphoto/daboost

Deep linking is a big deal, but not in the way you think.

For most people, deep linking is a way to drop a mobile user into a specific, indexable place within an app. As new as deep linking is, it's already taking off. According to URX, one of the top deep linking companies, 33% of the top apps contain publicly accessible deep links. That includes everyone from ESPN to Fandango and YouTube.

That's a nice start, but adoption is about to hit overdrive, given strong support by Apple and Google. In fact, Amit Singhal, SVP of search at Google, recently claimed that Google has indexed 100 billion pages within mobile apps and that 40% of mobile searches on Android return app results.

And yet...that's just the plumbing. It's not even where the most innovative work in mobile app deep linking is being done.

To uncover the potential of deep linking, I sat down with Mike Fyall (@mikefyall), head of marketing at URX.

A busine ss or a feature?

With both Apple and Google pushing to make deep links part of the common fabric of mobile infrastructure, it's somewhat surprising that there are companies dedicated to deep linking: URX,, Branch Metrics, and more.

But, as Fyall describes, no one is really focused on building standalone deep linking technology businesses. Not anymore. Instead, they're leveraging the data buried in those links to solve other problems within mobile:

There is an enormous opportunity in helping developers build distribution, engagement, and monetization tools for mobile apps. App discovery is still a huge problem. Mobile commerce is still in its infancy. And, publishers are struggling to find advertising solutions that make money without compromising their user experience.

URX, itself, is heavily focused on contextual discovery and monetization. While developers may use its technology to provide "a single-click shortcut to relevant content," as Fyall wri tes in a separate blog post, the real gold comes from "building a discovery layer for mobile that recommends relevant content to users based on their context."

Playing it safe

Some developers, however, have steered clear of deep links--worried, among other things, about IP issues.

As Fyall points out, however, "The question really isn't about deep linking, it is about app indexing. Deep linking is simply the ability to link inside an app. App indexing is indexing apps just like websites so they can be discovered via search. There are many benefits for both users and developers to be able to navigate directly to where they want to go."

IP issues aside, the biggest concern for most developers is the potential for "losing their relationship with their customers" because, as Fyall continues, "Increasingly, Apple, Google, and social platforms like Facebook and Twitter want to use publisher content without linking back to their own site."

Developers are stuck wit h having to decide between a great customer experience or one that is more easily monetized.

There are no easy answers, Fyall warns. "Developers need to seriously weigh the tradeoff between discoverability and control. Over time, I'm confident that the search engines will find the right balance and that everyone that enables web crawlers on their desktop site will also enable app indexing."

To his point, it won't matter very much if publishers retain absolute control over their content if no one reads it due to poor discoverability.

The future of deep linking

So, where do we go from here?

According to Fyall, there are two huge opportunities for deep linking that will make it essential:

First, when search or discovery tools drive significantly more traffic to indexed apps. The reason that every website allows Google to search them is because so much traffic comes from search. The same thing doesn't happen yet on mobile, of course, but he reasons "If Go ogle Now or Spotlight starts driving tons of traffic, everyone will do it."

Second, he suggests, "the retailers that enable deep linking are going to crack mobile commerce first." Apps convert at 3x the rate that mobile websites do and create a more seamless experience with an easier way to pay. They need to be able to shorten the path to purchase, and deep links can help them do it.

Every company needs to be thinking about mobile, which increasingly means they also need to be thinking about deep linking. That said, publishers need to figure out how to balance their urge for control with the need for discoverability. There are no easy answers here, but there is plenty of opportunity.

Also see
  • How deep linking can fix mobile (TechRepublic)
  • Pro tip: Manage your Google Now cards history with ease (TechRepublic)
  • Does there need to be an app for that? (TechRepublic)
  • Here's how to start on your company's mobile strategy (TechRepublic)
  • Information Technology
  • Technology & Electronics
  • deep linking
  • Google

  • Source: User experience vs. making money: With deep linking, developers must choose

    Friday, October 30, 2015

    Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #

    Set Up Your Own Blogging Network And Split AdSense Revenues With Fair Blogs Want to set up your own blogging network on the fly and automatically share the ad revenue among the contributors? That's the premise behind Fair Blogs, a new service from Fair Software. The idea is simple: you organize a blogging network or a virtual ... read moreNo Wizardry Needed! The Ultimate Guide for Monetizing your Blog Making money off third-party advertising platforms such as those listed above (including AdSense ... of monetizing your blog with well-paying advertisements. You may also want to write for other blogs and get paid in return while you use your own blog ... read more announced; a free speech haven for bloggers, truth-tellers, alt medicine practitioners and activists Created as a free speech haven for people who have important knowledge to share, allows anyone to easily set up ... your own blogs, how-to articles, news reports or other information, get started right now at: http://www.naturalnews ... read moreSearch And Destroy For years after starting Gawker Media, the online publishing network, in 2002 ... would probably have sent you your first e-mail, and set you up with your first blog. He made his millions in a couple of dot-com-era ventures. Through Gawker, Denton wages ... read moreThe Economics of Blogging and The Huffington Post Although The Huffington Post does not pay those who volunteer to write blogs for it, this content represents only a small share of its traffic. And, to put it bluntly, many of those blog posts aren ... brushing up against fair use guidelines) generated ... read more25 Things I Hate About Google, Revisited 5 Years Later Fair enough, but query refinement is important. It can help people, and Google remains oddly lacking in not having it. It pops up ... across your entire AdSense network. I think we know who is getting rich quick off those ads. Stop giving away Blogger ... read moreGreen Business Ideas: Consignment Shop for Kids Clothing and Toys What is a kids clothing and toy consignment shop? Consignment shops take gently used goods from some customers and sell them to others. The revenues from the sale are split between the ... or smartphone can be set up to handle credit and debit card ... read moreCNN REAGAN LIBRARY DEBATE: Later Debate Full Transcript It's also being broadcast on the Salem Radio Network. I know everyone ... I will ask follow-up questions, I will attempt to guide the discussion. Candidates, I will try to make sure each of you gets your fair share of questions. You'll have one minute ... read moreDISH Network Set-top Tests Google-Powered Search Google appears to be testing at least search functionality on a set-top box designed by DISH Network ... any advertising revenues back to the provider itself -- until such a time when the service provider discontinues or lays off its own OS programs ... read moreSkip Oliver Stone, but do Catch a Wave In a film that, as she says, may end up being "the definitive ... Stephen Colbert's paean to our own Rocket Man, which is, in the unlikely event any of your readers haven't seen it, available here. I'm a reader of blogs, and a writer of one ( ... read more

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    Source: Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #

    The difference between super PACs and dark money groups

    Key differences between super PACs and dark money groups; click for larger version. (Graphic credit: Sunlight Foundation)

    After an investigative report by The Washington Post revealed several super PACs acting in support of his campaign, Donald Trump acted swiftly, condemning the activities of the super PACs and ordering his attorneys to send cease and desist letters to several groups.

