Wednesday, June 1, 2016

BWW Blog: Micah Young - Thems The Money Pits

BWW Blog: Micah Young - Thems The Money Pits

As a child I was given the advice to do what I loved. I suppose making music for a living is just that: doing what I love. But there are times when I'm counting the hours, and calculating the fee, before the gig even begins; I'm thinking about the paycheck rather than the music. In any profession, we do need to be paid for our time and talents. But we should also enjoy the work.

Lately, I've made the effort to not think about the money. It's difficult when we all need to make money to eat, pay rent, etc. I spoke with a colleague recently about this; the interesting outcome of this thought process, was I began to enjoy the music more. I have fought and haggled over the hourly rate for a gig, or negotiated the fee for a concert when I can. I've gotten better at it over the years.

Freelancers cannot afford to work for less than we are worth; and we need to get paid, contrary to what so many people think. Artists are people, too. That said, when it comes down to the difference of a few bucks, or a pay-rate I wouldn't normally work at, the reminder of enjoying the music has value. Remembering why we do what we do is important. And when we are solely concerned with the paycheck, it's probably a good idea to question the reasons for that career.

Photo Credit: Mconners

Source: BWW Blog: Micah Young - Thems The Money Pits

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