Sunday, November 8, 2015

5 Blogging Tips Everyone Should Follow

Blogging brings a certain peace of mind, and delivering your thoughts and knowledge to the rest of the world through your blog. Blogging is all about passion. You don't even need to be prodigious to do it; a little enthusiasm can go a long way in the blogging world.

First of all, make your vision clear before you hop right into blogging. Blogging isn't just an overnight game and don't come in with the expectation that it will turn you into a millionaire. I'm not here to discourage you by any means; I'm just telling you to make your vision clear. Before stepping into any business you should always know about its pros and cons; the same goes for blogging.

Here are five blogging tips everyone

1. Write What You're Passionate About

Just select your blog topic on what you're passionate about not on what other people are blogging. Write what you love and let the words flow naturally rather than just rehashing the content which is already present on the Internet. If you don't write on what you love, then you aren't going to survive long enough in the blogging world.

I've seen many people who starts their blog, only to quit months or even mere weeks after beginning. And I'm pretty sure you don't want be one of them right? Have patience and give it some time, and you'll start to see some results.

2. Don't Be a Money Eater

If you're thinking about starting a blog just for the sake of wanting to make money out of it, then you're in the wrong field. I'm not saying that there is no room in the blogging world for making money – because there is! But you should have additional goals outside of making money. Like, "I want be the best blogger in my niche" or "I want to share this information through my blog and help others out there." Purpose can be anything, but make sure it's not money! If you just follow your purpose or goal, then chances are: money will automatically flow and come to your tiny pockets. Just don't be a money eater.

3. Stay Updated On Your Blog Specialty

Make sure to follow blogs in your industry or niche, and read other successful blogs or articles pertaining to the topics you write about. Learning about the latest updates in your niche is the best way to stay in the competition. I'd also suggest following blogs like Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable which will help you to know about Google algorithm updates to help keep your blog posts relevant to the Internet audience.

4. Write on a Regular Schedule

I always prefer to pre-schedule my tasks so I can be on a regular schedule. And when it comes to blogging, the same applies. Making a blog, posting and writing articles for a week, and then leaving it isn't going to get you success in your blogging journey. You need to be consistent about blogging. I've seen couple of people (mostly newbies) who start their first blog and later get bored and pause their blogging.

5. Don't Give Up

I know some of you including me are not so patient, but to be frank you need to give it time in order to reach a point at which you may see earnings from your blog. It will take some time for your blog to start earning money, but it's a matter of being persistent and keeping up with your writing. Always remember: "Overnight success isn't really overnight, it's a combination of lots of sleepless nights."

Source: 5 Blogging Tips Everyone Should Follow

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