Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nearly Every #Google #AdSense Publisher Must Comply With EU Cookie Consent, Not Just Those Based In The EU #River

Nearly Every Google AdSense Publisher Must Comply With EU Cookie Consent, Not Just Those Based In The EU Google has notified AdSense publishers that they must get "cookie consent" from site visitors from countries within the European Union to use their data. The change essentially affects any publisher running AdSense, not just those operating in or ... read moreAdSense leak controversy heats up as Google denies favoritism, theft allegations Opposite sides are weighing in nearly equally. One side — along with a Google employee or two — accuse the "AdSense ... the publisher for the reason is not a requirement, even if the publisher asks. The exception: The exact reason must be provided ... read more

SearchCap: GoogleBot Blocked, Bing SSL & AdWords Dynamic Search Ads Google Shows A Store's Busy Times By Crowdsourcing Your Store Visits Google now tells customers when not to go to a store based on long wait times ... and their organisations overcame. Here are just a few examples: Marketing To An Audience Of One ... read moreGoogle search now lets you avoid lines by showing the busiest times at millions of places and businesses (Emil Protalinski/VentureBeat) Motorola unveils $399 Motorola X Style with Universal LTE in US, $299 Moto X Play globally, and an upgraded, waterproof, and customizable $179 Moto G — Motorola doubles down on Moto X with Style, Play, updates Moto G — The Moto X Style will be known as ... read morePrivacy watchdogs: Silence isn't cookie consent Last year the EU's Privacy and Electronic ... any user who does not block cookies is effectively giving consent. The Working Party rejected that view. "Consent must be obtained before the cookie is placed and/or information stored in the user's terminal ... read moreI want my comments back. I am their owner, not you. In real life my words would be forgotten and known just by few persons I decided to talk to. Spoken words, not recorded, would be forgotten ... Publish it from the queue to make it appear. You must be a member of a group to use this feature. read moreJoss Whedon Discusses Changes for the AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON "It's not based on the series. Honestly, we went through a lot of titles – Underoos Of Ultron. None of them landed. Underoos would've been better because of the alliteration. But Age of Ultron really stuck. We were like, 'It's a book, but we ... read moreCan antivaccinationists knock it off with the autism Holocaust analogies already? (RFK, Jr. edition) I just wanted ... it's not every day I get such a massive, juicy target so deserving of a heapin' helpin of the not-so-Respectful Insolence that I've become known for over the last eight and a half years. Of course, I must admit to some mild insult ... read moreDraft Blogger's Code of Conduct If those published comments could be construed as a threat, and the perpetrator doesn't withdraw them and apologize, we will cooperate with law enforcement to protect the target of the threat. 5. We do not allow anonymous comments. We require commenters ... read moreMS Expands Anti-Piracy Program, Reissues Patch If they choose not to obtain ... through those slides, you'll see that yes, Microsoft has had 150 million validation attempts so far, approximately 35 million of which failed. If true, that would suggest that slightly more than one in every five Windows ... read more

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Source: Nearly Every #Google #AdSense Publisher Must Comply With EU Cookie Consent, Not Just Those Based In The EU #River

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