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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Source: How To Find Clients For Your Freelance #Blogging #Business
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.It is a must for you to have a blog if you want to be a blogger. Even, you also need to consider using a website or weblog if you really want to be a professional blogger. Don't get confuse if it is your first time to create a blog. Just learn the steps of how to start a blog here.
Before learning about how to start a blog, you need to decide the purpose of the blog first. In fact, you can use your personal blog for fun only or for making money. The different is on its treatment. Let say, you want to create a blog for fun it means you can use free blog services and you can do what do you want to do to manage the blog. On the other hand, if you want to make money from your blog, you need to maintain it professionally. You may maintain the blog for affiliate, adwords, sponsored content, guest post, and direct selling. Those activities are the way to make money from your professional blog. The next explanation is trying to explain about how to start a blog for making money.
Steps to Create BlogSo, how to start a blog for professional blogger? The first thing to do is choosing the platform for the blog. You may use WordPress or buy instantly from web hosting provider. For those who want to create a blog from WordPress, you may visit and start to sign up. In this step, you have to complete personal data. Besides asking for your personal data, WordPress is also asking about the domain name. Because you want to choose the best domain name which can support your blogging activity in the future. For example, you have to follow the SEO rule in choosing the domain name. When it is ready, you can start to create a blog for free. You can also manage the blog such as changing the theme and adding some contents. Later, you will have a blog. Later, you can change it into payable blog by using the WordPress premium service. In different step, you can also create a blog by the help of webhosting provider. The benefit of using webhosting provider is that you don't need to thing about the early management of the blog. The provider helps you to finish it all. They just need your personal data and domain name if you already have it. If you don't have any idea, they will create the domain name for you. You just need to say about the niche of your blog or what you want to discuss there later. Remember! You are about creating a blog for making money so every single element has to be determined perfectly. When it is ready, you have to pay the service monthly. The price is various and it depends on the service you take from the webhosting provider. The more service you take, the more money you have to spend.
Prepare High Quality Contents for BlogCreating a blog is not enough whether for fun or for making money. It is a must for you to add some high quality contents. Because you want to make money, it means the content should be following SEO rules. You may fill your blog with writing text. It can be your own writing or ordering from professional writers. The most important thing is that the content should be original and unique. You have to follow it with keywords, images, tags, category, and URL. Those elements have to be matched with the niche of your blog. Even, you have to consider about the length of the article you want to post. Generally, you should post around 800 words up to 1000 words per article on your blog. You also need to do it regularly and scheduled. Don't forget to separate it with subheading so your visitors don't get bored while reading your article. Include the keyword around the article. You may include keyword on the first paragraph. For an 800 words article, there have to be around 9 up to 10 k eywords.
How to Make Money from BlogYou blog should be maintained based on the online business you take. Let say, you want to develop your blog for affiliate program. In this case, you have to prepare an interesting article to read by the visitors. Then, you also need to include your affiliate link. It is a must to include the affiliate link because it is how you can make money. The visitors who are interesting with the product you are promoted will click your affiliate link. If the buy the product from your affiliate link, you will earn some of money. It is a great online business with blog if you don't have your own products or services to offer. If you have products and services to offer, you should develop your brand and visitors' trust first. It can be done by sharing important and useful articles from your blog. It is better if the articles are related to the products and services you want to offer. Let them believe you and then start to promote your products and services. This is how to start a blog for m aking money and the key is doing it constantly.
dennyfar is author at LeraBlog. The author's views are entirely his/her own and may not reflect the views and opinions of LeraBlog staff.Hello I'm Denny Farhan, CEO & Founder at
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.By Crystal Roman
These days Internet became not only a source of the interesting and important information but also an easy way to earn money. It is not as difficult as it may seem. There are lots of ways of working via the Internet, for instance, freelancing or just working from home for a prestigious company.
