Thursday, February 25, 2016

4 Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Should Avoid

If you're new to blogging, making few mistakes is inevitable. Even the best bloggers have made silly mistakes in the past. Most of them became blogging experts by learning on the go, while some of them learnt their best strategies through trial and error, and they often admit it openly.

However, there are some costly mistakes which could leave an indelible mark on your blogging career or even ruin it. Here are 4 mistakes you should avoid by all means.

If you're serious about blogging, you can definitely make money from it. If not for any other reason, you'll want the money to renew your hosting account in order to keep your blog running. To do this, monetizing your blog is the best bet. But you have to go about this the right way.

You need to build good reputation and gain the confidence of your audience before you start applying your monetizing strategies. Without this in place, readers might just walk away, thinking you want to rip them off.

I've read many bloggers confess that they used to be copy-paste bloggers who would copy interesting articles from different websites and put them on their own blog without permission.

By indulging in this, you could get sued for plagiarism or get penalized by search engines. But ultimately, you're really hurting your reputation. It would be disappointing to your readers when they discover that you stole all those juicy blog posts from other hard working bloggers.

No, you can't cut-and-paste another person's words onto your blog without permission.

Making your blog vulnerable to attacks is one of the most costly mistakes you can make as a blogger. This could lead to hackers taking over your blog completely or exposing it to dangerous malwares or spam content. This would definitely be a nightmare especially if you've invested a lot of time and money in it.

Studies show that people who use the WordPress CMS are more prone to this attack simply because it accounts for more than 25% of websites worldwide. But how do you protect your WordPress blog from attack? There are many precautions to take but the simplest, yet often neglected, ones are to use strong passwords, update your plugins and themes on time, scan your website regularly and create a backup for your site content.

The danger of not renewing your hosting account and domain name on time is that you risk losing them after the term expires. The domain name could be offered for sale if you don't reclaim it early enough, thus making you lose the brand name and identity you've worked hard to build.

To avoid this, use the automatic renewal option. But if you prefer to do it manually, you should ensure that you set reminders, and keep your email with your hosting and domain providers updated so you don't miss any renewal notice. This way, you'll have enough time to make provisions for the renewal.

As you make progress in your blogging career, you'll get to learn other things that would make you smarter than when you first started.

Source: 4 Blogging Mistakes Every Newbie Should Avoid

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