    This action, as well as the placement of television ads by a dark money group supporting Marco Rubio, has triggered a debate within the Republican party about the impact of money in the election, with both Trump and fellow GOP hopeful Jeb Bush taking swings at each other about the influence of dark money in the election.

    We were glad to hear candidates having a spirited discussion about the role of money in the 2016 election cycle. However, a lot of the headlines mentioned Trump rejecting "dark money" in particular. (Probably because the title of his press release was "Donald J. Trump Calls On All Presidential Candidates to Return Dark Money Sent to Super PACs.")

    We reached out to the Trump Campaign for clarification; what exactly did Trump mean when he used the term dark money? Press contact Hope Hicks confirmed that Trump means all money given to super PACs in particular; however, like other political action committees, super PACs do have to file regular financial disclosure forms with the Federal Election Commission, including the source of donations and the amounts given. That's why we generally refer to super PAC funds as "unlimited money."

    Here's the huge caveat: Because super PACs are permitted to accept money from entities that do not have to make the sources of their funding public, such as 501(c)(4) groups, it's possible for them to keep the names of actual donors hidden from the public. We call this "dead-end disclosure."

    Since campaign finance can be a complicated issue, we thought we would do a quick 101 for super PACs versus dark money for the 2016 election cycle.

    Here are some of the key characteristics of unlimited money from super PACs, also referred to as "independent expenditure groups."

  • No limit on the dollar amount of contributions
  • Do disclose donors
  • Cannot coordinate with or donate money to candidates
  • Federal Election Commission has jurisdiction over these organizations
  • In election years, file reports on donors either monthly or quarterly, as well as reports on independent expenditures within either 24 or 48 hours (based upon the date and amount of the expenditure); in nonelection years, file reports on donors monthly or semi-annually, as well as reports on independent expenditures within either 24 or 48 hours (based upon the date and amount of the expenditure)
  • Here's an example of a super PAC disclosure form from the FEC, Karl Rove's American Crossroads. Note how each donor is listed out with specific details:

    Now, let's turn to dark money. When we use the term "dark money," we mean money coming from 501(c) organizations, named after their identification in the tax code. These include social welfare groups, unions and trade organizations registered with the IRS. Recently, the focus has been on 501(c)(4) social welfare groups, since the Citizens United ruling empowered these nonprofits in particular to participate in politicking much more actively. (Here's a great rundown of 501(c)(4) groups from our friends at if you want greater detail.) Some characteristics of these groups:

  • No limit on the dollar amount of contributions
  • Do NOT have to disclose their donors
  • Cannot coordinate with or donate money to candidates
  • IRS has jurisdiction over these organizations
  • May participate in nonpartisan political activity providing a "majority" of their activity go to "social welfare" activities. (It's widely accepted that this means at least 50.1 percent of their efforts must go toward social welfare activities, which are broadly defined by the IRS.)
  • Report their spending through 990 IRS tax forms, which are typically delayed by a year or more and often long after the elections have ended; 990s often show major vendors these nonprofit hire and what groups they give money to, but are not obligated to say what the money purchased with any specificity. (However, 501(c) groups must report independent expenditures to the FEC as well.)
  • Campaign donations are sometimes funneled through these organizations to super PACs to mask donors
  • Here's an example of a dark money disclosure form, courtesy of ProPublica. In this case, it is American Crossroads' sister organization, Crossroads GPS.

    Note how few details are released; only the dollar amount is available, even though these are big-money contributions.

    The nuances of these two terms become important when you look at the attacks happening between fellow Floridians Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. After the most recent filing deadline, Rubio's campaign bragged that it had more cash on hand than the Bush Campaign.

    A Bush spokesman fired back with this tweet:

    Haven't seen the Rubio press release on frugality did it include the $6 million in secret money TV ads they saved money on?

    — Tim Miller (@Timodc) October 15, 2015

    Most of Rubio's television advertising has been funded by a 501(c)(4). The only reason we know about how much they are spending is because, under FCC rules, broadcasters are required to keep information about who is buying ads on their stations and make them available to the public online. This is one of the only ways to pick up on how dark money groups are getting involved in elections. However, there is no standardization of what information broadcasters are required to file making it often difficult to figure out who is behind the dark money groups.

    Bush has advocated for unlimited money in elections, but requiring disclosure of donors as well as reporting contributions within 48 hours of receipt. However, it should be noted that Bush also has a 501(c)(4) dark money group, Right to Rise Solutions, supporting him as well. We have not yet seen that organization run ads on Bush's behalf, though a pro-Bush super PAC is quite active in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

    Source: The difference between super PACs and dark money groups

    Thursday, October 29, 2015

    Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #Scandal

    Set Up Your Own Blogging Network And Split AdSense Revenues With Fair Blogs Want to set up your own blogging network on the fly and automatically share the ad revenue among the contributors? That's the premise behind Fair Blogs, a new service from Fair Software. The idea is simple: you organize a blogging network or a virtual ... read moreNo Wizardry Needed! The Ultimate Guide for Monetizing your Blog Making money off third-party advertising platforms such as those listed above (including AdSense ... of monetizing your blog with well-paying advertisements. You may also want to write for other blogs and get paid in return while you use your own blog ... read more announced; a free speech haven for bloggers, truth-tellers, alt medicine practitioners and activists Created as a free speech haven for people who have important knowledge to share, allows anyone to easily set up ... your own blogs, how-to articles, news reports or other information, get started right now at: http://www.naturalnews ... read moreSearch And Destroy For years after starting Gawker Media, the online publishing network, in 2002 ... would probably have sent you your first e-mail, and set you up with your first blog. He made his millions in a couple of dot-com-era ventures. Through Gawker, Denton wages ... read moreThe Economics of Blogging and The Huffington Post Although The Huffington Post does not pay those who volunteer to write blogs for it, this content represents only a small share of its traffic. And, to put it bluntly, many of those blog posts aren ... brushing up against fair use guidelines) generated ... read more25 Things I Hate About Google, Revisited 5 Years Later Fair enough, but query refinement is important. It can help people, and Google remains oddly lacking in not having it. It pops up ... across your entire AdSense network. I think we know who is getting rich quick off those ads. Stop giving away Blogger ... read moreGreen Business Ideas: Consignment Shop for Kids Clothing and Toys What is a kids clothing and toy consignment shop? Consignment shops take gently used goods from some customers and sell them to others. The revenues from the sale are split between the ... or smartphone can be set up to handle credit and debit card ... read moreCNN REAGAN LIBRARY DEBATE: Later Debate Full Transcript It's also being broadcast on the Salem Radio Network. I know everyone ... I will ask follow-up questions, I will attempt to guide the discussion. Candidates, I will try to make sure each of you gets your fair share of questions. You'll have one minute ... read moreDISH Network Set-top Tests Google-Powered Search Google appears to be testing at least search functionality on a set-top box designed by DISH Network ... any advertising revenues back to the provider itself -- until such a time when the service provider discontinues or lays off its own OS programs ... read moreSkip Oliver Stone, but do Catch a Wave In a film that, as she says, may end up being "the definitive ... Stephen Colbert's paean to our own Rocket Man, which is, in the unlikely event any of your readers haven't seen it, available here. I'm a reader of blogs, and a writer of one ( ... read more