Do you read online magazines or reviews? Sure you do, but did you know that people are getting paid for it? Blogging is a goldmine of the 21 century. Your task is easy: write something that people would like to read and make money out of it. The more people read you, the more money you will get. Unfortunately, in 2017 this approach is quite old-fashioned because web competitiveness has remarkably risen. So what shall you do to start a money making blog?
First of all, if you have been interested in such way of making money, your question should sound like "How can I create my own blog?" The idea of starting an online journal is good enough if you don't want to make money because it has other benefits. Just Google "blog", "blogging", "site" and you will see how many sites offer to launch various personal websites. (mostly for free!). In this article, we have gathered 5 really working ways on how to start blogging for money.
1. The Blog ItselfDecide what kind of blogging it will be. You can start your own channel on YouTube, create an account on FicBook or just register on Google Blog. Consider what you like to do more: talking, writing short/long stories, sending brief information about your goals and plans or gathering info about some critical issues. This is the most crucial point, which will define your website future.
2. Choose Your Topic and Be ActiveAt some point, blogs remind of a dissertation or thesis, because it also needs a particular problem. Sure, no one can forbid you to discuss everything you want. However, if you ask yourself "How to get paid blogging?", then you need to decide what target niche to choose. Anything you are talking about should encourage people to participate in the process. Show them that you are an interesting person and discuss the questions that are worth their attention.
The main "online blogging" problem is that usually people just drop it. If you stopped posting, you would lose your followers, who are your main source of income. It appears that if you want to start a profitable website, you should perceive it as your daily job. You need to work hard, and what is more important, you need to "show up" regularly. So, if you are not going to post and share information in a long-term, then don't be surprised when you lose all the subscribers.
3. Interact With Your FollowersIt is highly important to make a good first impression; nevertheless, you should always be interesting. Don't try to guess, just ask them. For instance, many YouTube bloggers ask their subscribers what they wish to see in the next video. This is the best way to keep your followers interested and meet their hopes.
4. Brand voice promotion and advertisementPeople will never remember your name if you don't promote yourself, hence you won't be able to earn money. So, why don't you sell yourself? Don't be afraid of telling your friends that you've started your online diary, let them read it and follow you. Place an ad somewhere in the social networks, where there are lots of people who are bored and are looking for something to read. Cooperate with other bloggers if it is possible. It will increase your chances to engage more visitors and gain valuable experience.
5. PartnershipAs soon as you become a famous blogger, there is a big chance to start cooperating with various brands/companies. If you sell yourself successfully, it means that you can expand your products/services to a great extent. Let some brand place an ad on your site so that you will get some money, and they will get some clients from your subscribers. However, you should be careful with what you are going to offer your readers. Make sure that you won't regret your decision later.
Crystal Roman is a blogger and freelance writer for lifestyle credo is "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. "
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Fed up working for someone else? Then read our list of 6 tips on becoming a LuLaRue consultant to make money.
It's no news that our 9 to 5 jobs can be so tiring at times and it seems as if they are taking all our energy and leave nothing for our families and friends. It's a devastating fact, but it appears that one must sacrifice their personal life and quality time with their loved ones in order to provide for their families. From the moment we graduate and until we retire, we must live according to a schedule made by someone else for us, and we are even led to believe that we are happy because we have a job. How many times have you wondered isn't there anything else that you could do to earn money that doesn't include spending your entire life at the office?
Yuganov Konstantin/
DeAnne Stidham certainly wondered about it, too, so she decided to take control of her life and make significant changes. DeAnne is a woman who dreamed of having a job that would allow her to spend more time with her kids at home, and she was so desperate to find a solution that she created it herself. She created a fashion story that will ease her life and the lives of all those women that join her adventure. Everything started when she met a couple of dress wholesalers who recognized her passion and a strong will to execute her plan. She soon launched her own clothing line and thus LulaRoe was created. LuLaRoe is an opportunity for all those individuals who wish to create their own schedules and enjoy life by selling comfortable clothes which are affordable, too. Interested in selling your old clothes and making room for new ones? Read our list of 7 Tips on Using Poshmark Shopping Apps to Make Money.
