Saturday, March 11, 2017

Make Money Blogging – 3 Principles of Every Successful Blog

Starting a blog is not a set and forget kind of thing. You need to invest your time gradually to get growing results. If you are confused about what to do to move on the right track, here are a few tips that can help you.  Make Money Online Blogging

1. Place strategy above allDon't try to align your strategy around certain feature of a blog. I mean, if the blog doesn't allow you to post audio or video, but these multimedia contents are part of your strategy, you should switch to other blog platforms or find ways to extend the functionality.

A blog is a tool to help you accomplish something, in this case communicating with your readers, prospects and customers. You should think about an art you want to hang on the wall first and then find the tool (hammer and nail) to do the job.

This may sound like common sense, but I'd tell you it's not common practice at all. If you find yourself shopping for a blog theme first without knowing what you're going to do with your blog clearly, you are making this very mistake.

2. Plan a content strategyContent is the lifeblood of every blog. You should have a strategy about it. What types of readers you want to attract, how to get them to your blog, how you cultivate the relationship, etc.

You also need to consider your personality that you convey through the content. Without a strategic plan, you are going no where, no matter how clear your destination is.

Here's what I'll do. Write 5-10 pillar articles, really good content, that are going to be the central of your blog. New visitors who come to your blog will find these and read them. They will make decisions whether to subscribe to get more stuff from you based on the quality of these articles.

3. Align the designThere are one, two, there and even four column layouts for your blog. Some of them includes big header, others allow you to have lots of ads. You can also emphasize on the guest blogger's name. Your design should align to your strategy.

Bloggers should change their layout to optimize the user experience instead of just to make the site looks modern and new. Remember, strategy first. Although design is important, if it drives the readers away from your goal, you should go against it.

With so many unique designs out there, you can almost get what you want. In case you can't, some web designers are really affordable too.

Psst, Hendry has discovered a way to make blogging work without spreading yourself too thin. Go here to get his secret online business strategies.

Source: Make Money Blogging – 3 Principles of Every Successful Blog

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