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    Source: Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #Scandal

    How I Made $38,000 From Blogging (and Launched My Career!)

    When I left my full-time job in April, I think the majority of people (who didn't know me super well, or who didn't actively read my site, L Bee and the Money Tree) thought I left my job to become a full time blogger. I get the sense this is the misconception because of the handful of times I've been introduced as "This is Lauren, she blogs for a living" or some variant thereof these last six months.

    I love blogging. I identify myself as a blogger and influencer, but I do not make a full-time living off the blog. That's not to say I'm not proud of what I've accomplished, but I don't make a full-time person's salary off it. At least not yet.

    But I do get asked a lot "How is it you make money from blogging?" which is a great question and one I wanted to answer, and I thought I would share with you today just how much I've made in the last three years as a blogger.

    First Let Me Detail the Ways I Make Money As a Blogger

    Native Advertising: Better known as sponsored posts, brands will pay me for posts that mention their business, review a product, or contain relevant, valuable content related to what they offer. They do this because they want to gain exposure or drive traffic to a certain site or piece of content. I love doing these and it's nice to see in the last year and a half or so how much brands have embraced working with bloggers!

    Blog Coaching: I offer one-on-one sessions to beginner bloggers who want to learn a lot in a short amount of time and expand their brands and websites to become online income generators. This is something I just started offering this year and it has been exciting to see it take off!

    Branded Campaigns: Similar to sponsored posts but the brands will pay for multiple posts and social messages over a set period of time.

    Ad Networks: I participate in a handful of ad networks (like BlogHer and Google Adsense) who run ads on my site and pay me for it.

    Video Sponsorships: I've only recently gotten into this revenue stream, but I like it a lot. With video I have to pay my brother's production company to help me produce the videos but it's a double win of exposure for me, exposure for the brand, video for their site + revenue for my pocket.

    Appearances and Speaking: I've also done appearances at conferences and local events for travel expenses and a fee. Sometimes I prepare a presentation and speak, other times I sit on a panel and talk on a given topic (like the awesome one I did with Prudential this summer.)

    Freelance Finance Writing - Because I blog about money, I've received many offers through the years for paid finance writing gigs on other websites. I used to do a lot more of this in the early days, although now I almost exclusively write finance content for LBMT.

    What Isn't Included (or things other bloggers do that I don't... yet)

    Affiliate Advertising: A lot of bloggers do affiliate advertising. Some do it very, very well. Aff iliate advertising works like this: brands (via affiliate networks) will give bloggers links to products or services. Bloggers embed those links into their posts and then they get a "fee" or "commission" of whatever business they bring to that brand. I'm simplifying it, but you get the idea. I've struggled with doing affiliates in the past because a) I never want to rep something I don't use and b) I have weird feels about writing about credit cards to use because of my own history with credit. Now that I've learned more about it and more and more brands are working with affiliates, it is something I am looking to expand into this year.

    Product and Book Sales: I attempted to sell my Grow Your Money Tree tool kit for a hot second before I decided to give it away for free as a thank you for joining the newsletter list (Get your free copy here!). Eventually I hope to have more digital downloads and an e-book on homeownership to sell on the site... you know, if I could ever find t he time to sit down and finish it. ;)

    Product Reviews: In the three years I've been blogging I've received well over $1,000 of free product and books.

    My Blogging Income (Year over Year)

    With all these ways to make money, blogging can be (and is for me) incredibly lucrative. But I love it. I blogged before I got paid and I'd continue to blog even if no one gave me a dime. With that said getting paid for something I'm passionate about (whether you call it a career or a "hobby") is awesome.

    It is also important to note here that I did not include any of the income from my content marketing business, Beehive Content, in these totals. While I have gotten LEADS from my blog, my client work isn't about personal finance and blog articles, so I chose not to include it.

    If I included work I got from people who saw my site and said "hey come do that for my company!" the number below would be GIANT, which I didn't feel was an accurate reflection of the type of mo ney you can make simply by being a blogger (which is what this article is all about!)

    The numbers below also don't reflect the intangibles: like how this blog helped me completely shift careers without going back to school, enabled me to bone up on expertise so I now have a solid background in B2B marketing and copywriting, and lead me on adventures I'd never thought I'd have and meet some of the coolest people on the planet. There are certain aspects of the blogger lifestyle you can't put a price on.

    Now What You've Been Waiting For! The Numbers!

    YTD Blog Income Total (2012) - $1,395 (I blogged 7 months of 2012)YTD Blog Income Total (2013) - $8,255YTD Blog Income Total (2014) - $11,345YTD Blog Income Total (2015) - $16, 604.59 (thru September 2015)Total Lifetime Blog Earnings = $37, 599.49 (in 3.5 years)

    $37k over three years (or roughly, $11,000 a year) may not seem like a lot to some, especially compared to mega bloggers who make that much in a month. To others, it may feel like a ton of money. For me, I am happy but focused on growth.

    My current take-home income is about 35-40% what I make from the blog. In September 2015 I took home $5,050 in blog income alone, which makes September the first month I matched my former corporate salary just by blogging alone and it happened when I least expected it!

    And don't forget--->Having a professional, money-making blog is an excellent portfolio piece and is living proof I know how to write and market myself and my "brand" online. It always comes up in interviews and people always want to know more.

    What do you think? Is this what you thought bloggers made? What aspects of it surprised you?

    This post originally appeared on L Bee and the Money Tree.

