Monday, November 7, 2016

10 BS Blogging Limiting Beliefs about Money and How to Murder these Insidious Lies

Chilling at the home office in Savusavu, Fiji.Chilling at the home office in Savusavu, Fiji.

If you are struggling to make money blogging you likely cling to all 1 – or 10 – of these blogging limiting beliefs around money.

God knows I did.

And I still do, sometimes, these days.


Sometimes I focus on DOING versus just BEING.

Each of these blogging limiting beliefs are often bandied about my well-meaning bloggers.

Even I offer such advice sometimes.

But every 1 of these ideas is mired in lack, limitation and hey: each of these limiting beliefs is a wicked little mind virus.

Which we shall cure, shortly.

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If you haven't signed up to the Get Your Mind Right Get Your Business Right Live Training that Kelli and I are offering you can do so here.


On to the limiters!

1: People Hate to Be Sold To

I always love it when people sell me the specific thing I want.

I love to be sold to.

And please remind me what you're selling, to help me, by promoting your product or service frequently.

I love to be sold to.

I hate it when brilliant, creative, awesome bloggers hide what they're selling under layers of….stuff.

Have Blogging Balls!

Be bold!

Please don't be shy.

Or we ain't gonna buy.

11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging

2: People Can't Afford Premium Products

I recall seeing one of the Balinese staff we befriended at a villa in Jimbaran, Bali.

Got to know my man during our 6 month house sit.

He had a shiny, flashy, freaking stupid impressive smart phone.

How does a guy making between $150 – $200 USD a month afford to buy a phone worth hundreds of smackers?

  • he kills a guy who has it, and steals it (he did not do this; devout Catholic from Flores, he was)
  • he goes on a payment plan
  • he REALLY REALLY REALLY WANTS IT so he finds a way to afford it
  • The dude did the last 2 bullet points.

    People run through a brick wall to afford what they want.

    If your readers aren't running through brick walls to buy your stuff, guess what?

    YOU need to be bolder and clearer with your intent to align with folks who find ways to buy what you're offering.

    More importantly; don't attach to any one person.

    Remember: you are not dependent on people or conditions for your money.

    The Universe is the Source, and supplies you….always.

    3: The Money Is Only in the Email List

    The money is in the Universe/God.

    God don't do lists.

    An email list is one of 450 trillion to an infinite number of ways to make money online.

    Just 1 channel. Of The Infinite.

    Build a list. But don't get attached to 1 channel out of The Infinite.

    4: If You Post too Many Products or eBooks on Your Blog People Will Get Confused and Not Buy Anything

    When I sit down to a restaurant menu that's 30 pages long I say:

    "Man, what a gluttonous pig I am! I mean, I do have a 31 inch waist and all, but I am subject to gorging my pie hole at times. I could eat EVERYTHING here, but since I'm really hungry, I'll buy dinner and dessert. Maybe an appetizer. If I'm doing cardio today."

    The point being this: of course I'll buy something when I'm hungry. Even if I'm faced with 200 choices.

    The idea/feeling "too many choices" exists only in puny, silly, Monkey Mind.

    I love my Monkey Mind.

    Java joglo outside of Ubud, Bali.Java joglo outside of Ubud, Bali.

    But I ain't letting that cheap bastard call the shots.

    Be abundant. Be generous.

    *YOUR* readers (you know who I mean) will go ga-ga over the 126 eBooks you wrote and soon to be 4 products you offer. As well as the 20 plus eBooks and paperbacks too. And they shall love your services too.

    Just look at my sidebar. And top menu.

    If you don't believe this, I love you, but you have the posture of an earthworm without military schooling.

    Or a jellyfish who wasn't raised by Carmelite nuns (I was, in the 80's, and they wrapped your knuckles when you didn't sit up straight. Don't worry Sister Pasquale; I'm sitting up straight now).

    Be generous with your energies and talents.

    5: People Only Want Freebies

    People want to buy stuff you have to offer.

    Next limiting belief, please!

    6: You Must Work Like a Hooker at Midnight in a Red Light District to Earn Reader's Trust Before You Make Any Income through Your Blog

    People show up to my blog, cold, and buy stuff after their first exposure to the Blogging From Paradise brand.

    Because I finally accepted how ridiculously screwed up my finances were, due to me clinging to this insidious, damaging, wickedly nasty limiting belief.

