Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Clickjack Attack Infects Nearly One Million #computers

Clickjack Attack Infects Nearly One Million Computers Conventional wisdom suggests that an HTTPS connection is a secure one; the "S" stands for "secure" right there in the abbreviation. However, a new bit of adware known as Redirector.Paco is making a mockery of the secure hyptertext transfer protocol by ... read moreBotnet hijacks search results to siphon Google AdSense for Search revenue A click-fraud bot dubbed Redirector.Paco attacks when users perform searches from Google ... When the Redirector.Paco malware infects a computer — typically after a user downloads and installs an infected version of a software program such as ... read more

BAE Systems: Cyber Attack Against Bangladesh Bank Linked to 2014 Sony Hack In February, cyber attackers stole 101 million ... Bank attack was only publicised in April, and the bank has been criticised for using obsolete equipment on its network and inadequate IT security. The attempted theft of nearly $1 billion has prompted ... read more10 hopeful startups strut their stuff at TechCrunch Disrupt you can't attack effectively. The way we achieve that is through three fronts. The first one is that we establish a VPN connection from physical devices within your perimeter to segment them. What that helps to prevent is that if one device gets infected ... read moreGozi Creator Sentenced for Bank Attacks Because of his "substantial assistance" to federal prosecutors and law enforcement, the mastermind behind the Gozi banking Trojan will not serve additional prison time, but must pay nearly ... found to have infected over 1 million computers across the ... read moreA Cyber-Information Operations Offset Strategy for Countering the Surge of Chinese Power Critical vulnerabilities are "those elements of one's military or nonmilitary sources of power open to enemy attack, control ... complex to censor and restrict free access to the nearly 618 million (and growing) Chinese internet uses (and 270 million ... read moreHow Israel is turning part of the Negev Desert into a cyber-city Discovered by private-sector researchers in June 2010, the computer worm Stuxnet caused nearly 1,000 centrifuges ... two hours north of Beersheba, is one of the most targeted entities in Israel. A successful attack could disrupt power to virtually all ... read moreEditor's Note: King's Ransom What was once a simple method for cyber criminals to extort a few hundred bucks out of a random computer user has rapidly evolved into a multi-million-dollar ... It is just one of a huge influx of these attacks. Between 2013 and 2014, there was a 250 ... read moreIBM to teach Watson computer system "language of cybersecurity" IBM Security has announced that eight universities – including three in Canada – will help train its Watson computer system ... Enterprises spend US$1.3 million a year dealing with false positives alone, wasting nearly 21,000 hours, IBM said, quoting ... read morePakistan, Indonesia, Palestinian territories are biggest victims of malware attacks, says Microsoft Nearly half of all attacks originate in Asia and one-fifth ... at north of 10 million attacks on identities every day," Microsoft manager Alex Weinert told Reuters. He also noted that not all attacks were successful in infecting computers. read more

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Source: Clickjack Attack Infects Nearly One Million #computers

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