Monday, February 20, 2017

Inspire Me Monday Linky Party #119

linky party linky party Inspire Me Monday blogging networking

Welcome to the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party for February 20. We are so glad you decided to join us.

Weekly Wrap Up

Tuesday – 3 Ways to Make Easy Money with Social Media Marketing How to use YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to profit from social media marketing is explained.

Friday – How to Copy Your Blog & Why You Need To: WP Twin 17 reasons you need WP Twin for peace of mind. If you get locked out of your blog due to hacking or a glitch, you are protected with this plugin.

Saturday – How to See a 10x Growth in Your Blog Traffic Now with Flipboard Testimonials, anecdotal evidence, and screenshots proving that you can get thousands of page views to your blog from Flipboard daily.

Sunday – 13 Best Free Tools You Need to Improve Your Long Tail Keywords Bloggers can find long tail keywords to boost their SEO with 13 free long tail keyword tools. A case study showing the effectiveness is presented.

Featured Posts

My first choice for Most Inspirational Post went to a really fun post, How to Throw an Amazing Beatles-Themed Party. It was all about how to throw a Beatles-themed party. I suppose it helped that I love the Beatles. So much effort went into the post as well as the party such as photos and Beatles-themed food.

My second choice for Most Inspirational Post went to Why As a Blogger You Should Never Ignore Your Shadow. I was reluctant to pick Hugh's post simply because I chose Hugh as one of the winners just a few weeks ago. I did despite my guilt because this post was amazing. Adjectives describing it… haunting, scary, creative, inspirational… and the post was about how bloggers should return comments. Is that cool? At any rate, I sure thought so. Even the photos were kind of creepy, and the whole article was a metaphor for blogging. Why fight it? I had to give Hugh one of the top honors this week.

The post clicked the most often last week was 25 St. Patrick's Day Desserts. Congratulations to all the winners.

Although not required, for organizing this networking event, it is considered polite to follow your hostess. That's me! I'm Janice!

The linkup will be seen on four blogs. Each host picks her own two favorites. In addition to exposure here, graphics from the winning posts are pinned to the Inspire Me Monday Pinterest Board. The party is live until Thursday morning.

Emily- Simple Life of a Fire Wife






Janice- Mostly Blogging (That's me! Welcome!)





Facebook Page:



BonBon – Farmhouse 40






Nicole – Mama Of Many Blessings


Google+: +NicoleWalter

Twitter: MomManyBlessing

Facebook: Mama-Of-Many-Blessings-27932392 2140240/?ref=hl

Pinterest: mamaofmanybless/

Instagram: mamaofmanyblessings/

Guests, last week we had 334 posts linked. Please share on your blogs and social media, so our Inspire Me Monday Linky Party continues to grow.

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Source: Inspire Me Monday Linky Party #119

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