Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Quoting Quiverfull: Be Frugal or God Will Take Away Your Money?

quotingquiverfullby Lori Alexander from Always Learning – Living Frugally

Editor's note: Lori's talking about how being frugal is godly, and while I think personally it's a good idea to live within your means and try to put a little aside each month it's not always that simple. Plus, in the parts of this post I skipped Ms. Alexander is making out that modern society is so extravagant that we're just one Roman orgy of consumerism from a Mount Vesuvius of debt. It's hard to make yourself save and be frugal when incentives like interest rates are so low. Does how you handle your money have any bearing on how 'Godly' you are? Money does have power, and it's been my observation that those in church with money usually hold all the power.

Haggai was talking about the reconstruction of the Temple, but the message has application for today. The people of that time were more concerned with their material possessions, and were not placing God first in their lives. The Word shows clearly that God can cause our money to disappear when we don't place Him first.

Another example is in Deuteronomy 28. There is a list of blessings that are connected with being obedient to the Word, which were given by Moses as part of the Law. He says that if you worship other gods, just as money is a god for many people, several curses can fall upon your life; one of them being that you will sow much but reap little. It will be as though you are spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

In 1 John 2:16, the Bible tells us that the enemy uses these three things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, to entice us to sin. The pride of life is the desire for the finest schools, the best clothes, and the attitude that you won't settle for anything but the best. It is a desire for the things of the world. Matthew Henry says that "Yet these vanities are so alluring to the corruption in our hearts, that without constant watching and prayer, we cannot escape the world, or obtain victory over the god and prince of it."

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moreMore on the role of money in Quiverfull churches:

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Source: Quoting Quiverfull: Be Frugal or God Will Take Away Your Money?

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