Thursday, March 2, 2017


YouTube started off as a video sharing platform, but is it still the same? The answer is a big no. Video sharing has given way to money making, advertisements now form a big source of income to all the YouTubers. People have shot to fame, businesses have made huge profits. People are using it to generate incomes, and some are actually becoming millionaires. Ever wondered how video making and sharing can make you income. Who wouldn't love to get such an income source with the possibility of you becoming popular also? Here are the ways to earn money from YouTube and some extra tips too. Thank me later. Create an Account and Turn on AdSense The first step to making money with YouTube is to sign up for an account. If you have a Gmail account or use any products that require a Google account, you already have an account to use that you just need to link to YouTube via the YouTube account page. Once your YouTube account is up and running, your next step is to link to an AdSense account. AdSense is the primary advertising engine Google uses on its own sites and partner sites, including YouTube. When you create your AdSense account, you will need to input payment information and provide tax reporting information such as a social security number or employee ID number (EIN) for your business.  Generating Money Now let's talk about how to actually make videos that can generate money on YouTube. The first and most important thing is that you want your videos to be about something you are passionate about. If you're not passionate, it will show in your videos—plus you'll have less incentive to make them as time goes on. I recommend coming out with normally scheduled videos at whatever interval you are comfortable with, whether that's once a month or once a week. If you come out with regular videos, viewers are much more likely to 'subscribe' to your channel. Subscribing means that the user has started following you; if you post a new video. He or she will see it. This is a great way to build an audience and get some regularity to your viewership. Make sure your videos are short and high quality. Unless you are doing targeted tutorials, or have some reason to keep your video on the long side (anything over six minutes), I recommend keeping it short. Even if you have to break the video into multiple parts, it makes the content more easily digestible by the viewer, which increases the likelihood it gets shared. For example, a funny video that's 10 minutes long will have lower odds of being shared by a user who might tell his or her friends "you have to see this!" You're aiming for something short, with a clear message, clear audio, and decent editing. A little bit of thought, in the beginning, could pay large dividends down the road. You don't make money based on a number of views you have.  You make money based on people's engagement with the ad.  Engagement here means clicking or watching an ad for more than 30 seconds.  YouTube Advertising is managed in the Adwords platform. Advertisers choose ads on a Cost Per Click (CPC) or Cost Per View (CPV) model. Types of Ads C:\Users\DELL PC\Desktop\youtube-paid-media-6 (1).png Cost Per Click (CPC) CPC is when an advertiser pays money based on clicks.  So if a certain keyword has a CPC of $3 and someone clicks on that ad, it will charge that advertiser $3. These text ads pop up in the lower part of the screen during the video and can also show up as a square banner on the right side of your channel. Cost Per View (CPV) CPV is when an advertiser pays money based on views.  A view for the advertiser means someone watches an Ad for at least 30 seconds or half of the ad; whichever comes first.  That person could click that ad 50 times but it still wouldn't charge the advertiser more because they're not paying for the click, they're paying for the view. "Advertisers only pay when someone clicks an ad or watches for 30 seconds. This is why you can't tie your channel views to dollars. If your video gets ten million views but nobody watches or click the ads, you don't make any money." Now that you've enabled monetization (and hopefully enabled all formats to maximize revenue!), ads can run on your videos. Bear in mind:
  • YouTube connects your channel to paying advertisers so that you can focus on what you do best: creating. In most cases, you get paid when viewers watch ads. We're constantly improving our ad systems so that they work better for viewers and pay out to more creators.
  • You can also earn money from YouTube Red subscriptions. YouTube Red members pay a recurring fee for special benefits, like watching YouTube videos without ads. The amount you earn from YouTube Red is calculated based on how much time members spend watching your content compared to other content.
  • Sponsored video: This works great when you have an established and popular channel. You can get sponsors for your videos who will pay you to show their advertisement at the start or the end of your video. If your channel is popular, this is one great way to earn huge from YouTube. Affiliate marketing: This method will let you earn a large amount in a very short time. All you need to do is pick the right product, create a video around it, and put the link in the description. You earn per sale and usually (depending on the affiliate partner) the payout is pretty nice.  In a nutshell, YouTube can help you earn money if you don't have a blog or if you are still in the process of building one. And once your blog is all set to go, you can put the video version of your blog posts on YouTube to earn some extra bucks. YouTube can also benefit you by getting website visitors who are not using Google as their primary search engine, but who found out about your site from one of your videos. YouTube supports almost all video formats and you can post videos in a wide range of categories. You can post about your trip to Goa or do a video review of the hotel you stayed at in Mumbai. You can also make tutorials about WordPress, hosting platforms, and other blogging or tech-related things. There is a lot of software out there which will let you record your computer screen making on-screen tutorials easy to produce. Or maybe you want to do reviews of new phones or gadgets. Upload to YouTube and Configure for SEO Now that your video is complete, it is time to upload your video to the YouTube servers. You can drag and drop videos from your computer into the uploader, or you can add them individually by clicking on the upload arrow. Depending on the size of your video and your Internet connection, uploading could last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours. You can upload multiple videos at a time as long as you do not close the upload page in your browser. When your video is uploaded, or while it is uploading, you can fill out information about it. Be as detailed as possible when creating a title, description, category, and tags. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, and good search engine optimization (SEO) can be the difference between a few views and a few million views.

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