Monday, August 24, 2015

How much do bloggers make?

How much do bloggers earn?

The first comprehensive snapshot of Australian bloggers has found that blogging has become a lucrative business, with 70 per cent earning money from their blogs and most diversifying to extend this windfall.

The survey found half of the bloggers earning income consider it extra spending money, while 20 percent said their earnings were equivalent to part time work and 11 per cent fulltime. co-founder Janye Moore said the results provide a unique insight into the sector.

"Many bloggers make money from sponsored posts but they highlighted there is still no industry standard on cost.

"Half believe the average invoice for a sponsored post is anything up to $250, while 20 percent say it's between $250 and $400. Others say it's closer to $600.

"Bloggers with a large audience often charge $2,000 for a sponsored post and I know one fashion blogger who charges a minimum ad spend of $50,000 - but when she posts, clothes fly off the racks."

When it comes to engaging with readers outside their blog, most do so on Facebook, followed by Instagram and Twitter.

"Bloggers understand their influence and they are being more pro-active in reaching new readers by releasing e-books, podcasts, workshops or becoming brand ambassadors.

"More than half are now approaching brands and publicists instead of waiting to be contacted by them," Moore said.

The Catablog Survey results showed:

* 76% of bloggers are planning to diversify

* 42% of bloggers have or plan to release an e-book

* Other than their own platform 57 percent of bloggers engage with their audience on Facebook, 20% on Instagram, 12% on Twitter, with Pinterest the most under-utilised.

* 55% have been approached by brands and PR and more than half of those approaches have been worthwhile.

* When payment was offered by a Brand, 32% felt it was appropriate while 30% said it was below what they would expect.

* More than half of bloggers surveyed are approaching Brands and PR.

Source: How much do bloggers make?

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