Friday, November 13, 2015

11 tips about money from my new millionaire friend

park path hedges bootsFlickr / Barney MossMillionaire friend Mark not pictured.

I don't know what y'all are drinking these days, but you're dropping off some mighty fine nuggets around this blog lately! And I'm loving it! I think you need to merge together and come up with your own financial blog or something, haha …

But for now, you sit there and read this gem my new friend Mark posted and you enjoy it. He was kind enough to share his financial journey with us on last week's book giveaway post, and it was a nice refresher of how this money stuff all comes together.

Check it out:

I'm a millionaire. Been investing in mutual funds for 40 years. Never made more then $70,000. Paid cash for everything. Still have an allowance of $100.00 a week. That is for gas and if I want something new. I've been debt free for 15 years. I often sit back and ask how I did this, and then remember my mom who at 16 worked in the ship yards during WW2, never graduated from HS, but gave me a book called Your Last Dollar. I still live off of $40,000 a year and no longer work, outside of a part time job as a coach as I love high school kids.

Look at that! An average guy making average money with not-so-average results. And people say it's hard to become a millionaire, pssh … you just need a simple plan and some time.

Let's go over all 11 tips he dropped in this jam-packed paragraph – did you catch them?

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Source: 11 tips about money from my new millionaire friend

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