In order to compile this list, we first searched for experiences of people working as LuLaRoe consultants on Reddit and we took a glance at Mompreneur Advice to check out the most frequently asked questions about becoming a LuLaRoe consultant. After carefully gathering the necessary information, we created a list of 6 tips on becoming a LulaRue consultant to make money.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.How to Make Money Blogging (part 2)
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I have written this a post about how to make money blogging in my head about 5,327 times. I'd start it and a story would pop into my head. Or a DIY. Or a dining room with a faux parquet floor and smocked burlap curtains. And I'd get all distracted and chase rabbits and realize …
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Are You Interested In Blogging Or Feel Called To Be A Blogger, But Don't Know Where To Start? I have grown as a person, wife, mother, and writer because of blogging. I would love for others to experience how a blog can shape them and teach them as an individual.
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I have written this a post about how to make money blogging in my head about 5,327 times. I'd start it and a story would pop into my head. Or a DIY. Or a dining room with a faux parquet floor and smocked burlap curtains. And I'd get all distracted and chase rabbits and …
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.Because, as she said, people go to read frugal living stuff to learn how not to spend money, right? So how could you possibly earn a living from that?
Since I am always excited to meet someone locally who is interested in trying to build up a sustainable online income, I jumped right into researching some answers for her question.
While I do write about frugal living on here occasionally, it is just a small part of my money topics, so I did have to do a bit of sleuthing to find more than just one or two ideas.
After spending the weekend reading some amazing blogs by frugal living bloggers, I came up with this list of ways you (and my friend) can earn money from writing about your frugal living tips:
Okay, first thing to remember is that people who "live frugally" aren't necessarily misers. They work hard to save money so they can spend it in areas they feel are important.Savers are individuals who save for different reasons. For some it's a matter of survival, for others it might be habit, and for others still it could be a way to save up for something big, like a new house or debt freedom.
So don't assume that everyone who comes to read your frugal living tips will be reluctant to spend money. Do expect them to want the best value for their time and money, however, if you are marketing products or services to them.
Now. Here are some of the ways a blog about saving money can actually make you, the blogger, a little (or a lotta) extra cash:
1. Ad Income
Placing ads on your blog will allow you a trickle of passive income. The more traffic to reach your blog, the more you can potentially earn.
If you are getting paid for impressions, then y ou don't have to worry about whether your readers are in a "buying" mood or not.
Plus, ads on your posts don't expire. A post you write today can still draw ad income years in the future. You won't get rich overnight, but any income is good income, right?
2. Affiliate SalesWhen you become an affiliate for certain companies you can earn commissions for sales made via your blog. Basically, you introduce your readers to a product or service that you use or recommend. If they follow your link and buy or sign up, then you get a small bonus.
But, you are writing a frugal living blog...what would they want to subscribe to or buy? Here are some things to consider:
Because sometimes "saving money" simply means making wise purchases. You'll see in my posts that I'm a big fan of PicMonkey photo editor.
When I suggest it to my readers, I don't just stick a link to it in every post, I maketutorials to show people how it can be used. Not only does that show I actually do use it myself, it allows readers to see if it is something they want or need.
3. Sponsored Posts
I've not written any sponsored posts yet, but many bloggers consider them to be their bread-and-butter. You get paid to write the post even if your readers don't buy the product.
Sponsored posts can pay pretty well, too, which makes them more appealing to some than standard affiliate links. However, affiliate links can continue to earn you money for years, while your sponsored post will be a one ti me payment.
4. Offer a ServiceDo you have a nifty talent that can help your readers? If so, you might be able to offer a service for affordable fees. This can be something as simple as proofreading blog posts.
It really doesn't have to be BIG business to be successful. It just has to be something that helps other people.
5. Sell On The Side
One of the best ways to make income with any blog is by selling your own products. And you can make, market and sell just about anything through your blog.
Again, you may be wondering if your frugal fans will buy anything you create. You won't know until you try!