    Source: How I Made $38,000 From Blogging (and Launched My Career!)

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015

    Which #AdSense Ads and Locations work best on my #Blog ? #

    Which Adsense Ads and Locations work best on my blog ? If you ask ten webmasters about the best Adsense unit that is offered at the moment, the best color scheme for that unit and best location you would get ten different answers. There is no absolute truth, no way to setup Adsense that will earn you the most. read moreAd Blockers & Analytics: What Webmasters Should Know And Do Ad blockers ... content blockers work and, therefore, find potential solutions. There are two systems in place: element hiding and asset blocking. Therefore, files coming from domains such as (used for AdSense) or files with a name ... read more

    AdWords Goes Dynamic: 4 Things You Don't Have To Do Manually Anymore When I head home to visit my parents, my mom never fails to comment ... directly from your site to be displayed in text ads. You get all the benefit of callouts without having to do any of the work. Total win for the lazy among us. Not confident that ... read moreTV Q&A: Why do TV stations all go to commercial at the same time? Rob: There's no secret about it: There are only so many ways to split up an hour of TV between program time and ad time ... is your best bet. Ask TV questions by emailing, including your first name and location, or ... read moreFacebook Reactions for Horse People Alternate use: For our friends in Canada, Great Britain and other locations where blue ribbons denote second place, this is a way to give your buddy a gentle ribbing. Yeah, it was a good ride, but not the best ... my money" reaction. Friend shares a sale ... read moreYour Twitter Feed Is About to Be Flooded With Polls Facebook responded to such concerns in a blog ... their best content, the company will need to reassure them that it won't be stolen. And as the battle between Facebook and YouTube heats up over those very creators, and the much-desired video ad dollars ... read moreThe Gospel According to T.C. Cannon He was selling ads for a publication ... ever become mayor, one of my first official duties will be to get Langford out of prison and bring him back to Birmingham, put a [location detection] bracelet on him, and he'll work from daylight to dark ... read moreHow to become an independent IT consultant It's very common for me to get calls about projects when the timing doesn't work (e.g., I am booked), or the location is too ... they find out about you? My second major assignment came from Twitter, just replying to an ad for someone contract and remote. read moreAs print media dies, Minneapolis' Greenroom Magazine thrives And, on his music blog ... my shoes on, Tip [Madrigal] and Breon [Jones] DJing/stage managing/wristband-ing at all the Greenroom events — these type of commitments are the lifeline for passion projects, and have built a family-like culture." The magazine ... read moreThirty People Who Are Changing The Game For Young Australia Like all the best endeavours, Future Classic started purely as a passion ... I don't need femisimi because wondering if I'm going to be attacked just walking home really gets my blood racing it is like free drugs!!!!! She also counts the funniest ... read more

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    Source: Which #AdSense Ads and Locations work best on my #Blog ? #

    5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job

    Nearly everyone dreams of quitting his or her day job, whether it's tomorrow, next year or in the next decade. However, there is a wide chasm between "dreams" and "action" that many people never seem to cross -- and it's usually due to finances.

    Obviously, if you want to quit, you need to find another way to make enough income to pay your bills, save for the future and enjoy life. But what's the best way to do this? How can you make enough "side income" now so you can quit your job in the near future?

    Here are five great ways to make side income while still working your day job:

    1. Invest in real estate.

    My eyes were first open to the idea of "passive income" after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Although not a real-estate book, it taught me the value of owning assets that produce income, which led me to real estate. Real-estate investing is not always passive, and not always easy, but it can be highly profitable. In addition, there are hundreds of ways to invest in real estate. For example, you could:

  • Flip houses
  • Own rental houses
  • Become a "house hacker"
  • Own vacation rentals (AirBnB)
  • Rent out duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes
  • Buy and rent out apartment complexes
  • Real-estate investing is my favorite way to create side income because it runs like a locomotive. It might take a little time to build up, but once it's running, it goes a long way with less effort and is hard to stop.

    Related: Earn More Cash Through Your Personal Brand With These 3 Avenues

    2. Write a book.

    Many people have dreams of writing a book, but very few ever do. They think it's too hard, that they don't know enough, don't have enough time, aren't smart enough or whatever other excuse they can come up with. But the truth is: you can write a book, and that book can help you make additional monthly income.

    There are several avenues you can take when writing a book, and there is no "best route." For example:

  • You could write a series of shorter topic-specific books and publish them on Kindle.
  • You could self-publish through your own website and sell to your existing customers.
  • You could partner with a larger platform and sell to its audience (as I did).
  • You could work to get published through a major publishing company (probably the most difficult path).
  • You could record an audiobook and publish it on Audible.
  • Writing a book today is not as tough as it once was, as there are so many avenues with which you could publish. The keys are no longer held by elite publishing companies in New York City. The keys are now in your hands.

    3. Sell a product on Amazon.

    I'm slightly addicted to Amazon Prime, as my local UPS driver can attest to. It seems every day I have a package or two waiting at my doorstep -- and it's usually from people just like you. Most of them probably never touch the product that I'm buying.

    That's right: you no longer need to have a warehouse, inventory or employees to buy wholesale products and sell them at retail. Amazon has leveled the playing field and now anyone can sell products.

    A friend of mine, Chris from, decided to sell products on Amazon. He researched best-selling ideas, contacted a manufacturer in China and had the perfect model designed, had the product shipped to Amazon's fulfillment center in the United States and sells his product on the site, making thousands of dollars a month in profit.

    The best part? Chris doesn't ever touch the product, and it largely runs on autopilot at this point.

    Related: 10 High-Paying Jobs You Can Do on the Side

    4. Sell your skills.

    Chances are you are good at something in the business world. Perhaps it's accounting, data entry, video production or writing.

    Whatever you are good at, there are likely people out there willing to pay you good money to run that part of their business for them. Smart business owners know that they should focus on what they are good at, and hire out the rest. This is where you can come in and make side income doing what you love.

    In addition to freelancing, you could also become a consultant. For example, my friend Joshua Long turned his knowledge of Infusionsoft, ClickFunnels and other marketing systems into a full-fledged consulting business, where he helps CEOs identify existing opportunities in their businesses.

    So what are you good at? What will other people pay you for?

    5. Start a blog.

    Finally, a good way to make side income can be with a blog. Although it takes time to build up a following, once you have that following there are numerous ways to monetize the blog.

    Jeff Rose, from, uses his blog to built up his authority as a certified financial planner, driving traffic and income to his business. At the same time, his blog allows him to monetize in other more passive methods, such as affiliate marketing, online products and consulting.