    The idea of earning trust is rooted in worthiness issues.

    Meanwhile, some folks online make hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in a stunningly short period of time.

    How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs

    These folks FELT themselves to be trustworthy, prospering and abundant.

    So the Universe mirrored their predominant vibe back at them, quickly, in the form of money and other freeing energies.

    7: Don't Be Too Promotional; People Won't Buy from Someone Who Frequently Promotes their Professional Products and Services

    I offer you something helpful, that could inspire you to live your dreams.

    You can hand over an energy called "money" for the helpful stuff I provide to you, through my courses and eBooks.

    It's only money, guys.

    If someone says you're being too promotional they have really weird, zany beliefs about money.

    And if you cling to this money limiting belief you have some major league clearing to do, too.

    Resource: How to Make Money (eBook)

    8: Blogging Income Depends Solely on the Value You Provide through Your Blog Posts

    Not true. Definitely not true.

    If it were true I'd have made $50 million through blogging now.  Versus $49 million (That's a joke; but stay tuned).

    I've published thousands of posts during my online career. All valuable.

    But during bone lean times I made little scrilla despite publishing up to 60 times daily between 2 blogs.

    Money simply responds to your clarity around this energy.

    Ever notice how some folks seem to publish thin posts but make 6 figures yearly through blogging?

    While other folks publish brilliantly thorough, helpful reads but seem to be sitting on the cyber bread line at the end of each month, on the digital dole?

    The thin posting high roller has little resistance to money. Lets it in easily.

    The resource publishing slave has a shit load of limiting beliefs around money. Blocks it.

    The solution: Sure you wanna publish something helpful and valuable but hey; post PREDOMINANTLY to have fun, to enjoy the ride and keep on detaching more from money outcomes.

    The quality and depth of your posts improve when you don't care much about the quality and depth of your posts.

    That sweet, sweet blogging scrilla increases when you're mainly focused on having fun, not straining to create value, to make money off the dang post.

    9: You Need Other People to Validate Your Products Before Folks Will Buy Your Products

    I have written many Amazon best-selling eBooks with a few reviews. Or no reviews.

    Hell; I recall the #3 selling book on ALL of Amazon a few years back had only 20 reviews.


    People buy your products if you have no strong mental blocks to people buying your products.

    People buy your products if you have no mental blocks to selling those products.


    One of the strangest things I did as a blogger was trip over myself – like a blind man in a brothel desperately searching for a….well, you know – to get reviews, testimonials and endorsements, because I based my sole worth on other people's opinions of me.


    Then I decided: ya know what? I am worthy.  I was born worthy. I deserve all good, awesome, freeing things God has for me.

    Of course, more folks bought my stuff and my online influence mushroomed like fungus in remote Costa Rican jungles (my clothes can attest to this) because my energy began to scream:

    "This joker don't need validation!"

    You are whole and complete, as is.

    You deserve it all.

    No need for validation.

    Believe dat!

    10: A Blogging Niche Can Become Oversaturated, Minimizing Income Earning Potential in that Niche

    This is like saying to a fish in the Mariana Trench to stay near the surface of the Pacific Ocean, because he has little room to descend before hitting the bottom.

    You and I live in an abundant Universe.

    Limits exist only in the mind.

    Meaning, the ideas of:

  • oversaturation
  • minimizing
  • less income
  • or any 1 of a billion ideas aligned with lack and limitation are lies.

    I create for. I work with.

    Or, I play with top bloggers from my niche. We don't go against. We all work together to create more income for everybody.

    F*ck competing with folks. Co-create. In an abundant Universe, limits are impossible.

    As is the appearance of competition.

    More than enough Infinite to go around for every blogger, thanks much!

    If you found yourself nodding to some of these limiting beliefs about money you can sign up to our class here.

    Are you struggling with these money limiting beliefs?

    How have you released some of these limiting ideas?

    What other popular limiters do you often see?

    Please share this post on Twitter, Facebook, G Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Ryan Biddulph Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon to help you with your most painful blogging mistakes. If you're struggling with your blog and feel overwhelmed with blogging information overload, Ryan can help you increase your blog traffic, comments and online income with the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course. Latest posts by Ryan Biddulph (see all)


    Source: 10 BS Blogging Limiting Beliefs about Money and How to Murder these Insidious Lies

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