But if sales are slow, there are other ways to earn with your products without having to depend on your readers.
For example: Let's say you have a section dedicated to frugal meals. You probably spend a lot of time taking pictures of the finished food.
You can edit those photos to perfection (using PicMonkey of course!) and sell them as stock photos . Or if it is a pretty dessert, head over to a print-on-demand site such as Zazzle and sell photo prints.
You can also bundle all of your recipes and photos together and sell as an eBook.
There a lot of ways to make money with your own creations without having to be overly sales-y with your readers, so don't let your blog topic hold you back from trying to earn extra income!
6. Make Tutorials
If you have no problems with being on camera, then you can monetize video tutorials on You Tube.
You don't have to do long, boring lectures on personal finance either. How about a short tutorial showing how you winterize your home to save money on heating? Or how to change your own oil, cook a meal from scratch, or repurpose an item into something new?
7. Write Freelance Blog Posts
If you write frequently in a single niche such as frugal living, you will soon get a reputation as an expert. You can offer to write and sell blog posts to other sites.If you do this as a guest writer, you can get paid and direct traffic back to your own site. If you sell the post anonymously as a ghost writer, then you can ask for a bigger fee. Either way, your blog will work as your portfolio.
You Can Make a Living With a Frugal Living Blog!
You can earn income on any type of blog. It may require some creative thinking and a lot of research but that's part of the fun!So if you are a pro at saving money and stretching a budget, don't be shy about sharing your wisdom and experiences with the world. You can still help your readers while bringing in some extra (or even full-time income) with your frugal living blog.
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We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.By Ryan Biddulph
The stars were aligned.
Talk about convergence.
I reached out to Janice to write a guest post for you rocking folks at Mostly Blogging. She kindly accepted the offer. Then she suggested I write a post about making money through blogging. As I was calculating my taxes.
It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to see that writing about ways through which I made money blogging last year would be a perfect match.
Note: This post discusses ways and means through which you can prosper through blogging. Making that chedda ultimately requires facing, feeling and releasing your money fears, which gives you a sense of detachment on all things money, which helps you allow in more money.
But that is another story…..
Let's dive into these 10 strategies for earning scrilla through your blog.
1: Creating Online Courses (Selz and Teachable)
The pain point: you need a big ticket item to sell through your blog.
The relief point: creating and selling an online product.
I sell courses through Selz and Teachable. I also sell a course me and my wife Kelli co-created through SendOwl. Here's my full course page.
Ask what your audience needs help with. Create a course based on that topic.
I saw bloggers lacking the fundamentals. So I created the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging.
I also saw folks struggling to gain exposure. So I created How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs (without pitching a soul). If you have anxiety or tons of limiting beliefs around appearing on top blogs – and I know many of you do – this course would be a super helpful buy to boost your confidence, to land on top blogs and to earn income through your blog (see the subtle sell? Pain point, relief point? This is how to market a course).
Both Selz and Teachable are hyper-intuitive platforms. Create videos, audio and text modules to teach your students how to tackle common problems from their niche.
2: Writing eBooks for Amazon
I kinda went bonkers on this front.
Now I'm learning how to promote these suckers.
I wrote and self-published 124 eBooks on Amazon through
Writing eBooks helps you earn passive income while you help your readers with their problems.
Aim for short reads – 6,000 words – to fit into Amazon's short read category.
Address a pressing issue. Build an outline. Write.
Amazon helps to expose you to a massive worldwide market.
If you need help writing and formatting an eBook for Kindle read my post here:
3: Writing eBooks for Selz
This channel dovetails on channel #2 but deviates in a few ways.
I just sold another eBook through Selz yesterday and the cash register rang today, as I received payment. Sweet.
Selz sends out payments on a weekly basis while Amazon royalty checks flow your way monthly. This is a bonus in my eyes.
You can also charge a higher amount for Selz eBooks versus Amazon reads, which top out at $9.99. I charge $14.95 for each of my eBooks on Selz.