    To succeed at blogging, it's important that you:

  • Focus on writing quality content
  • Work hard at getting that content out there to the world
  • Build your email list from day one, so you can market to those people later.
  • Blogging is definitely not a "sit at home in your underwear and make easy money" kind of activity. It requires diligence, quality and time. However, blogging can be incredibly rewarding.

    There is one common theme with all of the above methods for making side income. Do you know what it is? They all take work. That's right, you'll never achieve the kind of lifestyle you want if you don't work for it. So get out there today and start hustling. You'll be able to quit that job faster than you ever imagined.

    Related: 9 Ideas to Make a Side Income While Growing Your Business

    Source: 5 Ways to Make Enough Side Money to Eventually Quit Your Job

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    Unemployment and #AdSense May Cause Headaches #

    Unemployment and AdSense May Cause Headaches Unemployed bloggers are apparently at risk of losing their unemployment checks (or at least having them drastically reduced) if they include ads on their blogs. That is exactly what happened to a woman named Karin, from New York, according to a recent ... read moreUK employment rises 359,000 in the last year The number of unemployed people at 1.77 million was 79,000 fewer than in March to May and 198,000 fewer than a year earlier in June to August 2014. The unemployment rate ... rises are sustainable and will not cause headaches down the road. read more

    10 Signs You're Not Ready to Retire Credit card balances, auto loans, hefty mortgages, and other monthly obligations aren't headaches you want to drag into retirement ... After the recession, the unemployment rate for people over age 55 rose to near-record levels. And in 2014, of the people ... read moreThese 5 facts explain the worrying rise of Europe's far-right Sometimes the fear alone of far-right parties is enough to cause serious headaches. To stave off the rise of the euro-skeptic, right-wing United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and ensure a Tory victory in last May ... and the unemployment rate stands ... read moreEuroskeptic election surge gives EU a headache However, some analysts said UKIP's surge may force the prime minister to toughen his stance on Europe and could scare more pro-European voters in Scotland into opting to leave Britain in a September ... call an early general election. read moreChina, Brazil Cause Headaches for Emerging Market Investors The ECB is purchasing €60 billion in government bonds per month, with some talk that ECB President Mario Draghi may extend the deadline for the ... but it's also had an effect on the labor market and unemployment has risen while wages have fallen. read moreIs unemployment hazardous to your health? Unemployment also brings a potential increase in unhealthy coping behaviors, like drinking and drug use, which likewise multiply the risk of ill health. Short-term manifestations of stress, like lack of sleep and headaches, are disruptive, but long-term ... read moreNoncompete Clause Headaches He later resigned and then filed a claim for unemployment benefits. The Missouri Labor and Industrial Relations Commission ruled that Darr could not receive unemployment benefits, because he resigned voluntarily and without good cause. The Commission ... read moreHow Social Media And Booze Could Lead To Your Unemployment Two drinks may result ... five drinks could cause you send selfies to your ex, and with six drinks in your system, you need to stop using social media immediately. Still thinking about your ex, drink seven could land you in the unemployment line after ... read moreFalling inflation another headache for ECB FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -- On top of high unemployment and sluggish growth, the European Central Bank has a new headache ... for the eurozone may be running short of tools to deal with the problem. TELL-TALE SIGN The drop in inflation shows demand is ... read more

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    Source: Unemployment and #AdSense May Cause Headaches #

    The benefits of blogging and making money online

    To many people, starting a blog or website is intimidating. They imagine HTML and programming, server management, SEO jargon they don't understand, and revenue sources that require thousands of visits each day.

    That used to be me about 7 years ago and I was afraid of the "technical" aspect of building websites. Looking back, I don't even remember exactly why. Maybe it was a fear of failure or just the unknown. What if my website crashed – how would I handle that? How would I make money? How would I get people to visit my blog?

    All these questions created more self-doubt, until I looked around at other bloggers, read their "About Me" pages and realized there wasn't anything more special about these people. The fact that just about anyone was able to figure it out gave me the confidence to take the plunge. And as they say, the rest is history.

    Nowadays, I'm an entrepreneur with the means to create things people can appreciate around the world. I make a living online, enjoy a flexible schedule although people call me a workaholic, run my own business, and my boss gives me a full bonus every year. There are challenges, of course, and I didn't get here overnight, but I earned it with blood, sweat and tears, and no one can take that away from me.

    So the question you need to ask yourself is – "should I start a blog?"

    Why Do People Blog?

    The answer to this question depends on who you are, the purpose of your blog, and what you hope to achieve. Because the barriers-to-entry are so low, authors, teachers, stay-at-home parents, freelancers, and business owners, just to name a few, have flocked to the internet for personal, professional and financial reasons.

    I started blogging because I wanted to build something, help people improve their lives with educational content, have a voice, and make money at the same time. But each person has his own reasons.

    For example, as a business owner, blogging presents an incredible opportunity to market your business, build relationships with industry insiders, communicate directly with your customers, and take advantage of e-commerce to grow revenue. This is how many consultants, financial advisors, insurance agents, and freelance professionals are marketing themselves to new clients.

    However, most bloggers don't start because they own an existing business they want to market. In fact, blogging actually becomes their business. This group is pre-dominantly comprised of work-at-home moms (WAHMs) and career professionals looking to augment their household income by blogging about personal finance, fashion, food, etc. This is because earning a part-time income online is very feasible, and who can complain about the flexible schedule and independence that comes with making money from home.

    Finally, some bloggers do it strictly as a hobby. At its core, blogging is all about expressing yourself and helping others. Whether your goal is to create a sense of community, promote a social cause, or share your knowledge to improve people's lives is up to you.

    Ultimately, the one commonality between all these groups is that, to build a loyal following, bloggers must offer something of value that encourages people to come back, even if it comes in the form of entertainment and humor.

    How To Start Blogging Today

    If you're a great cook and your family and friends have been telling you to start a food blog, then just do it. If you have a passion for discussing money and personal finance, create a blog detailing your journey to financial freedom. If people are constantly approaching you to compliment your fashion sense, share it with the world. Here are a few steps to get you started in the right direction.

    Blog Topics

    The first step to starting an online business or hobby is to find something you are passionate about. Don't pursue the money from the get-go or your passion will feel like a job. As they say, find something you love and the money will follow. As your audience grows and your business matures, you will come up with creative ways to monetize your blog.

    Free vs Paid Hosting

    This is where many potential bloggers get a bit confused because they opt for a free option when a self-hosted solution would better serve their needs and long-term goals. While Blogger, Tumblr, and all offer free blogging, these online platforms actually limit your ability to control, customize, and make money with your blog.

