Tuesday, February 28, 2017

How to Make Money Online Sharing Links

In this video, I'll show you 3 ways to make money simply by sharing links on blog posts, video channels, social media, etc. They're free to start and can make you a little, if not a lot of extra money.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think in the comments below!

Here are the top 3 ways to make money sharing links:

1. Adfly and other link shorteners

Focus on using these for links that go to pages that don't have other offers or your blogs posts on them.

Helpful resources:

2. Affiliate links

Invest 10-15% of your income if possible. You need about 25-28x your yearly expenses in investments to live off dividends and retire early. Consult your investment adviser.

Helpful resources:

3. App referral links

Helpful resources:

Previous videos

I'm an entrepreneur, fitness freak, artist, car enthusiast, sports fan and self improvement addict. My goal is to help people be their best and create incredible businesses that change the world.

Source: How to Make Money Online Sharing Links

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Truth About #AdSense Earnings

wiki pay per click Precisely what lead to seem to comprehend is the truth a fabulous content access cpa marketing and ... complimentary way for bloggers and various other web-site keepers to gain earnings. In reality, nowadays, sometimes advertising and marketing web-sites ... read moreWhat Are The Realistic Google AdSense Earnings Per Month They also tend to strengthen the idea that it is very easy and simple to achieve decent AdSense earnings. However, the truth is that it is not that easy at all. These ads do not tell you the amount of hard work that is involved in achieving AdSense earning ... read moreThe Truth About Making Money Online It got me thinking about the many people who boast about their Adsense, Kontera, and other online earnings. Let's think about making money online as a business. When businesses run a report of their income, they also have to look at the flip side ... read more

How to Increase Adsense Earnings? Can anyone share some tips and techniques to increase my adsense earnings? Yes I understand the obvious about increasing my rankings and my traffic since I can't make money if I have no traffic on my website…. but I am looking for any other ways that ... read moreThe Truth About Backend Sales There are indeed some people who earn thousands of dollars each and every month from this exciting program called Google Adsense. Youve most likely have heard of it. And you are quite hesitant to believe the truth of ... their Adsense earnings on some ... read moreYour AdSense Earnings Less in 2012 than in 2003? Someone posted the above statement in the August 2012 AdSense Earnings Observations [webmasterworld.com ... This is how we miss the truth, by scoffing at the obvious without looking at what's happening deep down. Number one, there are billions more ... read moreI Earned INR 20,00,000 from AdSense through Blogging in 2013 And that paid me more than INR 20,00,000 in 2013 Just from AdSense. Just check this video where I am showing my live AdSense account- My total earnings from AdSense is ... better than affiliate marketing but the truth is its easier & more lucrative than ... read moreWhy Some Advertisers Sympathize With The False Theory That Google Is Stealing From Publishers The theory is fake — we'll explain why below — but three sources who have done business with Google's AdSense advertising program for years told Business Insider they sympathize ... version of a more mundane truth. They don't believe the theory is ... read moreAll You Need To Know About Ad Categories In Google Adsense I admit that I know my way around Adsense pretty well now after using them for about 2 and a half years on my own website AskWillOnline.com. The truth is that I have only ... these ad impressions into clicks and earnings. Therefore, by blocking these ... read moreMany Google AdSense Publishers Make Lots Of Money ... been known to cover AdSense earnings complaints and earnings polls over the years. Most of the threads I see on AdSense are complaints that the publishers are not earning enough money. Truth be told, I skip 99% of them. So instead of covering a ... read more

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Source: The Truth About #AdSense Earnings

Why Blogging Is The Best Business In The World

Making money is all about identifying opportunity and doing everything possible to succeed until that window of opportunity closes. But most people are too afraid to take any major risks. Why should we when we have the luxury of employment to keep us comfortably numb.

The two most common people who take risks are: 1) those who start with little or nothing, and who therefore have little or nothing to lose, and 2) those who come from rich families and who also don't have anything to lose. When your name is William Henry Gates III, you're not exactly going to starve on the streets if you drop out of college.

For those of us in the middle class, we only make a change once we're agitated enough to take action. For me, I decided I had enough of banking after 13 years because the correlation between reward and performance broke down after the financial crisis.

After eight years of writing online and 13 years of researching every single industry for my job in finance, this post will identify reasons why blogging could very well be the best business in the world that anybody can start. 

Why Blogging Is The Best Business

1) Large structural decline in the establishment. The blogging business involves writing interesting enough content to attract the most amount of visitors possible in order to earn advertising revenue. Therefore, our competition was newspapers, which have gone through a tremendous hollowing out since 2000 when the internet really started to take off.

Newspaper Ad Revenue

But newspapers didn't see bloggers as competition. Individuals writing about what we ate for breakfast or chronicling our feelings online didn't matter. Instead, newspapers saw Google and Facebook as the real competition. Now Facebook is the most profitably media company around, partly thanks to the tremendous amount of fake news creators advertising on their platform.

Newspaper, Facebook, Google Ad Revenue

As newspapers were trying to defend themselves against getting beaten up by Google and Facebook's respective monopolies in search and social media, bloggers found an opportunity to take advantage of this disruption by siding with the emerging winners.

For example, roughly 70% of traffic to this site is through Google and Bing. The traffic is free (organic) and perpetual. I've got over 25,000 e-mail subscribers, also created for free. If each subscriber paid just $1/month, I could certainly afford to take care of a family of four in any expensive city in the world.

2) Competition who doesn't fully believe in themselves. If you majored in English and then went on to journalism school for your Master's degree, you probably have better technical writing skills and reporting skills than 95% of the bloggers out there.

But what I don't understand is why don't more qualified writers who have incredible resumes focus on building their own brand and growing their own platform? For example, instead of making The Huffington Post rich writing for peanuts (or for free), why not make yourself rich writing by writing on your own site? Arianna Huffington and her investors already got rich by selling to AOL for $315M!

It's great to see more traditional journalists branch out to become freelance writers. That's an entrepreneurial step in the right direction, whether out of necessity or courage. I'm always trying to challenge those blessed with writing skills to build their own platforms. But more often than not, I'm met with skepticism and resistance.

Check out this Twitter exchange I had responding to a salty freelance tech journalist who wrote, "I begin to think that people who think they can make money from publishing original content on the internet are deluded." He was responding to publishing platform, Medium, and its layoffs.

Charles is basically bagging on people like me, who've been doing just fine for the past eight years. What's incredible is that despite helping make The Guardian, a popular British newspaper, rich as their tech editor from 2009 – 2014, Charles still doesn't believe independent publishing can be done!

