Wednesday, May 25, 2016

These Women Bloggers Make 19X More Than The Average Male College Graduate


The average american college-educated man makes $60,493 per year.

That breaks down to about $5,0000 per month.

These same men make 21% more than the same, equally qualified women in their positions.

Luckily, that same gender wage gap doesn't apply to the Internet. There are no pre-set prejudices or institutional biases to hold women back.

One of the women featured in this article makes 19x more than that in a single month.

Another earns $36,000 per month, from selling an eBook she wrote in her spare time.

All from blogs they started only a couple years ago and built in their spare time.

But there is still a stigma about blogging

Most people don't view blogging as a serious career. They view them more as just hobbies. Especially when it comes to female entrepreneurs.

The thinking goes...Blogs are for musings about your day, for sharing your feelings, or for taking pictures of your crafting projects.

The truth is, the blogs these women have built started out as hobbies.

But these genius women have learned how to transform their hobbies into 6 figure businesses.

In this article, we looked at the exact strategies these women used to make a ton of cash, and how you can replicate their success on your own.

Free PDF Checklist: Download a free checklist that lists the top ways $100k bloggers are making money and how you can sign up for them. Here's a link where you can download the PDF

Melyssa Griffin of Makes $100,000+ Per Month


How she makes over $100k per month: I love when bloggers detail their income for the month in their income reports because it leaves no guessing to the reader.

You can see for yourself in the screencap above that the great majority of Melyssa's March of 2016 earnings came from the relaunch of her e-course, Pinfinite Growth.

The launch made up over half of her monthly earnings. She also makes a large sum of money from her webinar, which makes up nearly $23,000 monthly.

Michelle Schroeder of Makes $71,000 Per Month


How she makes over $71k per month: Michelle is an affiliate marketing genius.

Her blog, which is meant to help her readers save some money, generates more income in one month than some people see in an entire year.

The vast majority of this income, we can see from her latest income report from April of 2016, comes from affiliate marketing.

$54,972 out of the 71,761 she made this past month was from her affiliation with various companies.

By far her greatest success was that of Bluehost, which whom she negotiated an exclusive affiliate deal.

Her second greatest affiliate marketing profit came from survey companies, at nearly $7,000. Once we get away from her affiliations, we can see that she also made $14,500 in April from various sponsorships.

Lindsay Ostrom of Makes $58,000 Per Month


How she makes over $58k per month: Pinch Of Yum, which is run by Lindsay and her husband, is a food blogging website -- and a successful one, at that.

Thanks to their incredibly detailed income reports, it isn't difficult to see just where their monthly profits come from.By far their most successful venture is their involvement with AdThrive.

Her second most successful monetization method this past March was her e-book, Tasty Food Photography.

It is also worth nothing that you (or any blogger, for that matter) can actually become an affiliate for this book.

Feel free to click here to learn more about it.

Lindsay makes money referring people to Bluehost, a web server that helps people launch a blog.

Even in her income reports, she links to the 'how to start a food blog' post she made with her Bluehost affiliation links embedded.

Abby Lawson of Makes $36,000 Per Month


How she makes over $36k per month: As per Abby's most recent income report, which is for February of 2016, we can actually see that the majority of her monthly earnings come from self-made products.

She, much like the other bloggers, is involved in Bluehost, but it certainly isn't her highest earner.

In fact, she earned nearly ⅓ of her monthly profits just from the sales of one of her three e-books, Framework.

Her two other e-books, titled Simplify and Paperless Home respectively, earned her $2,770 in the month of February.

Deby of Makes $4,000 Per Month


How she makes over $4k per month: Deby's website, which exists primarily to help mothers like herself make and save money, has seen a steady increase over the last several months.

We included Deby in this list to show you that you can make as much as an entire American family does just from blogging, and looking at the landscape, there are a lot of people like Deby out there blogging.

Looking at Deby's earnings, the jump from February to March may seem peculiar, it is actually  right on target for Deby and what she set her goals to be as she explains in her latest income report.

The vast majority (nearly all, at over $3,000) of her monthly income in March of 2016 came from Share A Sale, an affiliate link provider.

Free PDF Checklist: Download the free checklist that lists the top ways these women are making money and how you can sign up for them. Here's a link where you can download the PDF

Source: These Women Bloggers Make 19X More Than The Average Male College Graduate

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