Simply write and self-publish an eBook on Selz for 1 more income stream that pays frequently and generously.
4: Selling Audiobooks on iTunes, Audible and Amazon
After *super* passively promoting my audio books I was pleased to see I'd sold 465 of these units through, which is kewl beans.
How it works: write an eBook. Convert the eBook to a PDF. Upload to ACX. Producers – aka voice actors – audition based on a 5-minute sample read. Pick the matching producer. They co-create/produce/speak the audio book. Distribute on iTunes, Audible and Amazon. Split profits.
I am in the process of converting a few more eBooks into audio; only a few of my 124 eBooks have been converted so far, making that 465 number pretty darn sweet.
5: Selling Sponsored Posts
Sell sponsored posts. Rates range from $100 to $500 or higher.
Yes; people *do* drop $500 for a sponsored post if you are clear on receiving the money, if you run a helpful blog and if you have a loyal blogging community.
I have no sponsored post page on BFP [Blogging From Paradise] but still sift through opportunities regularly. If you build it intelligently from an energetic perspective, they will come.
You need to drive quality traffic to your blog to land sponsored post opportunities.
Enjoy this helpful, comprehensive post by my friend Jerry Low to learn how to prosper through blogging via careful research and case studies:
How to Make Money Blogging: Niche Ideas, Case Studies, and Traffic Strategies
6: Paid Guest Posting
I have been paid to guest post on blogs.
I get all the benefits of guest posting plus cash money.
I did not pitch this; folks simply came my way.
Another way to make money blogging.
7: Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is different from paid guest posting in some regards because freelance writing usually involves ghostwriting either posts or eBooks or whatever, as you are a John Doe or Jane Doe or…..who knows?
Write 1,000 words daily. For practice. Get clear. Gain confidence in your writing. Land jobs.
You can build a freelance writing services page to help you land more gigs.
8: Blog Coaching (Hour-Long Live Consult or Detailed Report)
Help people with their biggest blogging struggles.
Get paid.
For reference, this is my blog coaching page:
Blog Coaching
Be really clear on who you are and how you can help people.
I have coached a handful of successful bloggers, video marketers and one hyper-successful internet marketer who makes upwards of $30,000 a month to help them boost their blog traffic and income.
Remember; the same guy coaching $30K a month marketer was some dope a while back who only knew how to check his email and, online-wise.
We all start somewhere. Be a client. Hire someone to get you on the right track. Folks like Janice and I have been through the blogging wars. Use us, cut your learning curve by years or a decade, and build your own successful blog consulting business.
9: Paid Tweets
It has been a minute since I made that "here's $76 for 1 second's worth of work" through paid tweets, but I did make a couple hundred smackers from paid tweeting over the past year.
This is the anatomy of one Twitter feed that attracts paid tweet money:
Ryan Biddulph on Twitter
Study my feed. Engage, engage and engage some more.
Note: As mentioned, it has been a while since I landed a paid tweet. The French company I worked with in the past has since rebranded and linked to a new site, one which I cannot find.
Google "paid tweets". See where that takes you.
10: Affiliate Marketing
Lo and behold: I spied some affiliate marketing revenue when placating Uncle Sam a few days ago.
I am also getting off my cyber duff and getting serious about promoting a lucrative opportunity to Amazon sellers.
How it works: if you are an Amazon affiliate simply query "Blogging From Paradise" in your Associate Backoffice and select a library from over 150 of my products (eBooks, audiobooks, and paperbacks) to sell.
You can even set up an entire aStore of your products to promote to affiliate, like this:
Blogging From Paradise aStore
As is the name of the affiliate game, help folks and make friends with power broker bloggers in your niche.
The clicks and sales happen as you help people through your blog, through social media and as you befriend the blogging big dawgs of the world.
What Say You?
Are you profiting through these methods?
What strategies can you add to this list?
Author Bio: Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, John Chows Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging at Blogging From Paradise.
Host Blogger's Comments:
We appreciate Ryan coming to explain his tips for how to make money blogging.
