Friday, September 2, 2016

How to Make Money Writing a Blog

You may want to uncover how to make money writing a blog for one of a few reasons.

Maybe you're disgusted with your long-term money problems and feel sick to your stomach when it's time to pay the bills each month.

Or you could be having some success with blogging but want to take it to the next level.

making money bloggingTerrors, anxieties, and worries you tend to feel about the topic of "money" will create a paralyzing state of blogging panic unless you honestly assess where you're at right now, money-wise, with your blogging career.

Take a deep breath. Relax your body.

It's time to ease your worries so you can build a profitable blog by learning how to monetize it effectively.

How to Make Money Writing a Blog

OK….on to the sweet stuff.

The Benefits

Building a full-time, pro-blogging career helps you:

  • Live your wildest dreams
  • Let go your financial problems for good
  • Travel the world
  • Build a life of independence and freedom
  • Free yourself from money worries so you can inspire legions of readers through your blog
  • If you're sick of blogging for free and are hungry to boost your blogging profits follow these tips.

    Step A: Do Inner Work to Clear Money Blocks

    This step sucks. Then this step rocks.

    Money doesn't really care if you're blogging or working a 9-5 job or building a digital media empire or whatever professional field you've chosen.

    Money only cares about how you feel about money.

    Unfortunately, most of you (and me) grew up learning really screwy, false beliefs about money.

    You may feel:

  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Worry
  • Uncontrolled greed
  • Embarrassment
  • Shame
  • Intense pride
  • 15,000 other negative emotions
  • …around money, because family, friends and the public impressed ideas on your subconscious mind that you readily accepted as a kid who knew no better.

    Look at your bank account now. Does it make you feel really uncomfortable? Do you feel terrible, or anxious, or angry? Or do you feel elated, excited and prideful about your income?

    These strong, polarized energies need to go because associating emotionally charged feelings with money create a conditionally created, rollercoaster ride of emotions that will derail your blogging career.

    Face, embrace and release these wild energies. Use techniques like meditation and EFT tapping to unearth the zany money beliefs and let the feelings go.

    This is a highly unpleasant process at times but it sets the table for bigger profits down the road.

    Note; 80% of bloggers never make more than $100 from their blogs during their careers because they totally ignore this step. Before you make money you need to let go of your resistance to money and your true feelings – as well as your current financial state – will let you know where you're at.

    Step B: Pick a Fun and Freeing Reason Why

    This step feels uncomfortable at first. Maybe you gave little thought to following your fun when you decided to start blogging.

    If you're like most bloggers you predominantly just want to make money blogging.

    But when the money doesn't show up you just lost your motivator. In the beginning, no money will show up because you're an infant in the blogging and monetizing games.

    What can you talk about all day long? Blog about it. That's your fun. That's your passion. The fun is the reward. Meaning, you'll detach more freely from money and traffic outcomes which cripple most bloggers.

    1: Write, Write and Write Some More

    Money responds well to value.

    Skilled writers can charge top dollar for their products and services.

    Skilled writers write 500 – 1000 words a day or more.

    Writing regularly is the #1 practical skill to develop for aspiring professional bloggers.

    If you want to make money through writing on your blog it makes sense to practice writing every single day.

    Find a quiet room. Write for 10 or 20 minutes if pressed for time. Toss in a few hour-long sessions.

    Hit your 500-word count even if it means waking early or going to bed late.

    Practice writing to:

  • Increase your credibility
  • Establish trust
  • Charge higher freelance writing and blog coaching rates
  • Self-publish eBooks consistently
  • Writers who don't practice writing will tend to charge $5 – $10 per 600-word blog post for their freelance writing rates.

    Writers who practice writing every single day generally charge $50 – $100 or more per 600-word blog post.

    Practice your primary skill. Charge higher rates. Churn out more premium products and eBooks.

    2: Publish Long Form, Resource-Style Content

    Earn a living through your blog by establishing your authority with long-form, resource style blog posts.

    Jon Morrow at Smart Blogger writes some of the more thorough, well-researched, comprehensive posts in the blogging niche.

    He and his guest posters never scrimp.

    Jon built himself a profitable blogging career because he doesn't just publish blog posts. He publishes resources.

    Read trusted resources in your niche. Convert your knowledge into long form, helpful, well-rounded blog posts to boost your cyber cred and to increase earnings through your blog.

    Readers buy in if you're all in.

    3: Optimize Posts for SEO

    Draw targeted, paying traffic to your blog.

