Monday, October 31, 2016

How do I Make Money Blogging?, an Offensive Picture?, Why NOT Allow Snacking, Dying After the Flu Shot, & More!


I couldn't narrow down my Morning Mix-up post the other day, so here's the rest of it…

Happy Halloween!  After the last two years of Halloween falling on a Friday and a Saturday (so we could have a party and we could fill the kids up with healthy snacks before all the candy!), it's a bummer having it on a Monday this year, don't you think?  Not for the kids I guess, they still get to go trick-or-treating for all that nastiness — ugh.  I know I know, it's only one night, sigh.

Here's what I've found for you in this week's mix-up.  Topics are bolded so you can easily skim through and see what grabs you!

morning mix-up coffee sm

  • I am asked ALL THE TIME about blogging as a business. "How do you make money?" is the number one question I get.  The answer I give is, "Well I don't make much compared to some, but it's a nice part-time income for sure, and to earn money, you have to set up many different income streams."  That's one part of blogging that I don't love, the businessy stuff, along with the technical aspect, I just want to write!  But being home with the kids (so I can homeschool), and still being able to make money while I choose my own hours, that's cool.   Help with all the yucky stuff, along with how to start a blog, is found in this Blogger's Toolkit with a $2500 value, plus over $1300 in bonuses.  The sales page is pretty cool, just that is worth the click over to see how they did it.  Check it out today, though, because the deal is over tomorrow.
  • bloggers-toolkit



  • Indian doctors are suing Bill Gates for harming children with deadly "humanitarian" vaccines:  "Merck's HPV/Gardasil vaccine trials were conducted on thousands of girls between the ages of 9 and 15. Many of the girls fell ill, and at least 7 died, and the lawsuit is alleging that in most of these cases, the girls and their parents did not even know what kind of vaccine trial they were participating in. Most of the girls were students, and an investigation showed that as many as 120 girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials "experienced adverse reactions such as epileptic seizures, severe stomach ache, headaches and mood swings. The Sama report also said there had been cases of early onset of menstruation following the vaccination, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps among many students."Kumar points out that after these adverse reactions, a report was conducted to explain them all away as not related to the vaccines, so that the approval process could move forward to market the HPV vaccine in India. That report, according to Kumar, was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Authorities in India have looked into BMGF, and see a huge conflict of interest…"  Read the rest here.  (photo credit)
  • Bill Gates

  • Public manipulation through mainstream media……Does hearing the word astroturf make you think of rolls of fake grass you can purchase by the yard at your local home improvement store?  Me too until I watched a Youtube video by veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson.  She explains that this is a term that describes fake grassroots movements used by corporate, political and special interest groups to manipulate media messages, and therefore skew the thoughts and opinions of the public.  It really makes you wonder just what, if anything, we can believe.  It's definitely worth the 10 minutes to watch.  See the video here and read about a troll who visited my blog after a post on diet soda.  (Also find out how to recognize a troll online.)
  • troll

  • Click here to sign up for my email updates and get free health printables, here's what's available so far (& more are being added soon):
  • How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally
  • How to Nontoxically Eliminate Bed Bugs — including DIY instructions for how to make an inexpensive bug trap
  • Top 25 Simple Ways to Boost Your Health with Apple Cider Vinegar!
  • (If you're already signed up, email me and I'll send them to you:
  • Have a good rest of your week everyone!

    (Affiliate links are often included in Mix-up posts.  Check out my affiliate disclaimer here.)

    Source: How do I Make Money Blogging?, an Offensive Picture?, Why NOT Allow Snacking, Dying After the Flu Shot, & More!

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