College students have always looked for ways to make some money while they are studying, by whatever means they can.
The internet has made making money much easier for many students, since it offers a much wider variety of jobs for them to do, and also opens up the possibility of having flexible hours, which can be worked around the college hours that a student already has.
One of these jobs is the possibility of starting and running a monetized blog which fills in a new niche which people need and constantly draws in attention and advertising revenue.
Blogs are popular because they can be written on just about any subject, though of course, the monetization aspect works best if the subject is one which isn't covered much (or in great detail) elsewhere.
Why Start Blogging?Even if they don't monetize their blogs, many college students start up a blog at some point in their educational careers. Why do they do this? The answers may vary according to the people you ask, but there are a number of different explanations which crop up very frequently:
They have moved to a different city/state/country for their higher education, and so have started a blog to keep track of their new experiences, let other people back home see what they are doing, and keep everyone up to date on what is happening.
Blogging for Studying< /p>
They are using it as a study blog, as a way of keeping track of what they are learning and why it is necessary. This also has the added benefit of starting conversations with other people who might have some knowledge on the subject and helping the student to learn.
Blogging for WritingThey have started it to practice their writing skills. This is highly recommended by experts from, as it will help with academic writing.
Even when the writing styles are hugely different between blogging and academic writing, the act of writing in itself – of learning how to describe something, how to structure a blog correctly, how to punctuate and check for grammatical\spelling errors before posting – can help students learn more about writing, and help them become more at ease with the process.
Blogging on Particular AreaThey specifically want to educate people about where they now live. If the students are studying in an area where there aren't many people from their part of the world, they might take the opportunity to start a blog which is specifically about the part of the world they are in, and the people\food\culture etc., for the benefit of anybody back in their own country.
Blogging is something which is fairly easy to start – most blogging platforms are free, to begin with, and so it can be as simple as signing up to one and beginning to write.
How to Make Your Blog ProfitableAs mentioned, blogging is something which is easy to get into, something that probably influences the number of people who do it. Blogging for money, however, is something which is different from blogging purely for fun or creative purposes; it is more involved and can take some more steps before a blog is truly worth the time and effort spent on it.
Problem SolvingAnybody looking at the internet and how it is used will notice that a lot of people automatically turn to it when they have a problem which needs solving.
Rather than focusing purely on travel or on food, to monetize your blog focus on the problems of living away from home.
Look at shopping, public transport, how to arrange for your own food and accommodation – these are problems which everyone will have, and which they will likely look online to try and solve.
If your blog answers these questions, then more people will come to it for answers, and more people will see it. Monetizing your blog under these circumstances will lead to a lot of money.
Affiliate MarketingAffiliate marketing is becoming quite popular among people who run blogs and websites – this refers to when a blog has widgets (buttons which lead directly to other online sites) which lead people to sites such as Amazon or Kobo and encourage them to buy certain things.
It works by having everybody gain something from the transaction. The client has something they want, the main site gets the money for that item, and you as an affiliate site get some money for your part in the transaction.
Affiliate marketing is good for people who are running a blog which talks a lot about specific items and their uses, or perhaps about specific topics which relate to the item in question. A good example of this would be a blog about traveling having links to Amazon's travel guide
pages, and so on. You can use Amazon link localization services by Astute Links to boost your affiliate revenue.
Turn your Blog into a Service PlatformIf you have a transferable skill which is easily supplied over the internet, one of the best ways to monetize your blog is to offer that skill to anybody who might come across your writing.
Being able to offer a skill is something which is almost guaranteed to bring in money, provided that students do not go overboard with it.
Offering a skill, particularly one which is particularly needed, is very useful for earning money, but anybody doing this needs to take care because while other forms of blog monetizing are focused on passive income, offering services is very much an active way of earning money.
If a student does this, they must be careful not to go too far down the path of earning money and end up with no time for their own work.
Schedule ContentRather than updating whenever and wherever you can, try and schedule content to come out regularly on your site or blog – this will keep people's interest, rather than have them wait for weeks or months for a blog post, and see their interest wane.
Scheduling allows you to write posts when you have something to say, or when you feel inspired, and it can also come in handy for when you have to stop posting actively because of other demands on your time.
Scheduling content is best done after you have a dedicated following, as it will help to keep their interest high.
Wrap-upStarting a blog is one of the most common ways for students to try and earn money during their course of study. There are a number of ways in which blogs can make money, and while this article only covers a few ideas (as well as why blogs are so popular), hopefully, it will readers some idea of what they can do now and in the future.
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