Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Make 2017 the Year You Gain Control of Your Money – Women’s Money Week

Women's Money Week 2017 – Launch Your Best Financial Year Ever – #WMWeek2017

Women's money week 2017. Make this year your best money year ever.

I'm honored to be selected as one of the California ambassadors for this ambitious financial education program, Women's Money Week 2017. And, I want to invite you to participate in Womens Money Week 2017 to enrich your financial life.

Here's Why You Should Check out Women's Money Week 2017

Are you worried about money and don't know where to turn?

You are not alone!

Most women feel the same way about money as you do.

74% of women feel misunderstood and confused by money messages.

1 in 3 women lives in or on the brink of poverty*.

63% of Americans say they can't handle a $500 surprise bill.

Check out these women's money statistics:

Less Than 20%

Fewer than two in 10 women feel "very prepared" to make wise financial decisions. Half indicate that they "need some help," and one-third feels that they "need a lot of help." – Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women 2010−2011


Women own 40% of all stocks. – A.T. Kearney


The average woman spends 15% of her working years outside of the workforce caring for children and elderly parents compared to the average man's 1.6%. – Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement and National Center for Women's Retirement Research


Nearly two-thirds of U.S. women ages 40 to 79 have already dealt with a major financial "life crisis," such as job loss, divorce, the death of a spouse, or serious illness. – AARP, "Understanding Women's Financial Needs and Behavior," 2007 survey.


80-90% of women will be solely responsible for their finances at some point in their lives- mainly due to divorce and the fact that on average women outlive men by seven years – National Center for Women and Retirement Research

Women Aim Lower

Even though women have a longer life expectancies, when asked how much they were aiming for in retirement savings, women aimed lower, with a median goal of $200,000 versus $400,000 for men. – Retirement Fitness Survey 2010

It's all connected folks! And it's time we make real changes by coming together in this annual campaign to learn and be heard. 

About:  National Women's Money® Week is a free national, non-profit public awareness and education campaign from January 1-7, with the mission to reduce the communication gap women experience and help you move from being financially fragile to becoming financially resilient. 

Women's Money Week Participants get:One Action Kit per Day of Women's Money WeekThe Action Kits are delivered daily to your inbox from January 1-7.You'll receive exclusive Womens Money Management Tools

Stop by the Women's Money Week Website Every Day for Inspiring Reading

#WMWeek17 Topic Schedule

  • Sunday, January 1:  Relationships & Money  / Financial Organization
  • Monday, January 2: Goals / Taking Action
  • Tuesday, January 3:  Entrepreneurship / Earning Your Worth / Making Money
  • Wednesday, January 4:  Budgeting / Saving / Spending
  • Thursday, January 5:  Managing Debt / Savings
  • Friday, January 6:  Credit / Identity Theft
  • Saturday, January 7:  Investing in Your Future:  Retirement  / Investing / Insurance / College Planning / Home Owners
  • Website and Blog Publishers – Get Involved

    Are you a website publisher with an interest in helping others with their money? Jump on board and publish your articles on the Womens Money Week 2017 topics. Sign up to have your articles and your website promoted by the Women's Money Week website.

    Blog owners and website publishers-sign up here to join the movement and get involved.

    The information in this article was sourced from the Women's Money Week 2017 website:

    Source: Make 2017 the Year You Gain Control of Your Money – Women's Money Week

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