Friday, August 19, 2016

40+ Awesome Side Hustles to Make Some Extra Money

A young businesswoman working on a laptop .

Finding a side hustle to help bring in some extra cash was huge when we paid off $52,000 in debt in 18 months. Each month in my blog income reports I share how I make decent money by using a variety of side hustles online. My highest month so far from my side hustles was over $1,500.

The great thing about doing something on the side to make extra money is that there are options for almost anyone. There are virtually no barriers for those serious about using side hustles to bring in some cash, no matter what your physical or financial state is.

To help you find the right side gig for you, here is a huge list of side hustles where you can make some good side income so that you can achieve your financial goals in life.

Online Side Hustles

Making money online is one of my favorite ways to make extra cash because I can do so without leaving the comfort of my own home. There are countless ways to make money online. Keep in mind you really need to have a website to make this happen. You can sign up for hosting for less than $4/month with Bluehost to get started. Here are a few ideas once you have your site up and running.

1. Start a Blog

As I mentioned earlier, I make money every month from blogging. Starting a blog is easy in today's world, even for those who don't consider themselves technologically savvy. I even wrote a blog post called, How to Start a Blog in 10 Minutes or Less, which will tell you everything you need to know to get started with your own blog so that you can be on your way to monetizing it.

2. Monetize Your YouTube Channel

It is crazy how much money you can make from having a YoeTube channel. I interviewed a guy who used YouTube to pay off $70,000 in consumer debt. First you need to have a channel. Then you need to make sure that your videos are marked in the settings so that they can make money from advertisers. Lastly, you need to get a bunch of subscribers. This is oversimplifying it a little, however, making money from YouTube is a real and viable way to earn side hustle cash.

3. Get paid to Tweet

There are legitimate companies that will pay you to tweet their info on your Twitter account. Recently I saw an opportunity from Proctor and Gamble who owns Bounty paper towels, Crest toothpaste and Charmin toilet paper. Although they didn't accept my bid, these opportunities show up almost daily. Check out Sponspored Tweets by Izea for more info for how to sign up.

4. Create an Online Course

If you have a gift for teaching and have something valuable to teach others, consider making money by making an online course. Nearly any skill can be marketed, and the course can be a short course or a long course. My course called How to Save $250 a Month is a popular online class where I show people how to increase their savings dramatically. The key to success with online courses is to provide great value for the money. The course on is only $5 which is an amazing value since I teach people how to save $3,000 per year.

5. Sell T-shirts

Not too long ago I interviewed Benny Hsu who makes six figures a year by selling t-shirts. With the right product and the right marketing techniques, you can make a serious business out of selling t-shirts.

6. Make an Android and/or iPhone App

If you're a techie person, creating an app for smartphones can be a real money-maker. I interviewed Steve Young (not the quarterback) who was able to make some serious cash developing apps. Even if you don't know how to program, you can hire people via Odesk from overseas to turn you app idea into a reality.

7. Create an Ecommerce Store

If you have a product to sell, an Ecommerce store is a great way to get it out there. Make sure to do your research first as this market is very saturated, so the more niche you can be, the better. To make the process even easier of opening your online store, check out Shopify which is an Ecommerce platform that has good looking templates so you don't have to do any programming.

8. Proofreading

If you've got an eye for detail, an online proofreading job might be the perfect side hustle for you. Many companies are looking for people who will proofread their content before it's published, and this is a job you can do from the comfort of your home office.

9. Copywriting

Advertisers and businesses are often looking for copywriters to help them advertise their clients' or their own products are services. In today's virtual world, many companies are happy to hire virtual copywriters to help market their businesses.

10. Fill out Surveys

There are many companies who will pay people to fill out surveys and/or surf the web. However, there are good survey companies and not-so-good survey companies. My favorites are Harris Poll, Opinion Outpost and Digital Voice. For more information on how you can make money easily and quickly by filling out surveys, see this post on making money with online surveys.

11. Sell Your Hand Crafted Items on Etsy

If you've got a gift for making hand crafted items, consider selling them on Etsy. From baby clothing to woodworking products and more, Etsy store owners can make hundreds of dollars per month or more if they sell a valuable product.

12. Sell Your Designs on Redbubble

One great way to make passive income is to create designs for Redbubble. A person creates designs, and Redbubble offers them for sale on t-shirts, coffee mugs, tablet covers and more. This passive income source involves no work for you after you creates your design. Redbubble simply sends you a check when your sales commissions reach over $20. Marketing your product designs, however, will increase your income.

