Wednesday, July 22, 2015

#Google Vs. #

Google Vs. On the morning of March 18, Eric Garris, founder and webmaster of, received a form email from Google AdSense informing him that all of's Google ads had been disabled. The reason given was that one of the site's pages with ads on ... read moreHow The World Butchered Benjamin Franklin's Quote On Liberty Vs. Security You might have heard that American founding father Benjamin Franklin said something like "Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither." The quote has been the siren song of anti-war protesters ... Get Butchered? To Google Ngram! read more

Are Silicon Valley Techies Killing San Francisco? She writes: "I'm seeing the town that gave birth to the Sierra Club and Rainforest Action Network and seminal movements for human rights, a town that produced great insurrection and antiwar activism ... bit short-sighted. Silicon Valley's contributions ... read moreGood Read: Rebecca Solnit vs. the Tech Buses, Round 2 I think lots of people were noticing the big white motor coaches swooping into Muni bus zones around the city to carry workers to Apple, Google, Facebook and other ... a town that produced great insurrection and antiwar activism and idealism and new ... read moreCelebrities to join thousands of Canadians from 100+ groups at March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate Fonda is a well-known and accomplished activist who has been involved with civil rights, anti-war, Indigenous sovereignty ... were recently inspired by Naomi Klein's book on capitalism vs. the climate, This Changes Everything -- and have decided to ... read moreLeBron's 'I Can't Breathe' Shirt Offers Profile in Conformity, Not Courage LeBron James needed the police. He was running late for the Justin ... three-and-a-half years and lost his status as a world heavyweight champion due to his anti-war beliefs. He was also willing to go to jail for them, but didn't. Carlos and Smith were ... read moreAre You Being Tracked? The statement, which also is endorsed by CASPIAN, the ACLU and various consumer and privacy organizations, calls for a voluntary moratorium on item-level tagging and also seeks to preserve consumers' right to disable tags, avoid being tracked without ... read moreLooking For Tom Lehrer, Comedy's Mysterious Genius That's where he first encountered Tom Lehrer, whose music was a staple and who was ... He also traveled extensively to college campuses, and performed benefits for liberal and anti-war groups. He began performing internationally in 1959, when the ... read moreAssault and Moonbattery After the ceremony, still in uniform, he goes for a walk, and a mix-up leads him into an antiwar rally, where he encounters his ... Here is one comment from Le Monde's site, as translated by Google: Well, if it is in the picture, in terms read more10 Top Anti-War/Protest Songs About the Vietnam War The War in Vietnam has long been the ... are a sampling of the some of the best anti-war/protest songs that were released during that era. You can find all of these songs in digital form on iTunes, and Google Play with the exception of the ... read more

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Source: #Google Vs. #

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