Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My Thoughts On Money After Being Both Rich And Poor

Meaning Vs. Money

When I discovered a meaning for my life, suddenly money wasn't as important.

The dumb thing was that money started to find its way into my life again without me focusing on it.

People were attracted to the meaning I had created for my life which then bought me more abundance.

My advice to anyone reading this is to focus on finding out the meaning of your life. If you can't figure it out, then create one. Think about who you admire and the meaning they have for their life, and create something similar for yourself.

If you want to inspire people, then do it.If you want to create a business that gives back, then do it.If you want to write blog posts like this one to help people in life, then do it.

During the time I had more money than I knew what to do with, I had no idea what I was put on this Earth to do. I would import widget A, make some money, import widget B, and then start all over again. I felt like a robot repeating a pattern. At the end of the process, I got another couple of zeroes in my bank account.

Those zeros on the screen of my Internet banking got very boring, very quickly.

As soon as I found something that lit me up and helped others, the focus on seeing more zero's on my Internet banking screen disappeared.

Source: My Thoughts On Money After Being Both Rich And Poor

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