13. Publish an eBook

Real people are indeed making money by publishing eBooks online. If you've got valuable information to share, consider gathering it into book form and selling eBooks online at little or no cost to you.

Using Your Car

person driving a vehicle

If you have a reliable car and enjoy driving, there are plenty of ways to make some extra income using your vehicle.

14. Drive for Uber or Lyft

In my podcast interview with Harry Campbell, Harry shares how he made money by driving people around as a driver for Uber and Lyft. If you've got a car and don't mind driving, this may be the perfect side hustle for you. You can set your own hours and choose which jobs you will and won't take, meaning you are in control of your income when you choose this side hustle.

15. Deliver Pizzas

When my wife Kim and I were working hard at paying off $52,000 of consumer debt in just eighteen months, I delivered pizzas in order to help bring extra cash into our home. Not only do pizza delivery people get an hourly wage, they can earn some serious tips as well. Check out the local pizza places in your area and talk with them about hiring on if this might be a side hustle you would like.

16. Advertise on Your Car

This is some seriously passive income. Companies such as Carvertise will pay to put a wrap on peoples' cars, and then pay them to simply drive their regular daily routes as they advertise for different companies. Car owners get the right to say "no" to a particular ad if they're uncomfortable with the content of the ad. Most companies pay between $100-$400 a month for "carvertising."

17. Deliver the Newspaper

Yes, believe it or not, the newspaper is still delivered to peoples homes everyday. I would imagine a lot less these days, however, that is besides the point. If you are looking for a side huslte that you can do in the early mornings before work, than this is a great option.

Manual Labor

washing a car for money

If you like working with your hands or just have the physical capability to do manual labor, there's a plethora of side hustle jobs of all different labor levels available for your choosing. Check out this ideas.

18. Mow Lawns

Many working families have little time or desire to maintain their lawns and landscaping. If you like mowing lawns, have flyers printed out and advertise to neighbors that you offer lawn mowing and/or landscaping services.

19. Paint Gates and Fences

This is another of those small tasks that people often don't take the time to do. If you live in an area where many yards have gates and fences, print out flyers and offer to paint them for cash. I interviewed Chris Peach on my podcast who told me a neighbor kid took a picture of a gate that needed to be painted and put on a flyer asking people if they needed there gate to painted. He had some tear offs on the bottom with the kids phone number on it. Chris looked at the picture of the gate and wondered if it was his gate. This kid was brilliant because I bet all the neighbors thought the same thing and if they wanted to do something about who do you think they would call? Probably the kid who out there hustling trying to make the neighborhood look better.

20. Small Handy Man Jobs

Leaky faucets, squeaky doors and other small repair jobs are readily available in most homes. Advertise your handyman services and make a business out of helping others get small tasks done. Be sure to schedule repair jobs in a way where you're working all the houses in a certain area at one time to avoid wasting gas driving from job to job.

21. Wash Cars

Offer a door-to-door car washing service to local residents. You bring the cleaning supplies, they provide the water and the electricity for vacuuming out the inside of vehicles. Remember to offer inside and outside cleaning together for a full-service wash.

22. Offer Nanny or Babysitting Services

Many families are eager for quality child care services for their family. If you enjoy children and are responsible and timely, this could be a great way for you to rake in some extra cash. Advertise at schools, activity centers such as gymnastics clubs and other places where parents and kids frequent. Consider listing yourself in a babysitter directory like and get 20% off Premium Membership by using this link.

23. Offer Pet Walking or Pet Sitting Services

If you're good with animals and enjoy working with them, this could be the perfect side hustle for you. People with busy schedules or people going on vacation need responsible animal lovers to walk their dogs and care for their animals when they'll be out of town. Advertise via neighborhood flyers or on sites such which is a directory of pet sitters. Sign up for CARE and get 20% off Premium Membership by using this link.

24. Clean and/or Organize Homes or Businesses

If you've got a knack for cleaning and organization, there's some serious money to be made by offering your skills to local residents and business owners. People often simply don't have the time to clean their homes, and organization is one of those skills that everyone wants but not everyone has. If you love cleaning and organizing, consider advertising to local homes and businesses for your services.

25. Clean Windows

This is another one of those tasks that people simply don't take the time to do. Remember that most window cleaning clients will want you to be insured so that any on-the-job injury is covered. Advertise via flyer distribution or local neighborhood newspapers.

