Monday, July 4, 2016


hillary-clinton-wins-new-york-primary.jpg.png I've supported Hillary for President since 2008. She is the Only True Hope for the United States

I wrote the first blog I have ever written April 22nd this year. I have never written before and certainly never have been very verbal politically. In 2008 I did vote for Hillary in the Democratic Primary. It was such an ntense time and I just new deep down Hillary would be the Democratic Nominee. Sadly she wasn't. However, I did like Barack Obama too and knew that I would vote for him come November as I have been a life long Democrat. I knew being gay that he was our only Champion that would hopefully fight for LGBTQ Rights. 

Because I was self employed I had been on Texas High Risk Health Insurance do to a pre-existing condition so my medical insurance cost about 3 times what an average family of 4 paid a month, and that as with a $2,500 deductible. I had been with my partner 18 years at that point. He worked in the Texas ISD system and paid in to Texas Teacher Retirement. Because we could not legally be married in Texas his medical would not cover me. 

I did own my own private suite/salon so I normally did not get into political discussions. If anyone started in on Hillary or Obama I'd just say "Stop Right There, I don't discuss sex, politics or religion". Of course I did with most of my clients who were Democrats but HEY Money is Money and I had to make a living. My Republican clients were very understanding of my position. We just always agreed to disagree. 

Thanks to work done by LGBTQ Groups, President Obama, Joe Biden,Hillary and Bill Clinton and so many Democratic Officials we finally won the right to marry in Texas. Also, do to Obamacare I could get medical insurance in 2014 with pre-existing conditions. We have come a long way, but we still have such a long way to go to win EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. 

So, a few months ago my husband suggested I blog since I was addicted to the Democratic Debates and Campaigns. I started blogging and posting my stories from Daily Kos to my Twitter timeline. I was amazed at the response I received on not only twitter but also Daily Kos. Of course I decided before I started I would not read or respond to hateful replies to my stories just occasionally checking them like so many celebrities who never read their reviews.

I started out with no followers and did not want to subscribe to a twitter follower engagement account as I really only wanted to connect with Democratic followers, mainly Hillary Clinton supporters. I had been on Facebook for years and learned that because many of my friends on there were Republicans they also felt the need to reply with negative or hateful responses to my posts supporting Barack Obama. After responding to a few and having to unfriend some I just decided it was time to delete my Facebook account and take a break from Social Media. 

Fast Forward to 2015. I now have almost 5,000 Twitter friends I've added over the past 3 or 4 months. I am a Democrat and I will always vote for the Democratic Candidate for President as long as they continue to be the party that cares for all people of all races, sexes, religions/non religious, economic levels and values. 

I think the thing that bothers me most is that Bernie Sanders will not concede and endorse to help Hillary in the fight against Trump. The Democratic Platform is already the most progressive we have ever seen, but to Insist that Democrats fight against POTUS on TPP, End all Fracking & Guaranty that a $15 minimum wage will happen just isn't a concession. It's a DEMAND. Sanders would achieve so much more if he would work with the Democratic Party and not FIGHT with it. 

Hillary does not support the TPP and has made that quite clear, however she is not going to tell the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES what direction he should go with trade. Hillary is for a scaled incremental $12.50 to $15 minimum wage. She also wants to change to sustainable renewable energy. I do believe her views on fracking have evolved. But in the end it is better to work together towards these Issues, Not DEMAND "IF YOU WANT MY SUPPORT YOU'LL DO IT MY WAY!"

In conclusion I guess the message I want to send is that my single voice has made a difference. I've had Senators and Congressmen follow me, major News Correspondents follow me and chat and post my views on topics. I've had people from Hillary Clinton's Campaign Staff follow and chat with me in twitter messaging. I've had major Celebrities respond to my posts and stories. I honestly never thought this would happen with my blogging. I was looking for a way to express my views but also vent when Candidates,Surrogates,Pundits or Online Media said things I didn't support or agree with.

So, Here I am-writing once again. Sharing my point of view with many of my friends and followers and in the end answering my own question. Does my one voice make a difference? Well as long as it does to me I guess that's all that counts.


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