Friday, May 20, 2016

3 Steps to Start Making Money Online Quickly

While 99 percent of the population is going to work every day, trading their time for money...there's a special group of "in the know" people who are waking up to a world of financial potential that most people don't know is possible.

There's a simple blueprint for making money with an online business. 

1: Choose a great business idea, then build a website that's optimized to attract visitors.

After writing this article, I've been getting asked this question a lot: "How do I come up with a good business idea?"

Easy. Combine one of your ideas/hobbies/skills to find something that you care about and figure out how that can be used to solve another person's problem. 

Then create a simple website for pennies using Wordpress or Squarespace that advertises what you do, and/or the product you're offering. You don't need any web or tech skills to make this happen. Both resources have ready-to-install templates. You just need to know how to use the internet!

Use regular social media tools like Facebook and Instagram to start driving people to your website. Nothing secret or tricky here. Just talk to your friends, family, and accessible networks and try to start solving their problems. Identify their pain points and then go about actively solving them. This will help you fine tune your idea.

2: Offer visitors something free in exchange for their email address.

Create free, helpful content and ask visitors for their email addresses in exchange.

For example, you could offer a free 15-minute consultation, a tutorial video, a downloadable checklist, an infographic, a guide or other types of free content depending on your business and industry. The list is literally endless.

For example, my company gives away a free "mini course" on making more money using skills you already have. 

Add these people to an email list and keep building that list over time. Slow but steady wins the race. You can create HUGE results with a very small email list. I know this because I was able to quit my job with a list of about 2000 members.

You don't have to be a "techie" or know any programming!! The website can be up and running in a day for less than $50. And you can use an email marketing solution like MailChimp to manage subscribers, send emails, and track results for free.   

3. Turn those subscribers into customers by asking them to buy from you via email.

After delivering a ton of free awesome content for a while (emailing your blog posts, YouTube videos, or whatever else you create), now you have the "right" to sell. Really, this means you have a core audience--no matter how small--who anticipates hearing from you, who reads or consumes your work, and who relates to your message.

This is huge.  

You can sell whatever you want: a physical or digital product, a course, a service, or even coaching. It's all based on what's interesting to you, and what you think you can help your Tribe with the most. 

This satisfies our innate human instinct for reciprocity--but really it's because they think that what you offer is valuable, and an actual product puts a price to that value.

Here's an example how a simple idea can be turned into a $1,000/month online business:

Let's say you're a tutor who's really good at preparing students for the SAT/ACT college entrance exams.

Instead of having to go door-to-door teaching SAT, you make a website that gives great SAT tips and strategies for free. 

You continue to build your email list over time, while behind the scenes you build a simple six-week video course teaching lessons as if you were in front of a classroom.

If you priced the video series at just $97 (which is quite fair considering how much private tutoring costs) and sold just just 10 of those a video courses every month, you'd make a quick $1,000 automatically...every single month.

From here, the sky's the limit. From here, the sky's the limit. You can easily tweak the "dials" of your internet business and 2x, 5x, 10x that money easily with a few changes.

The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of

Source: 3 Steps to Start Making Money Online Quickly

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