Why the media is screwed

As you can see from the exchange, even after all his years of experience, Charles still doesn't believe it's possible to make money as an independent publisher despite sending him this article full of examples of people who do. Anybody can do a quick Google search to see examples of how much people are making from blogging. Yet, Charles refuses to believe. When you adopt a welfare mentality, you'll never be able to make an extraordinary amount of money.

Many veteran journalists all think the publishing industry is broken. They refuse to change their old beliefs and don't bother building their own platforms, despite their experience. Only a few people have the courage to use their skills to make it on their own. One such person is Brian Lam, the founder of The Wirecutter, a tech/gadget review site.

Brian Lam was a contributing editor for Wired Magazine, and then became the lead editor at Gizmodo, a popular tech/gadget review site for a number of years. He then left and started The Wirecutter in 2011. On October 24, 2016, Brian sold his bootstrapped company to The New York Times for ~$30M. Not every journalist will see the same results as Brian. But every journalist should at least try to leverage their knowledge and skills to make themselves rich instead.

3) Attractively low startup and operating costs. The New York Times operating costs must be in the tens of millions a year. Jeff Bezos paid $250 million cash to buy The Washington Post in 2013. Good luck to any one of us for coming up with that type of cash to keep the lights on.

When I decided to start blogging in 2009, I hired a guy for $350 off Craigslist to throw up a generic site using the now defunct Blogger platform owned by Google. The site was called "RichBy30RetireBy40". It could have been huge! After playing around with the inferior Blogger platform for several months, I decided to start over on WordPress, a much superior website platform that currently runs Financial Samurai today. I hired another guy off Craigslist for $1,000 to set up my WordPress site and paid another $200 for some custom design work. Further, I had to pay like $25/month for basic shared hosting.

Now, creators have it so good thanks to technology and competition. You can easily set up your own site in 30 minutes by following my step-by-step guide. Instead of spending $2,000 like I did, your cost can be as little as $2.95/month for hosting and $15 a year for a domain name. I'm envious and happy for those people who are looking to build their own brand online today.

Nobody is going broke spending $50 a year operating a website. The people who do go broke are those with massive fixed overhead costs who are unable to pivot quickly enough. Why do you think there is so much retail and restaurant turnover? After sinking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in remodeling costs plus payroll costs, the pressure is on to turn a profit immediately or else you're toast.

Having a web business is the most cost efficient, low-risk way to be an entrepreneur. If you don't succeed, all you lose is your time, not your entire life savings!

4) Unlimited scale. "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world," wrote Archimedes. Leverage is one of the biggest keys to wealth. There are over three billion people online and growing. Your website can instantly start competing with Yahoo or The New York Times for eyeballs, all at a cost of $50 a year.

Thanks to search engines like Google, Bing!, and Duck Duck Go, you can publish something and instantly get found for free. In the past, you'd have to spend a boatload on advertising to get attention. Now you don't, especially since social media is also free.

Financial Samurai receives about 1,000,000 page views a month with ZERO advertising. Even though 1,000,000 pageviews a month sounds like a lot, especially for a site with no forum, there's still BILLIONS more pageviews of upside! I really should start doing some online advertising, but I just can't be bothered.

Check out this regional internet traffic growth chart by data network provider, Cisco. If you want to take advantage of the next phase of internet consumption growth, it may be best to have an Asian-themed website with English written content and multiple Asian language translations. Hmm, know of any sites with this type of combination?

Global internet web traffic growth by region

An Asian-themed website with English written content sounds like a good idea

5) Massive profit margins. When you run a lifestyle business, you want to be as profitable as possible. You can't afford to keep on operating at a loss for years because you probably don't have any or many investors with unlimited sums of money. Besides, given the low startup and operating costs involved in being a blogger, the operating profit margins are huge compared to any other industry.

Take a look at this great example of the average fast-food restaurant profit margin. A $27,101 operating profit before paying taxes on $821,256 in annual revenue is absurdly small! Are you willing to earn just a 3.3% operating profit margin for all your hard work? I sure as hell ain't.

I'd rather just spend six months writing a severance negotiation strategy book and earn ~$36,000 from it passively for the rest of my life. Even if my only source of income was my severance book, my profit margin on the book alone would still be well over 80%.

Now let's take a look at operating profit charts I created for a relatively young blogger and a veteran blogger.

Beginning blogger operating profit margin chart

With $12,000 in annual revenue, this 26 year old blogger has an operating margin of 70%. Not bad! Nancy loves to travel and decided to start a blog to chronicle her adventures and lower her costs. She's built up a brand for herself and now earns a healthy $1,000 a month from her site. It's not enough to live on, but it's a great supplement to her $36,000 a year day job working at a retail clothing store.

Let's take a look at Nancy's potential future if she keeps grinding away.

Veteran blogger operating profit margin statement

After six years of working on her side hustle, Nancy decided to leave her $55,000 a year job as a retail store manager and work on her travel site full-time because she's now earning $100,000 in revenue. She can now afford to boost her travel budget up from $1,500 to $5,000 and increase her travel meal budget from $500 to $2,000.

Despite her large travel and meal increase, her operating profit margin soars to 90% because all her other costs are relatively fixed. This is what we call "operating leverage." Yes, she had to increase her hosting cost from $120 a year to $360 a year due to the increase in traffic, but an extra $240 is nothing compared to her revenue, which has increased by $88,000!

Here's a nice chart that gives you an idea of industry net profit margins (after tax). I wish I could find a similar chart that shows operating profit margins (after expenses, before tax) to have a more apples to apples comparison. But even if you increase all the net profit margin numbers by 50% (Health Tech from 22% to 33%), no industry can compete with the blogging business at 70%+ operating profit margins.

6) No more annoying bosses. One of the biggest reasons why I no longer wanted to work in Corporate America is because I couldn't stand the constant micromanaging by new bosses. I literally had six new bosses during the time I was at my old company. It was frustrating to deal with new management styles and often very insecure people who had to prove to their bosses they were worthy.

I really couldn't stand having to go to a meeting to talk about what we should talk about in an upcoming meeting. Playing politics to get ahead is a soul-sucking endeavor that will burn out even the best ass kisser. In the end, all anybody ever wants is to get rewarded commensurately with his or her performance. With a blog, you either write and flourish, or you come up with some excuse not to write and die. There's nobody else to blame or congratulate but yourself.

7) Much better hours with no commute. It's completely inefficient to have to commute to and from work every day. Not only do you waste time commuting, you increase your stress level, increase your chance of getting hurt, spend more money on gas, maintenance, tickets, and fares, and potentially hurt someone else as well! For those of you who leave home between the hours of 7am – 9:00am, I commend you for your bravery and patience. The same goes for those of you who leave work between the hours of 4:30pm – 7:00pm.