    If you plan on making money blogging, you will need a self-hosted WordPress blog. To start a professional blog and be credible, you must buy hosting from a credible company. Most web hosts will provide a free domain, a $15 value, when you purchase hosting. In regards to hosting, the cost is generally $3 to $5 per month.

    After buying hosting, you'll need to install the WordPress blogging software, which comes from, not WordPress is by far the most popular blogging software in the world and because of its popularity, most web hosting companies offer 1-click installs. However, if you need help with the installation process, check out a step-by-step guide on how to start a blog that will walk you through a setup.

    Tips on Growing Traffic

    Fortunately, setting up a blog is the easy part; getting traffic and growing it is more of the challenge. Below are a few content development and search engine optimization tips worth keeping in mind as you begin to build your website.

    ·       Write great titles and headlines

    ·       Make a name for yourself by producing educational, useful, entertaining or inspiring content

    ·       Blog often and on a consistent schedule

    ·       Use list blog posts because they tend to get more traffic

    ·       Make sure you discuss the topics that are important to your readers

    ·       Leverage social media platforms to increase your online reach

    ·       Network with other bloggers in your niche to build relationships

    ·       Guest post on other blogs and publications to grow exposure

    ·       Interlink your blog posts to keep readers on your website

    In the end, just try to have fun and enjoy the journey as you learn things, make new friends, refine your writing skills, make some money, help others, and build something that represents you!

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    Source: The benefits of blogging and making money online

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #

    Set Up Your Own Blogging Network And Split AdSense Revenues With Fair Blogs Want to set up your own blogging network on the fly and automatically share the ad revenue among the contributors? That's the premise behind Fair Blogs, a new service from Fair Software. The idea is simple: you organize a blogging network or a virtual ... read moreNo Wizardry Needed! The Ultimate Guide for Monetizing your Blog Making money off third-party advertising platforms such as those listed above (including AdSense ... of monetizing your blog with well-paying advertisements. You may also want to write for other blogs and get paid in return while you use your own blog ... read more announced; a free speech haven for bloggers, truth-tellers, alt medicine practitioners and activists Created as a free speech haven for people who have important knowledge to share, allows anyone to easily set up ... your own blogs, how-to articles, news reports or other information, get started right now at: http://www.naturalnews ... read moreBillmon: Blogging sells out When he left to start his own blog, I secretly celebrated his ... not that some people have commercialized their blogs. But I'm in the middle of it all, so perhaps I'm missing something. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter, assuming you got ... read moreThe Economics of Blogging and The Huffington Post Although The Huffington Post does not pay those who volunteer to write blogs for it, this content represents only a small share of its traffic. And, to put it bluntly, many of those blog posts aren ... brushing up against fair use guidelines) generated ... read moreSearch And Destroy For years after starting Gawker Media, the online publishing network, in 2002 ... would probably have sent you your first e-mail, and set you up with your first blog. He made his millions in a couple of dot-com-era ventures. Through Gawker, Denton wages ... read more25 Things I Hate About Google, Revisited 5 Years Later Fair enough, but query refinement is important. It can help people, and Google remains oddly lacking in not having it. It pops up ... across your entire AdSense network. I think we know who is getting rich quick off those ads. Stop giving away Blogger ... read moreGreen Business Ideas: Consignment Shop for Kids Clothing and Toys What is a kids clothing and toy consignment shop? Consignment shops take gently used goods from some customers and sell them to others. The revenues from the sale are split between the ... or smartphone can be set up to handle credit and debit card ... read moreCNN REAGAN LIBRARY DEBATE: Later Debate Full Transcript It's also being broadcast on the Salem Radio Network. I know everyone ... I will ask follow-up questions, I will attempt to guide the discussion. Candidates, I will try to make sure each of you gets your fair share of questions. You'll have one minute ... read moreFIRST LOOK: Michael Keaton on set of The Founder as Ray Kroc, the aggressive businessman who wrested control of the McDonald's empire The shots appear to be set before he ... has annual revenues of $27.5billion. Although the film is called The Founder, Kroc did not actually found McDonalds per se; rather he joined it as a franchise agent in 1954. It was set up by Richard and Maurice ... read more

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    Source: Set Up Your Own #Blogging #Network And Split #AdSense Revenues With Fair #Blogs #

    How to Make $204 This Month Selling Your Writing

    Did you know that you don't need to have an English degree or a long list of impressive bylines to make money from your writing? There are tons of places you can submit personal essays, humor stories, lists, how-to's and more that will pay for your content.

    Here are 26 places to consider.

    As you read through them, select 8 that you might like to submit something to. I'll give you an easy strategy and do the earnings math for you at the end of this post.

    Remember, that most paying publications want submissions that have NOT been published on your own blog or anywhere else (unless their submission guidelines state otherwise). In most cases, digital publications don't like simultaneous submissions either. This means don't send the same piece out to a bunch of places at once. Instead: Read the submission guidelines. Submit. Wait until you hear a yay or nay, and continue from there.

    1. Pseudopod – Short horror stories to be read by a narrator that pays $100 for reprints and $.06/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words. SUBMIT.

    2. The Drabblecast – Weird fiction that pays $.03 per word for stories 500-4,000 words. SUBMIT.

    3. Escape Pod – Science fiction by theme. $100 for reprints and $.06/word for original fiction 2,000 - 6,000 words. SUBMIT.

    4. Writers Weekly Newsletter – Weekly newsletter for freelancers with focus on making more money writing, related self-employment, and freelance success stories that pays $40-$60. SUBMIT.

    5. Funds For Writers – Weekly newsletter focused on making money writing. Pays $45-$50 for originals. SUBMIT.

    6. Children's Writer: Newsletter of Writing and Publishing Trends – Monthly newsletter on the marketplace for children's writing including current news, trends, tips, how to write to publish. Pays $200-$300. SUBMIT.

    7. BuzzFeed Ideas – Thought-provoking stories on topics including but not limited to sex and dating/relationships, debt/money, disability, disease, mental illness, parenting and parents, drugs and addiction, race, and work. Pays $100 (approx.). SUBMIT.

    8. BuzzFeed Life – The Lifestyle arm of Buzzfeed interested in "helping you live a better, more fun/beautiful/healthy/productive/interesting life." including style, food, DIY, parenting, travel and health. Pays $100 (approx.). SUBMIT.

