Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How to Monetize Your Blog in 12 Crazy Simple Steps

how to monetize your blog

You are probably a bit confused about how to monetize your blog.

Since 81% of bloggers never make more than $100 during their online careers the mass anxiety, panic, and general distress associated with blog monetizing makes this a popular topic.

Most bloggers totally miss the monetizing boat because they fail to see making money through your blog is an inside-out game.

How to Monetize Your Blog

All the proven, practical, successful tips on earth can't help a blogger with limiting, low energy beliefs concerning money.

If you do the inner clearing you can leave your financial pain behind and you'll also:

  • Boost your online profits steadily over time (versus the peaks and valleys you may be experiencing now)
  • Tap into powerful passive income channels
  • Grow a rabidly loyal community who promotes you, easing your workload dramatically so you can have a life away from your online gig (being a world traveler really love this one)
  • Are you ready to release your blogging financial struggles?

    Let's deal with the root cause of your agony.

    A1: Address Your Money Limiting Beliefs

    No matter how much you want to make money with your blog you will ignore the following 11 tips – or self-sabotage after using them – if you ignore this step.

    List your money limiting beliefs on a piece of paper by engaging in EFT tapping and other self help techniques.

    Burn the piece of paper over a sink or bathtub.

    Free yourself of these limiting beliefs.

    Allow money to flow into your experience.

    I prefer:

  • Meditation
  • EFT tapping
  • touching /handling money, to see how I *really feel* about that chedda
  • …..to uncover my limiting beliefs about money.

    Face, embrace and release these energies.

    This may involve feeling terror, panic, anger, anxiety or jealous emotions.

    Pack a pillow (for punching) and tissues (for crying) while doing this work.

    It may get a little hairy but the relief you'll feel after is amazing.

    A2: Write 1,000 Words Daily (or More)

    I once heard a crass but truth-telling, PT Barnum like promoter tell me:

    "You can't shine poop."

    He stressed how you can't effectively market a poor product.

    In your case that means you can't market your blog powerfully and earn a full time income if you're a poor writer.

    You may follow each of these tips religiously but unless you write well you will struggle to monetize your blog.

    Hone the #1 skill in your blog monetizing arsenal.

    Open a Word document. Write 1,000 words daily in private. Practice to profit.

    If you deliver crisply-written, emotion-inducing blog posts you can rank on page 1 of google for competitive keywords.

    Grow your services businesses. Sell more eBooks. Sell more products. Nail down more guest posting opportunities.


    1: Blog Your Fun

    Blog your fun.

    Blog your passion.

    Blogging predominantly to have fun largely detaches you from money outcomes.

    If you aren't worried about making money with your blog:

  • Profitable ideas will make a beeline for your mind
  • Successful bloggers will partner with you through features, guest posts, etc
  • You'll generously offer helpful information through your blog and social media platforms
  • You'll have fun working your blog, making "fun" your reward, which helps you practice your blogging skills (from a joyous, high energy, pleasant space)
  • Acting on profitable ideas, partnering with pros, being generous and practicing your writing all lead to greater blogging profits.

    2: List Reader Pain Points

    Profits reside in pain points.

    List your reader's pain points to monetize your blog intelligently.

    Ask your readers what they're struggling with to build your pain point list.

    Kevin Duncan and his writers at Be a Better Blogger hit on pain points wonderfully.

    Note how virtually every post leads off with a struggle, a problem or some pain experienced by his readership.

    Build your pain point list through polling or by asking your readers on Twitter, Facebook, G Plus and LinkedIn about their problems.

    3: Build Every Blog Post Around Reader Pain Points

    Build every single blog post around topics from your pain point list.

    Every one.

    If you specifically solve your reader's problems through each post you betcha readers will buy your products or hire you.

    Even better; these same readers will endorse you and promote you to their like-minded friends, many of whom suffer through similar pain points.

    Can you say, "Community Growing 101"?

    Don Purdum does a smash up job sharing the struggles his audience faces.

    He uses statistics to wake up his readership to what's *really* not working, and more importantly, what works darn well.

    4: Guest Post

    Leverage your presence through the power of guest posting.

    Connect with large, targeted audiences.

    Guest post on popular, authority blogs from your niche.

    Stick to readerships who dig your blog theme. Target.

    Google "blogging guest posts" and sift through the results to find authority sites for posting opportunities.

    I prefer to make friends with top bloggers in my niche by commenting on their blogs and by promoting them.

    Then I receive the invitation or reach out and land the guest gig 9 out of 10 times.

    5: Comment on Authority Blogs

    Comment on authority blogs to build friendships with influential bloggers, to expand your presence, and to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

    Blog commenting is lower profile guest posting in action if you do it right.

    Address your fellow blogger by name.  

    Create a thorough, helpful, 3 to 4 paragraph comment discussing the blog post.

    Thank your fellow blogger. Sign off with your name.

    If you're struggling to learn the basics of successful blog commenting

    Buy How to Build an Online Empire through Blog Commenting

    My eBook cuts through the confusion surrounding blog commenting and it received 20 plus 5 star reviews when I sold it through Amazon.

    6: Open Income Streams Based on Your Passion

    Monetize your passions.

    Do you like writing? Self publish eBooks. Create a freelance writing business.

    If you love teaching establish a blog consulting business.

    Monetize your blog by falling in love with working your income streams.