Longest commute times by city in America

Source: US Census Bureau

With blogging, all you've got to do is open your laptop at home and get to work. You can also work from anywhere in the world there's internet access as well. No wonder why so many bloggers decide to incorporate travel as part of their blogging business.

There's no face time necessary either. Think about all the times when you stayed back at work, surfing Financial Samurai because your boss was still there. All you wanted to do was get out of there so you could beat traffic, spend time with your partner, play with your kids, or get a cold brew. But no. Your workaholic boss kept you from living your life.

8) Exercise more of your skills. Companies like Google are still able to hire the best and brightest kids because they have the most money to pay. Unfortunately, they hoard talent with their mega billions and underutilize a vast majority of their employees' skill-sets.

Can you imagine going to a prestigious private university for $250,000, only to spend 60 hours a week trying to motivate your Uber drivers to continue working for peanuts by creating happy emoji faces in the app? How mind-numbing is that? If purpose didn't matter, nobody would quit the Goldmans, Googles, and McKinsey's of the world because they all pay so well.

One of the main reasons why I decided to go to business school was so I could explore entrepreneurship. Because I didn't grow up rich (and wasn't too good in higher level math), I studied Economics and Mandarin in college to best help me get a job at the time. But after four years of work, I could afford to study new fields, especially since my employer paid for my MBA.

It feels truly wonderful to be able to utilize more of your skills in everyday business. For example, with Financial Samurai, I have fun writing about finance, negotiating business deals, marketing my site organically online, and practicing various forms of communication. The more you get to exercise your brain, the more fulfilled you will be.

9) You don't have to sell a thing. If you hate selling, like so many of us do, then blogging is simply the best because you can create a revenue stream where your readers/customers never have to spend a penny.

I would venture to guess that 99.9% of you have never given me any money, and that's just fine by me! I like pounding away at the keyboard because it's fun. I enjoy highlighting financials products that are free to use or may save or generate money for everyone. It's much more rewarding to make money off corporations whose products can help individuals, rather than make money off individuals themselves.

I love the fact that anybody, rich or poor, young or old, can come to Financial Samurai to find an answer to one of their vexing financial problems for free. They can leave a comment to ask a question or interact with other readers to learn more as well. The best reward is hearing from readers over the years about how an article on Financial Samurai has helped improve their lives for the better. One might even say blogging is like a "passive giving machine" once the search engines index your articles.

Here's the other thing, parents are paying exorbitant amounts of money for grade school and university because they believe education is the most valuable gift a parent can give their child. Therefore, how awesome is it to give away real world education to the very parents who pay those enormous sums of money for tuition? Right on!

Here's a nice comment I recently got from a reader on my historical 401k contribution limits post. The post doesn't just highlight what the limits are, the post tries to illuminate the value of your employer's potential match and to question their commitment to their employees.

Why blogging is the best business in the world

10) Anybody can create. With blogging, you don't need a lot of capital to start or operate as I've pointed out. Further, you don't need to have a pedigree from Berkeley either. All you need is the ability to regularly come up with helpful topics to write about. If you can speak forever, you can write forever because ideas just come naturally. There's no need to write amazing prose because you aren't writing a New York Times bestseller nor are you writing for the New York Times!

Dr. Phil's weight loss book

If Dr. Phil can make money teaching people how to lose weight, anything is possible!

There are people who started with no clue about the topics they are now experts writing about who've made huge sums of money. For example, Dr. Phil, who is obese, wrote two best-selling weight-loss books, and he's still obese. Dr. Phil didn't give a crap about what other people thought about them and their expertise. He created something from nothing, influenced millions of people, and got rich anyway.

Now imagine what you can do with a little bit of expertise in your field. You could make a killing! This is why it continues to perplex me why journalists with all the skills and pedigree in the world can't go on to make it big on their own.

11) The ability to create positive change. The world is a wonderfully messed up place. Despite tremendous progress on the social and economic front, there's still plenty of issues to address. I'd like to think that we all want equality for our children, even if we do prefer a competitive advantage.

A blogger has the ability to support great organizations, point out flaws in suspect organizations, and share stories about important issues so that nobody ever has to feel alone. The greatest reward a blogger can receive is knowing s/he has made a positive change in someone's life. This is one of the main reasons why I accepted the job as an assistant varsity boy tennis coach at a nearby high school.

After a while, making more money starts feeling very empty. Knowing that you're helping someone for free is an awesome feeling.

Financial Samurai reader thank you e-mail

Reader thank you e-mail 2017

Blogging Is The Best

Getting rejected by so many tech companies since I left finance in 2012 was a bummer. But each rejection gave me a "power up" to try harder and make it on my own. Never would I have imagined during college or even just 10 years ago that having a simple website would allow me to be 100% free.

All any rational person ever wants is to see a correlation with effort and reward. Being an entrepreneur gives you the most pure correlation possible. And if you choose blogging as your business, you just might stumble upon the most rewarding, most profitable, and most fun entrepreneurial activity around.

Related: Real Estate vs. Blogging: Which Is A Better Investment?

Any entrepreneurs out there want to challenge my thesis that blogging is the best business in the world? Please feel free to make your case by discussing your company's profitability, ongoing maintenance, scalability, longevity, and autonomy. What are some more reasons why blogging is the best business in the world?

Source: Why Blogging Is The Best Business In The World

Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to Get the Most of #Affiliate Programs? [Long and Uncut Guide]

How to make money with the Amazon affiliate program? Below are a few steps to help you get started with the Amazon affiliate program. First of all ... products that you would like to advertise on your website. This will take most of your time and quite naturally so since you will have thousands of products ... read moreHow To Make The Most Out Of College When You Don't Know Where To Start I was doing something that most people in my ... able to make it into another program, and it is game over. This is absolutely false. Just because you were denied entrance into one program, it doesn't mean you won't get into another. read moreThe Best Way To Earn Online Is Affiliate Programs Most affiliate programs offer free training and support to its affiliates ... eventually both the affiliate and the merchant get benefit at the same time from one and the same sale.It is just like a win-win game for both the parties. read more