    9. Thriving Family – Focus on marriage and family from a biblical perspective. You can earn $50 - $375. SUBMIT.

    10. You&Me – America's Medical Magazine – First Person nonfiction about the human aspects of dealing with all medical issues, from the life threatening to the chronic to the so-called "trivial." Happy and sad endings welcome. Pays $.04-$.05 per word for 1000 to 2500 words. SUBMIT.

    11. Bitch Media – Feminist critique/analysis of pop culture both print and online. Pays $40 - $200. SUBMIT.

    12. The Wicked Noodle - Sinfully delicious recipes for $50. SUBMIT.

    13. FrostedTip – Short humor comparable in tone to such places as The New Yorker's Shouts & Murmurs section and McSweeney's Internet Tendency. Pays $20 - $25. SUBMIT.

    14. Reader's Digest (Humor) – Jokes, humorous quotes, or a funny true stories for $100. SUBMIT.

    15. Lies About Parenting – Debunking popular parenting advice that just doesn't work for $50. SUBMIT.

    16. Scary Mommy – Parenting community for imperfect parents pays $100. SUBMIT.

    17. Listverse – Lists that intrigue and educate, specializing in the bizarre or lesser-known trivia for $100. SUBMIT.

    18. Narratively – Untoldhuman stories by theme - avoiding breaking news and big headlines, and focus instead on slow storytelling. They pay $100-$200. SUBMIT.

    19. Reader's Digest 100 Word Stories – A true story about you in 100 words or less for $100. SUBMIT.

    20. Solo-ish Blog (from The Washington Post) – Essays about unmarried life should be emailed to the editor: You could be paid $100 - $200.

    21. The Penny Hoarder – Weird & Wacky Ways to Make Extra Money. Pays $75 (with pageview bonus up to $800). SUBMIT .

    22. Viator Travel Blog – Insider's view on travel pays $40 - $150. SUBMIT .

    23. Matador Network – Original stories and videos on people, place, music, sports, and culture worldwide for $40. SUBMIT .

    24. WOW! Women On Writing – Global magazine, designed to support women through all stages of the writing process pays $50 - $150. SUBMIT .

    25. Write Naked – Make $50 by writing "...Vignettes from the freelance writing life, behind-the-pen scoop on articles, tips from writing conferences, interviews with editors, guest bloggers in the publishing industry, and a few miscellaneous blogs on travel and motorcycles with a writerly twist." SUBMIT.

    26. BlogHer - Yes, this site also takes posts (like this one!) on blogging, social media, health, parenting, style, DIY, entertainment, race, feminism, food and more and pays $50. SUBMIT.

  • The average payment across the 25 publications I've listed comes to $102.
  • Submit to eight of these publications (or 2 per week for a month).
  • If you assume a 25% success rate (you might find it to be higher), that's 2 pieces accepted at an average of $102 each, for an approximate total of $204!

  • Source: How to Make $204 This Month Selling Your Writing

    Sunday, October 25, 2015

    #Google #AdSense Makes Sense on #Blogs #Sam_Bradford

    Google AdSense Makes Sense on Blogs Google AdSense is easy to install on a web page or blog and constitutes additional source of income without spending anything. You have to apply on-line for Google AdSense Program and generally approval comes from Google within two days. Those having ... read moreDoes Google AdSense have any sense? The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Google AdSense is the obvious choice for any new start ... read more

    Does Google's AdSense Make Sense? Blogs are a notable example. I'm not sure, however, AdSense will really work ... to appear only in relevant places that make sense to Web users." It can slice, dice, and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Google search is a wonderful thing, folks. read moreMake Money by Improving Your Google AdSense Earnings What makes these webmasters or bloggers different from the rest are that they think out of the box with their clear sense of ability to properly set up their websites or blogs to drive traffic and strategically place their Google AdSense advertisements in ... read moreWhy the Google Adsense Conspiracy Doesn't Make Sense According to the leaker, publishers who made more than $5,000 per month through AdSense were arbitrarily banned from ... Punitive action In an official blog, Google openly admitted that some of the actions it takes against web publishers are a bit extreme. read moreMake money online, part 1: Introduction to Google AdSense Welcome to part one of my make money onlineseries ... myself or link you to somewhere that has information I think you will find useful. No introduction to Google AdSense is complete without a naughty list. An extensive list of Google's AdSense program ... read moreMaking Money Fast On AdSense - Why it Makes Sense | Google Adsense Tips & Tricks ... ca-adsense-trick ==== ==== Google AdSense is one of the most common ways to make money online. This is a program whereby publishers copy and paste some codes generated by the program into their sites or blogs. You will be paid whenever someone clicks ... read more17 Wordpress Plugins For AdSense Google Ad Wrap - show that pesky Google spider what content on your blog is really important Adsense Inline - another plugin that makes inserting AdSense into your blog posts really easy. Adsense Beautifier - places images next to your AdSense ads ... read moreWhat is the Difference Between AdSense and AdWords? Many ask themselves, "what is the difference between AdSense and AdWords" and don't really understand them. Below is a simple explanation of what each does and what makes them different. The first thing to understand is that Google's search engine ... read moreGoogle Vs. On the morning of March 18, Eric Garris, founder and webmaster of, received a form email from Google AdSense informing him that all ... The dissemination of such photos chiefly serves to ultimately make terrorist attacks less likely by driving ... read more

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    Source: #Google #AdSense Makes Sense on #Blogs #Sam_Bradford

    Will Apple Inc. (AAPL) Remain The Smart Money’s Darling If It Goes Automotive?

    Similar to how very few consumers will disagree that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has some of the best products on the market, few investors will disagree that Apple is one of the best companies to invest in. The stock has been steadily climbing for the last several years, making Apple the company with the largest market cap in history. It still trades relatively cheap, at 12-times forward earnings, compared to 17 for the S&P 500. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) also has a huge pile of cash that it can use to buy back shares and pay out dividends, which is one of the main reasons that investors like Carl Icahn are so fond of the company. For the last several months, there have been rumors and hints that Apple is interested in going into the automotive business, with Tim Cook recently declaring that a "massive change" is coming to the auto industry.

    Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA), Car Model S P85D, Motor Show, brand, elegant, design,

    Jia Li /

    In addition, many outlets have previously reported that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) was poaching engineers from Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA), to which Elon Musk replied by saying that Apple is "The 'Tesla Graveyard.'" These words sparked a new wave of noise around Apple's intentions to develop a car and Musk himself later tweeted: "[…] I don't hate Apple. It's a great company with a lot of talented people. I love their products and I'm glad they're doing an EV."