    This detaches you – largely – from money outcomes so you can devote virtually all of your creative energies to honing your skills and to helping your clients and customers.

    Monetizing Channels

  • Self-publish eBooks on Amazon KDP Select
  • Self-publish audiobooks on Audible
  • Build a freelance writing business (get paid to write at freelance writer Elna Cain's site….super helpful resource for you)
  • Create a blog consulting/coaching business
  • Accept sponsored posts
  • Engage in affiliate marketing
  • Create a blogging audio course
  • Plus there are 101 other ideas for monetizing (Google the topic how to monetize your blog….ok there's more than 101)
  • Here's the problem: 81% of bloggers online never make more than $100 during their entire online careers because they scan to find this tip and ignore every other one.

    This is like handing the keys of a Lamborghini to a toddler.

    The toddler has no clue in hell how to tap into the raw, savage power of the Lambo and you will have no clue in hell how to make money with these income streams unless you follow all 12 steps religiously.

    Focus heavily on steps 1-2 then take your time with each succeeding step on this list.

    7: Add 1 Income Stream every 3-6 Months

    After adding your first income stream simply learn that channel inside-out, follow pros from that niche and then add 1 income stream every 3 to 6 months.

    I adopted this mindset/general monetizing strategy from hacking wizard (clever marketer, not butcher) Matthew Capala at Search Decoder.

    Establish multiple streams of income to diversify your blogging cash flow.

    10 minutes ago I received a royalty payment for my audiobooks sold through Amazon, Audible and iTunes.

    The prior 2 days I received royalty payments for eBooks I sold through 6 Amazon sites/countries, like Amazon US, Amazon Japan, Amazon Spain, etc.

    Last week I received payment for audio courses and eBooks sold through Selz.

    A few days ago I received a Paypal payment from a freelance writing client.

    Receiving money through 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 income channels boosts your blogging profits in the near term and long term.

    Just make sure to learn the more in-depth streams – consulting/freelancing/eBook self-publishing – over a 3 month or longer stretch to work the stream right.

    8: Build an Email List

    Build an email list to make it easy for your readers to:

  • Read your blog posts
  • Share your blog posts
  • Buy your products
  • Hire you for your services
  • Email marketing is the most powerful, convenient medium for building a profitable blog.

    Virtually everybody checks their emails once, twice or 15 times daily. Or more frequently. Meaning you will get an increasing number of guaranteed, engaged views on your blog and business sites if you build an email list.

    Entice your readers with a free giveaway.

    I offer my email and Push subscribers a free blogging eBook every Friday – plus my weekly blog post – on Blogging From Paradise.

    Sign up for the offer up top. Don't worry; I've written 126 eBooks so you have tons of free and premium eBooks to download and/or buy.

    The money ain't in the list.

    The money is in the ease with which subscribers can get your blog posts and click on your blog post and products or services pages.

    Easy + Convenient = Bigger Blogging Profits.

    Email Updates = Easy + Convenient (for your readers).

    John Lee Dumas offers some super sweet free giveaways on Entrepreneur On Fire.

    Screenshot 2016-08-27 at 1.22.03 PM

    He's built a monster list and regularly generates over $100,000 a month through his blog.

    Give away massive value, make it easy for readers to feast on the value and you'll set the foundation for monetizing your blog effectively.

    9: Align Your Blog

    Align your blog with your domain name.

    Your blog domain name, title, tagline, brand logo, posts, pages, sidebar widgets, footer and all elements in between should align fully to inspire your audience to know and trust you as a go-to blogger in 1 niche.

    Do 1 thing really well. Align all elements on your blog with doing that 1 thing.

    Pat Flynn helps you generate smart, passive income at Smart Passive Income.

    Everything on his blog aligns with generating smart, passive income.

    No confusion. Full clarity. Sweet profits.

    The 1 thing he does bleeds through his blog and brand.

    Like John Lee Dumas, Pat rakes in over $100,000 every month on his blog.  

    10: Stay on Topic

    Publish blog posts fully aligned with your blogging message/topic.

    Program readers to identify you with helping them in 1 specific area.

    Gain expert status in that area.

    Maximize your blogging profits.

    If you do want to work in outlying/off topic elements simply weave these topics into your posts sporadically.

    That's how I do it with my zany travel stories at Blogging From Paradise.

    But make sure 90% to 100% of your content aligns fully with your topic to gain trust, to establish your authority and to boost your blogging profits.

    Monetizing your blog doesn't need to be a nightmare.

    Use these tips to steadily build a full time earning blog.

    Are You Having a Tough Time in the Blog Monetizing Department?

    If you're ready to feel the relief of releasing your blogging money problems for good and want to enjoy an entertaining, informative and sometimes "laugh out loud" fun audio course…..

    Listen to the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course (plus a free bonus audio course answering 10 common blogging questions) to build your blog on a rock solid foundation for effective monetizing.

    *I now offer ongoing support for course students via a private Facebook Group* so if you have any questions about the course you have an extra resource to dive deeper into your studies.

    Don't forget to sign up for free eBook Friday too. Find the form up top.

    Please share this post on Twitter, Facebook, G Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

    Ryan Biddulph Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon to help you with your most painful blogging mistakes. If you're struggling with your blog and feel overwhelmed with blogging information overload, Ryan can help you increase your blog traffic, comments and online income with the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course. Latest posts by Ryan Biddulph (see all)


    Source: How to Monetize Your Blog in 12 Crazy Simple Steps

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