For those of you who prefer watching a video and listening to the information, Ryan has recorded his tips in video format:
Readers, please share so other bloggers learn how to make money blogging.
Are you already making money blogging? Do you have any blog monetization strategies you can share? Which strategies have been the most profitable for you? I look forward to your answers in the comments section.
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I have seen that people nowadays do not buy a product blindly on just someone's recommendation.
They go for in-depth reviews which cover each and every detail of the product along with their negatives and positives. Covering up every aspect of the product is the best thing about a review.
You get to know the worth of the product as well as if it's worth spending so much money on the product.
But the question which pops in our head every time we read a review of the particular product is that whether the review is true or fake.
Well, friends, I know it is not your fault. Because you come across many such chitter-chatters that tell you people get paid for writing fake reviews of the product.
This is where you lose hope and start thinking twice before buying a particular product. But that is another side of the story which happens rarely.
Most of the blogs which write a review of the products provide a detailed and genuine review so that it creates authority and trust factor for their website. Only established blogs write reviews of well-known and reputed brands.
When my blog became popular among social platforms, I got the offer for writing reviews for some recognized brands. It was a great opportunity for me to explore the market and know more about different products and services available in the market.
I realized that it is a good way to make money by writing reviews for brands either for direct sales or affiliate promotions. So, I decided to write reviews.
But before writing these money rendering reviews, be sure about few things.
Suggested read: My Killer Way to Make Money Blogging Online
Follow these Steps to Make Money by Writing Reviews for BrandsYes, you can make money by writing reviews. Reviews should not be just causal posts; they need to be well planned and executed. Here are some guidelines to create impressive reviews for brands.
1. Be Sure that You Have the Desired Blog for Writing ReviewsIf you're a newbie blogger, then you've to follow a few tips like these:
For beginners, they should follow all the above points in a set pattern. But those who have fully established blogs, they can jump up to the point given below. It will provide you other relevant information for making money by writing reviews for brands.
2. Understand the Difference Between Advertisement and a ReviewBefore writing a review, first, clear out the difference between an Ad and a review.
An Ad is just a source of information about the availability of the product in the market. Whereas, a review is a critical analysis of a product and it narrates each and every aspect of the product or service, including its features and pros and cons.
An Ad is a quick display of features of a product from the point of view of the manufacturer. A review is an unbiased approach towards a company and takes into consideration all the components as it relates to its target audience.
3. Think Yourself to be an InfluencerBefore writing any review, think that you're an influencer, a person who can affect anyone's decision making process and buying habits.
When you have a good reader base, you will want to recommend such products which will be helpful for your audience. You can even write a review about those products and services which you have already used and stood to benefit from.
You won't get paid till you do not link your reviews to the affiliate links of various brands like Amazon or Commission Junction.
Your blog will monetize, and you will be paid as per the clicks on the particular product or the commission on sales of the product.
Once you become an influencer for your audience at a high level, you can also offer the audience freebies, gift items, free guides, etc. in order to encourage buying.
4. Choose the Item Which You Want to ReviewThis step is imperative for an already established blog, which decides to start review writing. You have to consider many points before you begin with writing reviews:
So, before selecting an item to write its review, you need to think about every aspect.
You need to see which type of audience you are targeting. And, if the potential viewers will stick with the change in the long run.
If you have a user base of young viewers, you can go for writing reviews about latest technology like smartphones, headphones, laptops, etc. Choose your product widely keeping in mind all the above factors.
Related read: 3 Little-known Blog Pages You Should Monetize
How I Made Money by Writing ReviewsIn this part, I will help you with all the necessary points you must consider while writing the best engaging review for your readers.
1. Lay Out the Structure of the ReviewI always prepare a proper structure before writing a review for any product. The structure herein means the format as per what comes first and what next.
I always divide the section of the review so that the reader gets clear insight about what I am writing. The next part is about the detailed research and finding answers to the questions like:
All these questions have to be answered in the review itself so that the reader gets an exact idea about the product and know whether it is beneficial for him or not.