    Follow Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

    While the fans of Apple's products might be excited about the prospects of an Apple car, it's not so certain that investors will share the same sentiment. So far, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) was one of the most popular companies among hedge funds and other smart money investors that we track, as it was included in the equity portfolios of 144 funds from our database. One of the main problems that might concern investors is whether or not Apple should diversify into the automotive industry while it is still lagging in some segments of its current businesses.

    Even though Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has a wide range of products it is essentially a one-product company, since the iPhone accounts for over 60% of its total sales, according to the last 10-Q report it filed with the SEC. Out of $50 billion worth of sales in the last reported quarter, sales of iPhones represented some $32 billion. The sales of the iPhone increased considerably, by 59% on the year during the quarter, but, at the same time, the sales of iPads fell by 23%. And whether or not Apple will manage to maintain the same sales growth for the iPhone in the future is rather uncertain, since the competition is catching up slowly but steadily; maybe not in the U.S, but in China for sure, which represents Apple's second-largest market.

    Follow Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL)

    In this way, it seems that Apple would be better off focusing on solving the problems with its current businesses and should make sure that it can stay in front of competitors for a long time, before it diversifies into other businesses, especially automotive, which requires a huge investment. Apple has tons of cash to spare, but investors would probably like to see a large part of it redistributed to shareholders in dividends and buybacks rather than spent on the development of a car.

    Source: Will Apple Inc. (AAPL) Remain The Smart Money's Darling If It Goes Automotive?

    Saturday, October 24, 2015

    Twitter Is Eager To Make Money Out Of Two-Week-Old Moments, Starts Showing Ads


    Twitter announced that it will begin experimenting with Promoted Moments, or Moments curated by brands instead of Twitter's own editors. The move signifies Jack Dorsey's aggressive push to reinvent Twitter and make money off the slow-growing platform.(Photo : Mary Turner | Getty Images)

    Twitter clearly cannot wait to make money off Moments, as the microblogging network has announced a new way to monetize its latest product.

    Launched just two weeks ago to much fanfare, Twitter Moments is a live events tracker that allows users to follow the most important updates about breaking news, sports, concerts and other live events. The product is seen as Twitter's response to growing pressure from Facebook and Snapchat, which both become news platforms in their own right, while investors come in from all sides to push Twitter to grow its user base.

    Although Moments' viability has not been fully tested, it appears Twitter is eager to give in to the pressure from all sides. Bobby Grasberger, manager of brand strategy at Twitter, has announced in a blog post that Twitter will be leasing Moments channels to brands and businesses where they can promote their live events for 24 hours.

    "We're seeing how powerful this experience can be for diving into meaningful narratives - and since Twitter's inception, brands have told some of the very best stories on the platform," Grasberger says.

    He hints that Twitter will be looking into more ways businesses can use Moments as a platform, saying that Promoted Moments are just "the first step in exploring how brands could integrate into Moments."

    Promoted Moments will look just like regular Moments, such as the Back to the Future channel curated by Twitter's editorial team, with the help of Twitter's algorithm, to celebrate Oct. 21, 2015, the day Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrived in the future (which is now in the past), and the channel for Rihanna's big reveal of her album art. The major difference, however, is that Promoted Moments will feature tweets, photos and videos curated by the brand, and they will have the unmistakable badge to indicate that they are ads.

    "Promoted Moments, like all of our ad products, will look and feel just like all other Moments - except they'll be authored by a brand and be featured in the Moments guide for 24 hours, with a Promoted badge."

    MGM, Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema will be the first advertisers to launch their own Promoted Moments channel, which will go live on Sunday night to promote the "Rocky" spinoff film "Creed."

    (Photo: Twitter)

    First unofficially unveiled as Project Lightning, Twitter Moments is seen as a crucial addition to Twitter, as newly appointed CEO Jack Dorsey puts out all the stops to reinvent the platform and please Wall Street. His efforts also include naming former Google exec Omid Kordestani as chairman and laying off about 8 percent of the company's workers. 

    © 2015 Tech Times, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

    Source: Twitter Is Eager To Make Money Out Of Two-Week-Old Moments, Starts Showing Ads

    Friday, October 23, 2015

    #Google #AdSense Makes Sense on #Blogs #

    Google AdSense Makes Sense on Blogs Google AdSense is easy to install on a web page or blog and constitutes additional source of income without spending anything. You have to apply on-line for Google AdSense Program and generally approval comes from Google within two days. Those having ... read moreDoes Google AdSense have any sense? The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Google AdSense is the obvious choice for any new start ... read more

    Does Google's AdSense Make Sense? Blogs are a notable example. I'm not sure, however, AdSense will really work ... to appear only in relevant places that make sense to Web users." It can slice, dice, and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Google search is a wonderful thing, folks. read moreMake Money by Improving Your Google AdSense Earnings What makes these webmasters or bloggers different from the rest are that they think out of the box with their clear sense of ability to properly set up their websites or blogs to drive traffic and strategically place their Google AdSense advertisements in ... read moreWhy the Google Adsense Conspiracy Doesn't Make Sense According to the leaker, publishers who made more than $5,000 per month through AdSense were arbitrarily banned from ... Punitive action In an official blog, Google openly admitted that some of the actions it takes against web publishers are a bit extreme. read moreMake money online, part 1: Introduction to Google AdSense Welcome to part one of my make money onlineseries ... myself or link you to somewhere that has information I think you will find useful. No introduction to Google AdSense is complete without a naughty list. An extensive list of Google's AdSense program ... read moreMaking Money Fast On AdSense - Why it Makes Sense | Google Adsense Tips & Tricks ... ca-adsense-trick ==== ==== Google AdSense is one of the most common ways to make money online. This is a program whereby publishers copy and paste some codes generated by the program into their sites or blogs. You will be paid whenever someone clicks ... read more17 Wordpress Plugins For AdSense Google Ad Wrap - show that pesky Google spider what content on your blog is really important Adsense Inline - another plugin that makes inserting AdSense into your blog posts really easy. Adsense Beautifier - places images next to your AdSense ads ... read moreWhat is the Difference Between AdSense and AdWords? Many ask themselves, "what is the difference between AdSense and AdWords" and don't really understand them. Below is a simple explanation of what each does and what makes them different. The first thing to understand is that Google's search engine ... read moreGoogle Vs. On the morning of March 18, Eric Garris, founder and webmaster of, received a form email from Google AdSense informing him that all ... The dissemination of such photos chiefly serves to ultimately make terrorist attacks less likely by driving ... read more

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    Source: #Google #AdSense Makes Sense on #Blogs #