Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blogging Nonsese & A New Ice Cream Discovery

The other day, I opened Pinterest to my home page, and this is what was staring back at me:

blog picture


Over the past year, I've looked for a couple of blogging tips so I can make my sidebar look nicer and improve a few other aesthetics. Now Pinterest has overloaded my home page with blogging tips...how to make money blogging, how to attract more twitter followers, how to use the endless number of plugins available, how to write for your audience, how to get more instagram followers...blah blah blah blah blah.

When I began blogging just under a year ago, I simply wanted a space to write down my thoughts about food, fitness, body image, and other things I felt like jibber-jabbering about. (I actually really enjoy writing, no matter what the topic may be.)

Since then, I've learned there's a massive, ever-evolving blogging world (actually, multiple worlds). You can make money from ads, sponsored posts, affiliate links, sponsored tweets & pins, or selling some of your own products.  There are several major blog conferences throughout the year (that costs hundreds of dollars!) to teach you how to keep readers and make money.

blog picture 2

For a brief moment, I thought this blogging business trend might be a nice way to go. Then I quickly learned that those who actually profit from blogging have a significant amount of time on their hands! Post after post is written about having a set time each day for writing, social networking, reaching out to sponsors, editing, reading other's blog posts, and revamping old portions of your site. Who has time for that? I'm currently in grad school and have a full time teaching job, so the writing and social networking blocks of time simply don't exist.

At first, I was upset that I wasn't as good as other bloggers. My posts aren't as consistent and my pictures aren't as nice. I thought about maybe abandoning the blog and going back to just being a teacher and not having the additional time commitment of blogging. But then I remembered...

I LOVE writing. I enjoy working out. I enjoy making delicious food. Why not write about what I love? Twitter, instagram, and sponsors are entirely secondary. I really appreciate my readers (you are a small, but appreciated, population!), and I enjoy the blogging basics. So, I'll pick up on a few tips here and there, but for the most part I'm just going to keep blogging in the way it works for me :)


On an entirely different note, I found a wonderful new ice cream at Whole Foods! Halo Top, a new brand I discovered in a Whole Foods in Atlanta, makes diet ice creams. Generally, I don't think diet dessert is a healthy choice. It's usually full of sugar and strange ingredients I can't pronounce or even pretend to know what they really are. This brand, however, has a pretty short list of organic, recognizable ingredients. And while it doesn't quite fall under the Paleo/Primal umbrella, I believe it's the perfect solution when you're looking for a natural sweet treat.

halo top ice cream


Today, I tried the lemon cake flavor. I figured that lemon was hard to mess up, and there couldn't be anything too weird about it. (I was worried about this diet ice cream brand because I've had NO luck with that funky Arctic Zero diet brand. That stuff has a weird and off-putting consistency.) The verdict?

halo top lemon cake


100% delicious! It tasted like a lemon cake. It wasn't too sweet, it had a good consistency, and even my Ben & Jerry's loving husband said he enjoyed it :) I can't wait to try their other flavors! Here are a few quick facts on this flavor: lemon cake ingredients


Yep...240 calories per pint! Of course, that's no excuse to finish off a pint of ice cream. But it does mean that a typical bowl of ice cream won't set you back like it usually would. Enjoy every bite of it!


  • Fellow bloggers, what do you wish you had more time for?
  • Are there any other Whole Foods gems I'm currently missing out on???
  • Clare Gravolet

    Happy Eater

    Source: Blogging Nonsese & A New Ice Cream Discovery

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