    Optimize your blog posts for SEO to drive hungry readers to your online real estate.

    Use the Yoast plug-in for WordPress to get your SEO game in order.

    You may not get an "all clear" on every SEO factor but achieving a green final rank ensures you've properly optimized your post for search engines.

    Optimizing your post for SEO simply allows you to speak to your target market.

    A freelance writer can speak directly to freelance writing clients. Blog coaches can speak to new bloggers who need direction.

    Targeting through SEO is a smart, passive way to make money through your blog writing.

    4: Share the Blog Post Across Different Platforms

    Share your blog post across different platforms to boost your blog traffic and income.

    Readers consume content across a wide channel of mediums. Serve your audience by speaking to them on their platform of choice.

    Share your blog posts on:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • G Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook Groups
  • G Plus Communities
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • Biz Sugar
  • YouTube
  • Sound Cloud (podcast/show)
  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Pinterest Boards
  • Promote each post freely across a broad range of online mediums. Expand your reach far and wide to maximize your earning potential.

    5: Explore Monetizing Options

    Monetize by aligning with your passions.

    I enjoy writing so I wrote 126 bite-sized eBooks for my Amazon readers. I enjoy speaking so I created a blogging audio course on Selz.

    Follow your fun. Monetize based on what you most enjoy being and doing.

    If you're passionate about writing simply write eBooks and convert these to audio books on Audible and convert to paperbacks on Create Space. Offer freelance writing services to fellow bloggers and website owners.

    Do you like mugging for the camera? Consider creating a video course on Udemy.

    If you genuinely enjoy helping people live their dreams start a coaching/consulting business relevant to your niche.

    6: Pick 1 and Learn About That Income Stream

    Now that you've brainstormed a few income stream ideas it's time to pick 1.

    Acquire as much knowledge about that income stream as possible. Follow pros to learn the in's and out's of monetizing through that channel.

    Brent Jones runs an invaluable resource for building a successful freelancing career.

    Aspiring freelance writers need to follow him.

    Yaro Starak has established a first-rate coaching business for individuals who wish to live the laptop lifestyle. If you want to consult or coach individuals he's one guy to follow.

    Read, study, take notes and gather facts about your desired niche.

    Don't skip this study phase. Pay your online tuition. Go to school. Set the foundation for a successful monetizing campaign through your blog.

    7: Dive in for 3-6 Months then Add Another Income Stream

    Dive into monetizing your first income stream by learning and implementing.

    After researching ways to make money blogging and picking 1 area of expertise you'll need to get in the game after a week or two of research.

    Spend 3-6 months building your first blogging income stream intelligently.

    I chose freelance writing with Blogging From Paradise. I patiently built a client list, improved my writing and established a system for keeping track of client work flow, orders and hitting client deadlines.

    It takes time and energy to patiently and profitably build one blogging income stream. Don't rush through the process or the income will disappear right before your very eyes.

    Or you may not make a dime if you try to specialize with 2 or 3 income channels before learning your first stream inside out.

    Ditch the double major. Get your Ph.D. before moving on to other possibilities. Add a second income stream after the 3-6 month period.

    Repeat the process. Then you can add third, fourth and fifth income channels over time.

    Note; some income channels may require less time to learn and profit through.

    Someone may approach you with a sponsored post or advertising opportunity. Do your homework, figure out if the opportunity matches your brand, style, and blogging tone and either accept or decline the pitch.

    Sifting through sponsored posts or ad opportunities usually takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, if that.

    If you do accept sponsored posts – meaning, quality posts that align fully with your blog and brand – make sure the client knows you make all links NoFollow. Never risk the possibility of ranking high on Google just for a few hundred bucks.

    8: Don't Give Up

    I have made both $3000 a month through freelance writing alone (in addition to my many blogging income streams) and zilch per month through my blog.

    Persistence made the difference.

    Keep at it. No matter how frustrated you feel follow these proven tips. All bloggers struggle at some point during their online careers. The top earners and folks who live their dreams persisted through thick and thin.

    Always revisit why you want to earn a living through blogging. Dwell on the freedom you will experience by building a professional blogging career for yourself. Imagine how it'd feel to ease your suffering, to dissolve your pain and to release your struggles for good.

    Every full-time blogger was once a beginner.

    Persist until you've made your dreams come true.

    Do you use these tips to make money through running a blog? Are you struggling to make money with your blog? What tips can you add to this list?

    Source: How to Make Money Writing a Blog

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