How you can easily get the best price on a Mac This isn't much, but in some states it'll cover most of your sales tax ... Reviewed.com offers the ability to purchase products through our affiliate programs with retail partners. While we earn a small percentage of the sale, make no mistake that our ... read moreAffiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners 1 - Find a product or company you believe in. 2 - Acquire an affiliate link through their affiliate marketing program. 3 - Get a domain name and hosting from a company like Go Daddy or Name Cheap 4 - Get someone on Fiverr to setup a self-hosted Wordpress ... read moreThink The Wirecutter invented affiliate revenue? Meet the mom who's been doing it since 2010 And while The Wirecutter is perhaps the most well known affiliate revenue success story ... She started making money from Amazon's affiliate program and other affiliate programs quickly. The amounts were small at first: "I wondered if I could scale ... read moreHow To Get Rid Of Stomach Fat And Boost Your Metabolism It is not simple to find how to get rid of stomach fat ... There exist many weight loss programs and ways to make stomach flat. The fat burning workout that helps me the most is the one that emphasizes on overall fat loss. Every time you change your ... read more4 Myths About Affiliate Marketing You Need To Know Affiliate systems are quick and easy to manage An affiliate marketing program is a lot of work, and in most situations there's a lot of ... Affiliate Theft Could Be Costing You Millions, Forbes contributor Jabez LeBret wrote of unscrupulous affiliate ... read more21 Awesome Affiliate Programs Start promoting a massive collection of super cool affiliate programs! But first ... buyers who crawl over a bed of hot coals to get their hands on apps, songs, music, games and more. This is one of the most popular retailers and provider of digital ... read moreThe hidden wireless discounts you might be missing It doesn't document what most of them are, but third-party sites have shown cost savings of as much as 20 percent (that's what San Francisco-based Uber drivers can get). Unlike other ... you can sign up for an additional program that will put $50 ... read more

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Source: How to Get the Most of #Affiliate Programs? [Long and Uncut Guide]

Empower Network Reviewed- How to Make Money Online with Viral Blogging System

How to Make Money using Empower Network's Powerful Blogging and Marketing System? Empower network compeers as one of the largest online blogging communities and publishing platforms. It offers online educational services to marketers, enabling people to carry out the home based small businesses. Empower Network gives away six business and marketing software products and tools with its signature blogging system, video hosting with its training and coaching modules for different types of businesses. Empower-Network-review-600x300 Empower Network Review Empower Network is an online opportunity that enables the members to earn money without experiencing any problems and without loss of money when they start a home based business. The Empower Network provides complete training, information about products, and digital services like a blogging platform. The affiliate program pays commissions that allow members to create sufficient online income from home.

Different Levels of Empower Network Membership:-

Empower network is an internet marketing training company that helps people to get huge results with sound output without any bitter experience. If you like to join the network, you will have different levels of membership. On purchase of each level, you will earn a commission when the particular level of training is on hand. If you fail to buy the level, you will not receive any commission when your referrals purchase it.

Empower Network Viral Blogging System:-

The viral blogging system helps us to promote the business and products to earn income online. It is one of the wise options to choose viral blogging system as it is the best choice to bring out your messages. The Viral Blogging system was architecture by marketers for marketers. When you purchase the blog, it comes out with a box set up for marketing. It is quite easier than other platforms where people pay dollars in designing the blog. The most captivating part of viral blogging system is that you do not need to learn any HTML coding for web designing. The most captivating part of viral blogging system is that you do not need any HTML coding for Web designing. The blogging system has a pleasing design that meets the need of any individual. It has designed in such a way to optimize for your online marketing. Many people use blogging for their personal use, or for promoting their business, as it is much quicker, easier and more reasonable. It reduces the designing and hosting fees and programming cost. You can add any additional services such as Search engine optimization and customized services. The Best Ways to Make Money via Empower Network:- Empower network looks similar to other affiliate programs. However, if you do not put your efforts to market the product, you will not be able to raise the level of income. Nowadays if you access the net, you could have seen that there are so many ways to make money online. But, you should think for a while, whether it is trustworthy and reliable. Whereas Empower network renders, it's helping hand to the people those who really wants to earn money and come up in life through the Internet marketing. So first, you have to think about the means and ways to make money through this network.

Buying the Products at Empower Network:- To earn money, first, buy the products for selling to prove you. There are 5 products at present. 1.    The Empower Network Viral Blogging system - $25 per month 2.    The Inner Circle Membership - $100 per month 3.    The Costa Rica Intensive Video Training - $500 4.    The In-depth training in $15 formula  - $1000 5.    The Masters Retreat with Advanced video training - $3500 Once you buy all the products, there are more chances of making money with Empower Network. With these Network Operations, you will surely get high commissions to spend it on paid advertising. Focus your Attention on a Specific Audience:- To compete in the competitive market, target on the particular company to make huge income from empower network. Targeting everyone does not transform you into a successful person on earning money. Just you have to think of the task that you can achieve your accomplishments. Think something unique to target outside the crowd to make huge income without any mental stress.

Connecting with a New Audience:-

Search engines are a powerful means of communication to get a new audience. Engines like Google and Bing helps to connect the clients with the best reviews as much as possible. To make a move with a reasonable income, create a strong strategy to make sure that your website content and products are the best one with its uniqueness. Communicate the experiences with search engines so that you rank better in net marketing. As we are in a world of competition, the marketing on advertisement should also be aggressive. Eventually, it can have a negative marketing effect, instead of a marketing of comparison. In order to compete with negative marketing, you must put your hard effort to gain customers with honesty and trust.

Avoid the Effects of Negative Marketing:-

The effects of negative marketing are incredible. Nowadays people search various products only through online than spending their time in shops. There are times when they experience the negative aspect of the product that they find themselves in search engine rankings that have caused by negative Search engine optimization. The negative aspect reflects on the sales too makes the people move away from such products as well. When you join as an affiliate, you will have immediate access to a full category of pages, presentation pages, and other resources, which are essential to building your business. In addition, as members of the extreme empower the team, you will have the full access to numerous resources without any additional and hidden charges. Thus empower network viral blogging system is incredibly powerful. The Network is for anyone who wants to earn serious income through his or her hard efforts to promote to the next level. If you are committed to change your life the better one, empower network is the right and wise choice to start a new career and change your life! The word 'Empower' means to enable or permit which is the key element to the Mission and the network.  So, empower yourselves through various services, support, opportunities and enhance the income levels offering by empower network and taste the fruit of success. Join Empowernetwork.com

Source: Empower Network Reviewed- How to Make Money Online with Viral Blogging System

Saturday, February 25, 2017

#Google CENSORSHIP BOMBSHELL: Supposed Natural #News “violation” of #Google webmaster rules also found running on #Google’s own #Blogspot #Network!

GOOGLE CENSORSHIP BOMBSHELL: Supposed Natural News "violation" of Google webmaster rules also found running on Google's own Blogspot network! | Latest News

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Source: #Google CENSORSHIP BOMBSHELL: Supposed Natural #News "violation" of #Google webmaster rules also found running on #Google's own #Blogspot #Network!

