Friday, February 19, 2016

Can Bloggers Allow Nigeria To Make Progress?

Can Bloggers Allow Nigeria To Make Progress? — Feb 19, 2016 6:23 pm |

I am usually inundated with requests by young people who want to learn blogging solely because they want to make money.Does that come off as typical?

Have you also noticed that it seems everyone is blogging and most of the bloggers are blogging for selfish reasons other than providing solutions to their readers?Since June 2013, when I began coaching intending bloggers on the ethics of blogging, I can say that there has never been a time in Nigeria's history when young people want to blog like in 2016.

Remember the Linda Ikeji's mansion purchase in late 2015? Many of these 'bloggers' see how her being a quintessential billionaire blogger means they can start making at least some thousands immediately they create their blogs. Just like the case of "pure water" in Nigeria, the blogging sub-sector have seen an influx of unqualified "wannabe-bloggers" and a barrage of sub domains and domains owned by some people who have no business in the industry. Like people who cannot write properly to those whose only idea is to generate as much traffic and comments from lewd uninspiring posts, further damaging our national outlook.

It has even become embarrassing to own up that one is a blogger these days, because you have to substantiate that announcement with a brilliant dialogue and ensure that a peep at your blog content is convincing enough, to have your new associates regard your worth as an ethical niche blogger.

I am also so sure you have noticed how blogging has become synonymous with 'gossip" and 'irrelevance" in most quarters. Before I seem to be ranting about blogging practices in Nigeria, a recent scenario comes to mind. I had paid a visit to the administrative office of a popular airline late 2015 in pursuit of partnership for the Bloggers Party in Nigeria. On approaching the customer service desk, I introduced myself and was ushered to a back-office to talk to another staff. On getting there, I met 3 staff of the airline, quickly introduced myself as Jenny and the fact that I am a blogger, then the fireworks went off!

Ridiculous for me but matter-of-factly for them, they adjusted literally on their seats and asked how they can be of help to me (talk about Customer service on fleek). Afterwards they went on to cross check with me if there was anything wrong I observed about their operations, and then begged without mincing words that I should not report on my blog anything that will not show them in good light.

Well, I quickly said, I was an enterprise PR blogger and would usually look at the bright side of their operations if I found them as an organisation a good case study for my blog. More so I explained that I would likely let them know I will be giving their organisation a buzz, if it was my quest. I was there for another business, they seem to have forgotten momentarily.I took away two lessons, one being that Bloggers can be vanguards of Nigeria's development if they understand their relevance. If bloggers decide to, like a fraction of us are rising up to the occasion, they can hold institutions accountable without bias. Secondly, I realised that a blogger is an important member of society and is 'respected' or 'feared' however we intend to look at it.So can you see the opportunities that are untapped? Follow my blog at and hit me an email at let me get your insight.

Jenny Chisom is the CEO of Logos Audibles, a Content development and communications company and an enterprise PR blogger with over 7 years of blogging experience. She is the convener of Blog Smart Hangout, Social media Job Fair, LOGiN Blogging Enterprise Project and initiated the annual Bloggers Party in Nigeria now in its 4th year through her Bloggers Network. She can be reached on Whatsapp on +2347089893159

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Source: Can Bloggers Allow Nigeria To Make Progress?

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