It is a must for you to have a blog if you want to be a blogger. Even, you also need to consider using a website or weblog if you really want to be a professional blogger. Don't get confuse if it is your first time to create a blog. Just learn the steps of how to start a blog here.
Before learning about how to start a blog, you need to decide the purpose of the blog first. In fact, you can use your personal blog for fun only or for making money. The different is on its treatment. Let say, you want to create a blog for fun it means you can use free blog services and you can do what do you want to do to manage the blog. On the other hand, if you want to make money from your blog, you need to maintain it professionally. You may maintain the blog for affiliate, adwords, sponsored content, guest post, and direct selling. Those activities are the way to make money from your professional blog. The next explanation is trying to explain about how to start a blog for making money.
Steps to Create BlogSo, how to start a blog for professional blogger? The first thing to do is choosing the platform for the blog. You may use WordPress or buy instantly from web hosting provider. For those who want to create a blog from WordPress, you may visit and start to sign up. In this step, you have to complete personal data. Besides asking for your personal data, WordPress is also asking about the domain name. Because you want to choose the best domain name which can support your blogging activity in the future. For example, you have to follow the SEO rule in choosing the domain name. When it is ready, you can start to create a blog for free. You can also manage the blog such as changing the theme and adding some contents. Later, you will have a blog. Later, you can change it into payable blog by using the WordPress premium service. In different step, you can also create a blog by the help of webhosting provider. The benefit of using webhosting provider is that you don't need to thing about the early management of the blog. The provider helps you to finish it all. They just need your personal data and domain name if you already have it. If you don't have any idea, they will create the domain name for you. You just need to say about the niche of your blog or what you want to discuss there later. Remember! You are about creating a blog for making money so every single element has to be determined perfectly. When it is ready, you have to pay the service monthly. The price is various and it depends on the service you take from the webhosting provider. The more service you take, the more money you have to spend.
Prepare High Quality Contents for BlogCreating a blog is not enough whether for fun or for making money. It is a must for you to add some high quality contents. Because you want to make money, it means the content should be following SEO rules. You may fill your blog with writing text. It can be your own writing or ordering from professional writers. The most important thing is that the content should be original and unique. You have to follow it with keywords, images, tags, category, and URL. Those elements have to be matched with the niche of your blog. Even, you have to consider about the length of the article you want to post. Generally, you should post around 800 words up to 1000 words per article on your blog. You also need to do it regularly and scheduled. Don't forget to separate it with subheading so your visitors don't get bored while reading your article. Include the keyword around the article. You may include keyword on the first paragraph. For an 800 words article, there have to be around 9 up to 10 k eywords.
How to Make Money from BlogYou blog should be maintained based on the online business you take. Let say, you want to develop your blog for affiliate program. In this case, you have to prepare an interesting article to read by the visitors. Then, you also need to include your affiliate link. It is a must to include the affiliate link because it is how you can make money. The visitors who are interesting with the product you are promoted will click your affiliate link. If the buy the product from your affiliate link, you will earn some of money. It is a great online business with blog if you don't have your own products or services to offer. If you have products and services to offer, you should develop your brand and visitors' trust first. It can be done by sharing important and useful articles from your blog. It is better if the articles are related to the products and services you want to offer. Let them believe you and then start to promote your products and services. This is how to start a blog for m aking money and the key is doing it constantly.
dennyfar is author at LeraBlog. The author's views are entirely his/her own and may not reflect the views and opinions of LeraBlog staff.Hello I'm Denny Farhan, CEO & Founder at
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