Top 5 WordPress Affiliate Plugins For Serious Marketers

If you are unaware, you can make a lot of money in blogging thanks to affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing may sound complicated, but it is very simple. Nearly the entire process can be automated (or require little work) before you can make your first earning on affiliate sales. The only challenge you will ever face in affiliate marketing is probably the convincing or selling part.

WordPress users are spoilt with multiple choices when it comes to affiliate marketing. There are many plugins which you can use to turn happy readers into customers and even showing relevant advertisements to them at the right time. More importantly, these plugins are so flexible where you can set once and forget!

Let's discover the top 5 affiliate plugins for WordPress below.

When it comes to cloaking an affiliate link, Thirsty Affiliates is my favorite plugin. At first glance, Thirsty Affiliates plugin looks like most of the major players (for affiliate plugins) in the market. However, it comes packing with quite a few powerful features which can take your affiliate marketing to a whole new level.

Here are some features in Thirsty Affiliates:

  • Accurate statistic tracking
  • Automatic keyword linking (save time and make more money faster)
  • Ability to import links from Amazon and other similar platforms
  • The real unique ability of Thirsty Affiliates lies within its add-on bundles such as Geolocations and Google Click Tracking.

    In Geolocations, Thirsty Affiliates allows you to target visitors from specific countries with the chosen affiliate links. This will result in a higher conversion rate and indirectly, a better chance to monetize your WordPress blog.

    Google Click Tracking allows the plugin automatically to detect affiliate links and adds Google Analytics Event tracking. If you are serious about understanding statistics and click-through-rates, this plugin is definitely for you.

    Pretty Link has come a long way in the affiliate marketing niche, and it is extremely popular among WordPress users. For me, Pretty Link is a great alternative plugin for Thirsty Affiliates.

    Instead of using URL shorteners such as Bit.ly and Tinyurl.com, you can shorten links using your domain name directly on your WordPress blog. Pretty Link plugin gains a lot of popularity because it is easy to use and is highly flexible.

    Just like most of the affiliate plugins, it comes with several different options for statistic reports. For example, you can choose between basic and advanced statistic reports which are displayed based on various requirements such as the number of hits and unique hits per link. For advanced marketers, you may want to opt for the advanced statistic as it will display the results in graph form which helps to decipher the data even better.

    This plugin has been in the market for some time now, and it is still one of the most powerful affiliate plugins for both beginners and advanced marketers.

    The concept behind OIO Publisher is simple; a huge percentage of affiliate marketing is closely related to banners and hyperlinks. With OIO Publisher plugin, marketers can control these links like never before. This means that both of the above are extremely flexible, and you can easily tweak them easily from time to time without needing any coding skills or manually changing the links.

    With OIO Publisher, you can create rotation and display different banners based on specific categories. Instead of constantly changing the advertisement banners, all you need to do is to change the banner in the plugin, and it will take care of the rest. If hyperlinks are your favorite method, OIO Publisher allows you to create hyperlinks throughout the blog without needing to change page by page.

    Affiliate marketing can be a tough job and therefore, OIO Publisher allows you to sell advertisement space in its marketplace. You can sell all forms of text ads, banners and even paid reviews with prices of your choice using OIO Publisher.

    Adsanity is a great ad management plugin for beginners. It allows you to insert banners, in post graphics and videos in just a few clicks. The best part? The entire process can be done directly from your WordPress dashboard!

    With Adsanity, you can configure the plugin to schedule the duration of an advertisement or banner that is in view. This ensures that you can maximize the revenue gained while ensuring that you do not display banners which had expired. For same bloggers, Adsanity is also known as a light ad rotator plugin. It is incredibly easy to setup and extremely lightweight that does not have a huge impact on website loading speed.

    Just like any other WordPress affiliate plugin, Adsanity comes with several statistic options for you to analyze the performance. What attracts me in this feature is the graph-like statistic which is really powerful and highly user-friendly.

    Affiliate marketing can be very time-consuming. For starters, you are required to find the right product to promote and after that, writing a high-quality article to boost the sales of it. Then, the last step is to add the much-important affiliate links to ensure that you are credited with the sales commission.

    In most cases, the entire process of marketing an affiliate product would take hours, and it can be stressful. With Auto Affiliate Links plugin, most of the affiliate marketing job can be done rather quickly especially when it comes to creating unique shorten links.

    You can easily integrate popular affiliate marketplace such as Shareasale and Amazon to the plugin. It will then add the affiliate links directly into your content with just a few clicks. You can also take affiliate marketing to a whole new level by using an API key to generate automatically and display links from the marketplace.

    The plugin allows you to maintain a good control of the affiliate marketing process as you can define the number of links to be automatically shown on a page.


    In today's world, there are many WordPress affiliate plugins which you can choose from. While you cannot go wrong with any of these plugins, it is important for you to understand the features of the individual plugins first before installing them. This is to ensure that you can leverage the plugin to the best of its ability and make affiliate marketing work extremely well (and easy) for you.

    Source: Top 5 WordPress Affiliate Plugins For Serious Marketers

    Friday, February 24, 2017

    BuzzMag – Viral #News #WordPress #Magazine/#Blog Theme

    BuzzMag – Viral News WordPress Magazine/Blog Theme BuzzMag has perfect powerful combination of advanced functionality and simplicity in a WordPress viral News Magazine/Blog theme. It doesn't require any coding skills to launch your site in 10 minutes thanks to powerful live preview customize panel, post ... read moreSupport for Click Mag - Viral WordPress News Magazine/Blog Theme A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a "Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing" error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This error message does not mean that the theme you have ... read moreBest Viral WordPress Themes The premium Doberman theme is a magazine / blog / news / viral theme for WordPress with a lot of great features. Its from the quality developer CSSIgniter and has a fresh, bold and professional design. Some of the key features include: a custom drag and ... read more

    15 Best News WordPress Themes Are you looking for incredible responsive magazine WordPress themes? Then, you are at the right place. We will be taking you through the best magazine WordPress themes. WordPress is a great platform for news sites ... women's magazine blog I run using ... read more10 Best Free and Paid WordPress Themes For Blog Looking to start a blog with WordPress ... news, or blog website. Mashmag comes with many out of the box features and a comprehensive easy to use option panel. This theme is perfect for newbies and has been designed and coded to get you running you ... read more125+ Free Responsive Magazine WordPress Themes 2017 Numinous is a clean and elegant Magazine WordPress theme. It is a responsive magazine style WordPress theme suitable for news, newspaper, magazine, food, technology, viral content websites ... newspaper, online magazine, blog or personal website. read more60+ Best Responsive Flat WordPress Themes The free wordpress themes for 2015 has been updated recently. There are themes here suited for news website who like to have a blog ... much suited for large content websites. Category: Magazine, Blog. A professional wordpress theme for bloggers ... read moreBuzzMag v1.0 – Viral News WordPress Magazine/Blog Theme Links will be visible once you whitelist UnlockPress.com on your adblocker. It's our way of surviving and your way of supporting us. BuzzMag has perfect powerful combination of advanced functionality and simplicity in a WordPress viral News Magazine/Blog ... read moreClick Mag - Viral WordPress News Magazine/Blog Theme Complete List of Features Compatible with Wordpress 4.6+ SEO Optimized HTML5 & CSS3 Translation ready (contains .po/.mo files) Child Theme ready Comes with XML dummy data (posts, tags, categories, menus, dummy images) Easy implementation with Google ... read moreDiginex : Magazine, Blog, News and Viral WordPress Theme Diginex is the minimalist WordPress Premium magazine Theme, crafted with care and attention to detail. It includes a minimalist design, coupled with beautiful visual effects. It has lots of different effects and layout modes which let you create the ... read more

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    Source: BuzzMag – Viral #News #WordPress #Magazine/#Blog Theme

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    Thursday, February 23, 2017

    Adsoptimal #Scam: #AdSense alternative ad #Network is a big fraud

    Adsoptimal Scam: Adsense alternative ad network is a big fraud Delhi,Harsh Agrawal: In 2016, AdsOptimal rose as one of the best AdSense alternatives. Many publishers made tons of money using AdsOptimal ads. However, things seem to be different in 2017 as they have suspended their service & all payments are on hold ... read moreAdbuff Review for Publishers It is not a secret that this company provides the best Google AdSense alternative in terms of rates and ad ... such a big deal after all. Adbuff provides three types of commissions namely CPC, CPM, and CPA. They are currently a banner display network ... read moreTop 16 Best (Pay Per Click) PPC Sites Publisher Ad Networks – 2017 AdsOptimal. AdsOptimal is fastest growing multi advertising network ... it is also good Adsense alternative. Chitika has Referring Program also you can refer others for using Chitika ads then you will earn 10% of Refer Publisher review for 10 months. read more

    Adsnik Media- A perfect Ad network for Advertisers and Publishers ... then I have a good news for you today. Yes, today I am going to tell you about an ad network which is not just a good alternative of AdSense but also a best alternative of Google Adwords. ... Adsnik Media is a CPM advertising network based in India. read moreAdSense: The (Weak) Elephant in the Room Getting some "spare change" from AdSense may have been okay in the past, but they need a lot more now. Plenty of good alternatives exist on other advertising ... fraud is most serious. To protect it, Google will (quite rightly) sue publishers who scam ... read moreGoogle battles 'bad' and scam products amid claims it removed 1.6b ads in 2016 From producing sub-standard work to ad fraud to staff exploitation ... with almost 200 publishers being removed from its AdSense network. "When a publisher violates our policies, we may stop showing ads on their site, or even terminate their account ... read moreHow has adsense & google changed your life? new big competitors now following, but years later.. clearly, they don't do this in charity, it's a business relationship. but adsense was the first ever advertising network that made ... and the rampant clicks fraud keep reducing it to a mere 2 or 1 ... read moreFake News: You Get What You Pay For Need I say more than the Columbia Journalism Review ... advertising on subjective grounds is the worst possible outcome of this entire affair?. . . The rot at the core of media has little to do with the propagation of fake news on the fringes. Alternative ... read moreGoogle's (GOOG) Management Presents At Credit Suisse Technology Conference (Transcript) And so my portfolio includes advertising on YouTube across the Google display network, our AdSense sites n of course our DoubleClick ... given our early days in terms of sort of leading out fraud on the AdWords side, click fraud et cetera, we want to ... read moreGuilherme Bersani A quick look at WEB ADVERTISING. 2 For this presentation… AdSense: Google's juggernaut advertising network Alternatives ... hate, mail fraud, spam, pyramid schemes, etc. - Support an excessive amount of advertising. 12 The Other Alternative: Affiliate Marketing What it is: Affiliate ... read more

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    Source: Adsoptimal #Scam: #AdSense alternative ad #Network is a big fraud

    John Sonmez – 10 Ways to Make Money with Your Blog – Value $99

    Raise your hand if you've ever heard another software developer say:"

    Having a blog is fine—but you can't make any money doing that…"

    Well, in just a minute I'm going to show you how you can earn at least $100 from your blog in the next 90 days, guaranteed 100%.

    More on that soon…

    First though I want to take on this idea that you can't make any money with a blog.

    This claim that you can't make more than "pizza money" from a blog gets thrown around a lot—it comes up just about every time I talk about how critical blogging is for your software development career.

    The reason this idea won't die is, there actually IS a grain of truth in it.

    Or at best maybe they make enough to cover their server costs.

    I've spoken privately with many really high-profile software developer bloggers, pillars in the industry with names you'd recognize instantly…

    And you might be shocked to hear how little they earn from their blogs. I know I was.

    When you're just starting out with your brand new blog, it's easy to get discouraged and buy into the idea that blogging isn't a viable way to grow your income.

    Before you write off the dream of someday earning a nice side income from your blog, though, let me tell you about my journey with Simple Programmer.

    I first started Simple Programmer back in 2009, and in those first couple of years I made ZILCH from the site.

    The problem wasn't my blog—the site was slowly and surely gaining traction.

    The problem was *me*.

    The first way I tried to make a little money was the same thing that everyone tries when they start a blog:


    Now I don't want to knock ads too much. I sell advertising on Simple Programmer today, and it does bring in a healthy stream of cash.

    However of all the ways to earn income from your blog, ads are just about the LEAST EFFICIENT approach you can use.

    You need a HUGE audience, and even then you might only make a few hundred dollars a month.

    I blame the "throw up a blog and slap ads on it" model for this persistent myth that it's hard to earn side income from your blog.

    It took a while, but as Simple Programmer kept growing, I started to wise up.

    I saw how I was earning just pennies a month from the advertising, and after a while I started looking around for other ways to "monetizing" the blog.

    One day I heard that Amazon will pay you to put links on your blog to products that you like, and I decided to give it a shot.

    Wouldn't you know it, it worked!

    I know, kind of pitiful right?

    Today Simple Programmer generates close to $30,000 per month, and it all started with that $10.91.

    Let me tell you though, I was RIDICULOUSLY proud of that income.

    Even though it wasn't much, and even though I was making a lot more from my 9-5 job…

    Earning this money felt SO satisfying.

    Because it meant that I had a way of making money that was completely my own—and no one could just take that away from me.

    My income from Simple Programmer started as a tiny drip.

    And when I started to see some momentum, I didn't want to stop.I went looking for more revenue streams. I added a second, and a third, and a fourth…

    Pretty soon I was bringing in $100 a month here, $500 a month there…

    $500 a month is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it's completely "passive"—and not tied in any way to your current job.

    That's enough to cover a car payment, or keep the lights on and pay the grocery bill.

    That's a game changer for your confidence and sense of security.

    Having a "cushion" like this gives you options: You can choose to accelerate your goals, like paying off debt. You can invest the money back into your career through education. Or you can start investing for your retirement…

    And it's really up to you how far you want to take it.

    In my case, I decided to grow Simple Programmer to a full-scale business…

    One that pays me a comfortable 6-figure salary while also affording me the time and freedom to pursue other goals in my life, like my recent tour of China with my wife and daughter, or entering the San Diego Rock and Roll half marathon…

    Recently I got asked in a podcast interview whether it was possible for a software developer to make serious money with their blog.

    Is the success I've enjoyed with Simple Programmer just a fluke—or is it something that you could experience as well?

    Here's what I said:Anyone can start a blog and within a year or three, you can be earning $1,000 a month, or $2,000.

    There are so many tools available, and so many opportunities to earn income from your efforts.

    All you need is some patience and the willingness to put in some consistent effort.

    That—and the knowledge of where best to channel your efforts to start earning money right away.

    My biggest regret with Simple Programmer is that I didn't have a plan in place from Day 1 for how I was going to earn money from my blog.

    There wasn't anyone that I knew who was doing what I was doing.I made a LOT of mistakes—and wasted a lot of time and opportunity as a result.

    (In fact I've been told that just one of the mistakes that I made due to my inexperience and just lack of information has conservatively cost me several hundred thousand dollars in lost revenue.)

    If I'd had a chance back then to sit down with someone who'd built a successful blog and was making income from it, I could have grown Simple Programmer SO much faster.

    Hindsight is 20/20, that's for sure.

    Recently I was thinking about just how much I've learned about growing and monetizing a blog…

    And I realized that I could put that experience to good use by creating a resource for software developers and bloggers like you to bypass the painful trial and error and mis-steps I went through.

    I call it:

    This program truly is the resource I wish I'd had when I was starting out.

    It's a whirlwind tour of all of the different ways I know of to earn money from your blog.

    I'll show you every technique I'm using with Simple Programmer—and even several revenue streams that I haven't had a chance to implement yet.

    You'll see live examples of how other bloggers are using these income-generating approaches…

    And even get a few "sneak peeks" at the revenue I'm generating with Simple Programmer.

    In this video series, you'll discover:

  • What's a REALISTIC goal for how much you can earn with your blog?
  • How to earn more from advertising by cutting out the middle man
  • One question to ask before you try to make money with your blog if you want to maximize what you'll earn (and keep the trust of your readers)
  • How to find companies that will pay you for access to your audience
  • 3 non-obvious ways to sell advertising (much more profitably too)
  • How I turn every blog post at Simple Programmer into a income-boosting opportunity
  • Not making money yet? Step 1a to start earning money with your blog today
  • A tempting trap that can make you some money today, but destroy your blog before you have a chance to really earn more down the road
  • Don't have a lot of traffic yet? You can still make money from your blog—a lot of money actually
  • The costliest mistake I made when starting Simple Programmer, and what you can do TODAY to avoid making the same error
  • 3 things you can offer on your blog that require almost no upfront work
  • How some developers are able to quickly make enough income to quit their day job and support themselves using their blog
  • An easy, "why not" way to generate a few bucks a month (or maybe more)
  • How a small but dedicated fan base could bring in enough revenue to pay your mortgage each month
  • 10+ ways to get people to pay you for the knowledge you already have
  • One step you must start TODAY that will be a "force multiplier" on everything else you do with your blog later on
  • How the "podcast king" makes money by borrowing the expertise of other developers
  • BONUS: Exclusive "Open Kimono" Tour of My Simple Programmer Business

    Recently I hosted a "look over my shoulder" presentation for a select few diehard supporters of Simple Programmer…

    In this video, which is not for sale anywhere else, you'll watch as I fire up my screen sharing software, open up the Simple Programmer books, and step through my income streams line by line.

    You'll see exactly what strategies I'm using to monetize Simple Programmer—and how much revenue each channel brings in.

    When was the last time someone offering you "business advice" was willing to be that transparent with you?

    As you can see, I've packed a LOT into this short course.

    This package represents 7-8 years of hard-won knowledge that I've accumulated while building Simple Programmer from a brand new blog to a 6-figure business.

    And let me tell you—If there was any way I could stuff myself into a time capsule and zap myself back to 2009 when Simple Programmer was just getting started…

    This knowledge would have earned me thousands of dollars—even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Back then I'd have jumped at the chance to pay $500 or even $1,000 for this information.

    And it would have been well worth it, because the investment would have paid for itself hundreds of times over.

    You won't have to pay $1,000 for this information, though.

    If you know me, you know how strongly I believe that every software developer should have a blog.

    And I know firsthand how motivating it is as a blogger when you see dollars flowing into your back account as a result of the words you write.

    I want you to have that same experience—to feel that surge of enthusiasm when you see people actually willing to pay you for your ideas.

    So I've decided to set the price tag on this course low enough so it doesn't break the bank.

    That means that you can get it today for just $99.

    Source: John Sonmez – 10 Ways to Make Money with Your Blog – Value $99

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017

    6 Techniques Of Social #Blogging: Make Your #Blog Great Again!

    6 Techniques Of Social Blogging: Make Your Blog Great Again! Social Blogging: Make Your Blog Great Again! If you travel along the social blogging scene, then you have presumably seen that a few sites get a lot of traffic while others hardly get any traffic. Why does that always happen? Experts say that these ... read more7 Simple Tips to Make Your Blog Posts SEO Friendly 7 simple tips to make your blog posts ... From commenting on blogs to getting tons of engagement with a blog post, there are many ways to grow your links. However, the best way has always been through creating good or great content. I know, I said good ... read more6 Blogging Tips That You Need To Consider This isn't overly comprehensive though; that's why I'm only covering 6 items. Still, I think you're going to get your money's worth from these blogging tips; let's see where it goes. In November 2011 I spoke at a local social media conference ... read more

    Life as a Blogger! Why I started, my tips and biggest recommendation! I thought I would share a few of the tips I have learned from blogging! *Blog about something ... Once you get your numbers high enough as far as page views and social media channels go, companies will start reaching out to you (make sure your email ... read more6 SEO Tips That You Can Apply Without The Telp Of Any Expert Make your site snippet-ready, and in no-time Google's algorithm will take notice of you. #2 – Focus on social media Why does ... post your pages' link there. Again, if you have addressed a cake issue in one of your blogs, you can certainly post ... read moreHow I Built a Million Dollar Blog (by Growing a Loyal Audience) So, here's how I've built a million dollar blog and my tips so that you can do the same. It was 6 months ... blogging. Affiliate marketing is where you place an affiliate link on your website or a social media platform and attempt to make an income ... read moreMastering the Art of Blogging: 6 Recipes to Help You Become A More Successful Content Creator Analytics is a great ... blogging today is actually a multi-channel approach. Everything from your blog posts to site content and social profiles need to create a consistent experience. Provide a consistent look and feel, along with messaging, to make ... read more8 Traffic-Boosting Blog Secrets that Almost Feel Like Cheating Some blogging techniques are downright unfair. And that's a great thing. Everyone wants to get huge amounts of traffic to their blog ... make sure people know the content is going to be good. Third, promote your webinar. Share it on all of your social ... read more26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts Do you blog? Feel like you're trying to reinvent the wheel time and again? Looking for some ideas to simplify your content creation process? What follows are 26 tips ... your blogging is going: visitors, leads, subscribers, inbound links and social ... read moreThe Six Techniques Of Social Blogging: Make Your Blog Great Again! Experts say that these inconsistencies are a direct result of shifting advertising techniques. Post new blog posts ... will visit your site over and over again. Learn how to be a great writer and make sure your content is really good. When blogging ... read more

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    Source: 6 Techniques Of Social #Blogging: Make Your #Blog Great Again!

    How Bloggers can make easy money online through Media.net, Yahoo, Bing

    Editor's note: Mark Abahi, the NAIJ.com partner blogger, in this article, explains how bloggers can use media.net yahoo! Bing ad Nerwork to make money online without stress.

    Mr. Mark is the Chief Editor of www.Techzusng.com.

    He is good at writing, including how to make money online, Tech, Blogger tips for beggners e.t.c.

    He could be reached via : Ekedaymark@gmail.com, techzusng@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Mark.Abahi

    More details in NAIJ.com's step-by-step guide for guest bloggers.

    When it comes to making money from a blogger blog or website, you have many options. One of the simplest is to place PPC advertisements on your blog or website, and you will be paid depending on the niche, quality of traffic, and number of clicks on ads.

    How Bloggers can make easy money online through Media.net, Yahoo, Bing

    A blogger thinking on how to get online breakthrough

    Of all the advertising networks currently available, Google AdSense is certainly the best, but it is also one of the most highly criticised, due to their harsh rules. Many bloggers lose their hope of making money with AdSense once their AdSense account is disabled or not approved.

    READ ALSO: How to turn your passion into a profitable online business

    I have previously written about many way bloggers make money from Media.net www.techzusng.com. alternative ways to make money in this Tutorial Article .

    Today I'm featuring Media.net , which is a contextual ad network brought to you by Yahoo! and Bing together .

    Media.net is an ad network that has been getting great reviews from around the globe. It is an alternative to AdSense. Media.net is currently an invitation based ad network, and anyone can request an invite.

    But there are many great features of Media.net, one of them being a dedicated account manager to help you get started, and help you to make more money from your blog.


    I will discuss all of this in greater detail later in this article, but first of all let's have a look at what Media.net is all about.

    Media.net: features and program information:

    Media.net is a contextual ad network, which means that it hosts advertisements based on the context of the page . For example, if you are running Media.net ads on your page about foods, your readers will be seeing advertisements related to Foods and foods products. Similarly, a page about cameras will have ads related to cameras and photography accessories.

    Contextual advertisements perform better than any other types of ads (direct ads), and this is one reason why AdSense is so popular.

    Media.net is powered by Yahoo! and Bing, and you will see only high quality and high paying ads through Media.net.

    Media.net is targeted to small to large Bloggers & media houses who produce quality content. So even if you have a small blogger blog or website with targeted and quality content, your chance of getting approval is high.

    Here are some of the most notable features of Media.net ad network:

    Contextual advertisements

    As mentioned above, ads will be showed based on the context of the page and the article.

    High revenue

    Quality of ads are high, and various optimization techniques will help you to make a significant amount of money from your hosted ads e.g media.

    Mobile ads

    One of the key features of Media.net is the hosting of mobile ads on media. This feature is currently in beta, but with the growing number of smart phone users, mobile ads are the future of advertising for publishers. Media.net mobile detection technology automatically detects mobile and smart phone browsers, and serves mobile ads which will help you to earn additional income form mobile ads.


    Account manager

    There are very few ad networks offering dedicated account managers, and Media.net is one of them as soon as you get an approved Media.net account, you will be assigned an account manager, and he will assist you with the setup and help you to get started. Indeed, if you are not a blogger who likes to optimize ads (colour, text,image, etc), your account manager will do this for you.

    Neat and clean reporting dashboard

    The reporting dashboard is neat, and it is easy to become accustomed to using it.

    One account for unlimited websites

    If you have one approved account with Media.net, you can use the same account to run advertisements on multiple blogger blog or websites. You will, however, need to get approval for every website, which is easy with the help of site manager.

    Multiple ad unit sizes

    You can create multiple ad unit sizes using the Media.net ad management panel.

    How to get started with Media.net

    Currently the Yahoo! Bing contextual ad network (Media.net) is an invitation based ad network. You can apply for an invite code here, by adding details about you and your blogger blog or website. If you have multiple websites, you can apply for all of them under one account from the same page.

    Soon thereafter, one of their representatives will evaluate your blog, and once you are approved, you will be assigned an account manager, and you will receive your login details via email.

    To ensure the high quality of ads, they do have program policies, and before applying it is a good idea to review these policies for your information .


    Once your application has been approved, login to the Media.net account dashboard, start creating ad units for your blogger blog or website, and place the code. The process is simple, and if you have ever used an ad network such as AdSense or any other, the process is almost the same.

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    At the time of the writing of this post, Media.net supports payment via PayPal or wire-transfer . The minimum payout threshold is $100 one Houdred dollor.

    Overall, after reading the reviews about Media.net and considering the way it has evolved in the past year, I feel comfortable and also recommending that you go ahead and Give it a try for a publisher's account, and give this new and promising AdSense alternative a try.

    Apply for Media.net account

    If you are an existing Media.net publisher, I would love to hear your feedback, experience and opinion.

    Hope the article so helpful.

    How Bloggers can make easy money online through Media.net, Yahoo, Bing

    Mark Abahi

    The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of NAIJ.com.

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    Source: How Bloggers can make easy money online through Media.net, Yahoo, Bing