A comprehensive review must cover all the essential points so that it does not confuse the reader. So, my friends, this strategy works well on my reviews and gives clarity about the product to be purchased. You too can frame all these points and start earning from the review.
You can use the review plugin SchemaNinja that is specially developed for people who want to make money from product reviews.
2. Cover Up Every AspectMake your review a comprehensive one which covers every detail of the product, whether it is a good point or a bad one. Never try to glorify your review with the attempt of only selling the product, and earning money.
The readers are very smart to catch these tricks of yours. They will never buy the product which looks like an ad. This may result in losing your credibility as a pro blogger because any product cannot exist without any cons.
Design your review with full disclosure of facts about the product and service and leave it for the user to decide. What I mean to say here is that an analysis constructed wisely and systematically will gain the trust of your readers.
3. Consider Your Target Audience and ReadersWe can further divide this point into two stages – one for beginners and the other for established blogs.
The beginners have to start from the initial steps of blogging. That is, to get the desired number of readers of their blog by applying every technique, be it a SEO or niche related strategy or using the rich snippets to hike your ratings and rankings.
In the initial stage, your layout and the tools you use will help you to understand your readers. And after that, you can capture the market slowly by writing reviews about various products and services.
Now if I talk about myself, then let me tell you, that I am exploring this field from last seven years. And, I know about most of the techniques, which you can apply to get more traffic, apart from gaining the trust of the blog readers.
This span of time has allowed me to understand my readers very well and I outline my strategies according to this understanding. If your reader base is from a technical field, then offer them the products which are of their taste. Make use of the written language accordingly.
4. Recapitulate the AttributesI think this is the point where many reviews fail to explain the purpose. Look, friends; there are always two kinds of readers in the market.
One who will only go through relevant and highlighted points of the review and make a decision. And, the one who will go deep into the content to get the maximum info about the product.
Whenever you post a product review, make sure that both types of readers get the best out of reading the review.
Make a point to summarize every feature of every product at the end. So that even the fast scanning minds can get the whole idea by just reading the highlighted and summed up features of the product.
5. Use Attractive Images, Call to Action Buttons and Affiliate LinksI always try to make my review as attractive as I can to induce the thought of buying the product as soon as the reader goes through it.
Friends, along with far-reaching content, use of high-quality pictures and call to action buttons along with affiliate links are equally essential for the overall display of the review.
Any affiliate program will have its own call to action buttons. Like – Buy Now, Check For Discount, Buy Only On Amazon, Amazon Exclusive Product, etc.
Any affiliate program you join will provide you the affiliate links for the products and services which you can use in the content, images as well as in call-to-action buttons which you have inserted below each product review.
6. Be Ready for Every Admiring as Well as Disapproving CommentAs you very well know that no two fingers are equal, so the same goes with your blog's different kinds of readers.
It is not necessary that all your readers will agree with all the points you have stated in your review. Be ready to face the harsh side of review writing, as you have to answer and deal with all the negative feedback with a positive approach.
Your optimistic attitude will help you in building trust factor among the users. And, they will engage in your work for a longer period.
Do read: Why Your Blog is Not Making Money
Last But Not the LeastI have made good money by writing reviews for brands, and now it is your turn to do so. Don't leave any stone unturned in writing a captivating review for your audience.
But also remember – your blog's authority depends on entirely on how you flip the things in a positive way without damaging your image as a review writer.
Over to You
Whichever brand's affiliate program you sign up for, you have to consider all the points mentioned above and design your review writing as per the need.
I have done my part friends; now it's your turn to establish yourself and earn money by review writing. What are your thoughts about earning money by writing review for brands?
Posted on: April 17th, 2017Last Updated on: April 17th, 2017
Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja WordPress Plugin and the big internet marketing blog, He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. Jitendra Vaswani is also a frequent speaker & has 5+ yrs experience in Digital Marketing field. You may also like: