Tuesday, June 30, 2015

What attracts readers to your blog?

Your blog can be a great way to attract and nurture your relationship with potential readers, in Long Beach and beyond. One way to maximize this tool is to take advantage of spikes in traffic to your site.

Once you have started to get some traffic to your blog, a good way to increase this traffic is to monitor your analytics, keeping an eye out for topics that attract more readers than others. This way, you can start creating more content that your readers want to read.

Although Google Analytics, a free tool you can use on any website, will help you recognize this information, a better option ... if you're using a self-hosted WordPress blog ... is one of the many analytics plugins that are available. These plugins allow you to monitor your traffic right inside your Wordpress dashboard.

This can the be the key to attracting both new and returning readers. Look for trends in which kinds of posts get more traffic than others. Are there topics that are hotter than others? Look to see if it is content or the style in which you wrote those posts that is making them hot reader magnets.

Dig into your analytics and find out what it is about those specific traffic-generating posts that attracts more readers, then repeat whatever that is often.

Sometimes the trend you'll notice is that it is not so much the content that is attracting readers, but the time of the week or day that gets more hits. Knowing this can help you strategically publish your posts.

Take a look at the traffic your blog gets throughout the week. If there is a day or two that get spikes in traffic, those are the days you should be publishing your best posts. This will increase the chances that your posts will be shared, and therefore increase traffic even more.

And along those lines, take advantage of spikes in traffic. When you get a particularly high traffic period, follow it up with a series of high-quality posts that show off your expertise. This will encourage visitors to come back, stick around, comment and share your posts. For best results, act on your traffic spike within 48 hours.

If you would like more information about improving your blog to attract more readers, check out more posts on the subject on my blog at www.carmaspence.com/tag/blogging.

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NOTE: Are you a writer, author or editor connected to Long Beach in some way? Please contact me ... and you can be a part of my series of profiles of local writers!

Source: What attracts readers to your blog?

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