Use Your Skills

guy repairing computer

If you have skills that you can make money with, then why not put them to work.

26. Graphic Design

Graphic designers are in high demand, both in brick and mortar companies and in online companies. If you've got a gift for graphic design, look for online jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home computer.

27. Web Design

With new websites and blogs popping up every day, there is a serious amount of business available for those who are skilled in web design. If you've got the creative talent and the technical skills to build a great website, consider offering your services to online clients.

28. Computer Set-up/Repair

The technically savvy are in high demand in local homes and businesses. Even high school students who are great at computer knowledge can make money by offering computer set-up and repair services to those in their neighborhood. Advertise on Craigslist or by distributing flyers to local homes and businesses.

29. Search Engine Optimization for Businesses

If you've got knowledge in the area of SEO, there are jobs waiting for you. Businesses want to be able to focus on delivering their products or services and often don't have the time or knowledge to input search engine techniques that will help them maximize their reach. If this is a skill you have, consider reaching out to local and online businesses about helping them maximize their Internet reach.

30. Create Drawing Based Videos

Have you seen those videos that look hand-drawn explaining something? Well, did you know that there is software that you can learn in order to make these videos yourself

31. Bookkeeping

Both online and in brick-and-mortar stores, there are bookkeeping jobs readily available. If you love numbers and enjoy a quiet work space, this might be the side hustle for you. Check local want ads and online job sites such as Indeed for available bookkeeping jobs.

32. Financial Coaching

If you're good at managing your personal finances and/or have paid off a large amount of debt, financial coaching might be the job for you. There's still many, many individuals and families who are eager to learn how to manage their money well. Advertise your services via Twitter, Facebook or your own personal website. If you are interested in learning how to manage your own money in a way that will help you reach your financial goals and dreams, check out my financial coaching services.

33. Edit Videos

Video editing for businesses or individuals can be a lucrative business. If you've got creativity and technical skills, consider using them to make people's videos and/or pictures into a cherished keepsake or a powerful marketing tool.

34. Tutoring

People of all ages, from young children, to high school students, to college students and even older utilize tutoring services for a variety of different subjects. Kids and college students often need tutors in specific subjects such as math, science or English, and adults of all ages will often seek out tutors for things like learning English or learning how to operate technical devices. Offer your services at local schools, coffee shops or on Craigslist.

35. Sell at Farmers Markets

Farmers Markets often offer a variety of items for sale. Besides fruits and vegetables, Farmers Markets often allow the sale of baked goods, handmade items and specialty foods such as flavored popcorn or homemade candy. Visit your state's Farmers Market website for more information.

36. Become a Brand Ambassador

Grocery stores and shopping clubs are regularly seeking friendly and outgoing people to be brand ambassadors. A brand ambassador serves food samples to passing customers and encourages them to purchase the item if they like it.

37. Teach a Community Education Course

Community education classes can be offered for a wide variety of subjects. If you've got a skill that you think would benefit others, consider sharing it by teaching a community education course. Look through your local community education catalog for ideas.

38. Start Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a side hustle I started doing about three years ago and it's been a great source of income for me and my family. If you have a gift for writing, seek out websites such as Upwork or Fiverr for freelance writing opportunities. As a freelance writer you can work from home, set your own schedule and choose the workload that's best for your life schedule.

39. Virtual Assistant

Companies and self-employed business owners alike are searching for virtual assistants to help them with the small day-to-day tasks that help them run their businesses efficiently. If you're good at helping others and completing tasks in a timely manner, consider searching online job sites for virtual assistant jobs.

Use Your Stuff

You may have the ability to make money with what you already own. Look through every cabinet, closet and drawer to see what you can turn into some quick cash.

40. Rent out a room in Your House or Garage

Do you have a spare bedroom or other unused area, such as a basement, that you can rent out to college students or other single people? If so, this might be a great way to bring in a few hundred dollars each month. Be sure to screen applicants thoroughly and to clearly lay out house rules before accepting tenants.

If you want some extra cash but don't want to deal with tenants, consider using the extra space in your home or garage as a rent-able storage area for other people's stuff.

41. Rent Out Equipment that You Own

Many items in your home or garage can be rented out to others. Some ideas include campers, boats, equipment such as saws and ladders, and party tents or other party supplies. Advertise on Craigslist or Facebook.

What are your favorite ways to make money on the side?

Source: 40+ Awesome Side Hustles to Make Some Extra Money

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