Friday, December 16, 2016

How Much Money I Make from Dropshipping

I've been making a lot less money dropshipping lately and a lot more money teaching, blogging, podcasting and working on my other projects. So when someone asked the other day why that is, I realized that I needed to explain myself and why my journey is shifting. Straight away even before we dive into the numbers, I'm going to tell you the hard truth, we make the most amount of money from whatever we focus on the most. I haven't been focused on my dropshipping stores this year and in this post I'll explain why. I had my virtual assistant go over my accounting for the past year to tally up exactly how money I earned from running my actual dropshipping stores, versus how much money I made with my courses, as an affiliate and with my other projects. In the past 12 months I've made a total of $90,419.77 in profit from running my actual dropshipping stores. Here's how I did it, how much I earned from teaching it and why my focus has shifted to that instead.  How Did I do That? The grand total was the amount of take home profit from both of my stores combined for the past twelve months plus the amount I took home from the sale of my main store which ended up being around $57,500 after the transaction charges. That means that I earned $32,919.77 in take home profit from running my actual stores this year. Last year in 2015 that number was more than double as I was earning income from both stores and actively managing them and growing them. Honestly, if I focused on nothing but growing my dropshipping stores, I could have easily doubled my dropshipping income for this year as well but it just wasn't my focus. Aside from the first couple of months of the year, immidently after selling my store, I took off to Europe and hardly logged into my stores at all for the rest of the year. If you know anyone else that can make $32,919.77 working less than 4 hours a week with something they set up over Christmas break two years ago, let me know, I'd love to learn from them. Especially if it has the upside of being able to sell that business off for almost $60,000 down the road.

How Much I Made from Teaching? The question shouldn't be how much I made from teaching or sharing how I created my dropshipping stores, but how much money have my students made because I did. In life, those with scarcity mentalities assume that just because someone is making money doing something, that it can't be coming from their heart and it has to be a scam. But those with an abundance mentality know that in the ideal world both sides can benefit and it can be a win/win for everyone involved. I wish I could have a hard number on exactly how big of an impact I've made from openly sharing and teaching what's worked for me with dropshipping, but the fact is, I don't hear from 98% of the people I reach. What I do know is that my best friend is now living in Chiang Mai with me because I showed him Anton's method of starting a dropshipping store and the fact that I get emails like this all of the time on top of the random people who come up to me once a year at the Dropshipping Retreat and even sometimes on the street and at airports telling me how successful they've become after following my recommendations. So the fact that I've made an additional $90,000+ teaching and sharing the courses, tools, software and techniques of what I've learned shouldn't be the focus. But often I get guys like this comment in various forums, reddit and facebook groups: Replying to Haters

Normally I just ignore people who write negative comments as most of them are either trolls or just misinformed and looking for excuses on why something doesn't work. I never reply to them as it gives them a soapbox to stand on and scream frantically more. But my biggest fear is that people who genuinely want to find a way to make money online by starting a business will get scared off or start having doubt if it really works or not because of idiots like this that have no idea what they're talking about. The other reason why I don't reply to these comments and correct their mistakes is because they don't actually want to know the answer, they just want ammunition to hate more. But since normal people are reading this and are curious, here's why these guys have no idea what they're talking about. The first point that I don't make "jackshit" from my core business model of dropshipping must not consider making $90,419.77 a significant amount of money. Secondly, I don't make $18,000+ a month from promoting Anton's course as an affiliate. Honestly I wish I did as it's genuinely a really amazing course and by people signing up for it because of me it's a win/win/win since the student gets to learn a proven way to build a successful dropshipping store, I get credit for referring them, and Anton the course creator makes money for taking the time to teach people what he spent years figuring out on his own. The truth is my affiliate commissions come from around ten different sources are include web hosting, books, travel gear, Muay Thai gear, software products, a bunch of different courses that I've recommended ranging from Amazon FBA courses, Kindle Publishing, Eba y Arbitrage, Podcast Production, etc. As for the other guy claiming my screenshots are photoshopped or doctored, he's an idiot.

Who I've Helped I know that there will always be naysayers, people who hate everything and even a few people who may have actually tried it and failed. But instead of focusing my energy on them, I focus on the ones that really gave it 100% effort and made it happen. I focus on messages like this that I got a few months ago:  "I know in your blog you talk about being 30 broke and not sure what to do well trying be me 36, broke, living at home with the parents, bankrupt from gambling and now trying to get out of Australia for a fresh start in life, the only thing that keeps me positive and saving money is knowing I need the money to leave (a goal).  Majority of people would see this is a failure I see it as a positive as things happen for a reason maybe I wasn't meant to buy a house, get married and have kids by this point in my life like we are all told to! as if I did I wouldn't have the ability to pack up and leave Australia, I see it as a calling to get out and explore the world and change my life. " Brent T. These are guys that I really feel like need a chance and alternative option to jobs that are normally available. I answered his email, gave him a bit of guidance, pointed him towards Anton's course and this is the email I got a few days ago:

Final Thoughts

The reason why I focus more of my energy and time on my podcasts, blogs, and in person events is because that's what I enjoy doing and what I'm good at. A lot of people assume I'm the "king of dropshipping" just because I talk about it openly, but I've never once tried to claim that title nor do I actually want it. Just a quick scroll through the private member forums or group for Anton's course shows that there are plenty of people doing just as well as I am, they just don't talk about it openly.

My strengths as an ESTJ Personality type are creating, organizing and getting people together not doing it myself. My only goal was to make enough money from my dropshipping stores to save up $30,000 in the bank, then move onto something I enjoy doing more. Since I've way surpassed that, don't expect me to grind away until 2am calling suppliers or uploading products anymore. I've done it myself, made a ton of money doing it, proven that it works, and now I've moved onto following my passions. The reason why I still tell people to start with dropshipping and not to jump straight into anything else is because it's way easier to start by selling physical products than digital ones and the lessons you're learn from it will help you in any business you get into later on.

Dropshipping Sales are paid via Shopify/Stripe/Paypal

This is the reason why I recomend Anton's course to those starting out, I know it works, and without it, I'd have $90,000 less in my bank account, and more importantly, have never of had the capital, confidence or skill set to be able to do everything else I do today. I wish you all the best of luck. Please bookmark and link this post to anyone who you see online talking trash, saying dropshipping is a scam, or otherwise hating on the business model.

The worst thing we can do is stay silent and let the trolls scare others into not taking action, just because they themselves are content with being broke, unhappy and assuming nothing works as it's easier to make themselves feel better about their own crappy lives. Don't be one of them, and don't let them hold you or anyone else back in life. Become the hero of your own life!

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not s erve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." - Marianne Williamson

Warm Regards,

Johnny FD

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Source: How Much Money I Make from Dropshipping

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