Monday, November 9, 2015

How to assess an online money-making idea


According to Google, in December of 2012, 1.44 million people searched on some variation of the phrase "make money online." Maybe you even found this blog post by searching for that phrase yourself. If you're reading this, you're at least probably interested in it.

I've been in the business of internet revenue generation for years. I've done the research myself to see what type of answers Google gives you when you search on such a phrase. Often, the business models that come up with that search promise a lot of money right out of the gate—from a few hundred dollars...

...a month to a whopping $50,000—with the use of this or that platform.

I want to give you a little bit of expert information about the sort of platforms we're talking about—and some stern advice. The way these platforms work is to provide a product or service that is marketable. Usually, there's an existing parent company that offers to let you use their product and their platform. In return, you provide the marketing muscle to make the sales.

In the online business world, marketing is almost always about creating an email opt-in list. Email addresses are gold in the internet marketing business, and there are various ways you can go about collecting them, most of which rely on content. You might put out a newsletter with compelling subject matter or create a series of video blogs (vlogs). Content is the lure that hooks those email addresses right onto your list.

Once you have amassed a decent-sized opt-in list, the next step is to send out marketing emai ls directly about the product you're selling. With any luck, a certain percentage of those people will bite. Sounds simple, right?

If you read the testimonials of other entrepreneurs who have used the platform you're... continued on page two >


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Source: How to assess an online money-making idea

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