Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Can You Make Money From a Frugal Living Blog?

Someone asked me a really great question about blogging this week! An acquaintance wanted to know if and how it was possible to make money from a frugal living blog. 

Because, as she said, people go to read frugal living stuff to learn how not to spend money, right? So how could you possibly earn a living from that?

Since I am always excited to meet someone locally who is interested in trying to build up a sustainable online income, I jumped right into researching some answers for her question. 

While I do write about frugal living on here occasionally, it is just a small part of my money topics, so I did have to do a bit of sleuthing to find more than just one or two ideas.

​After spending the weekend reading some amazing blogs by frugal living bloggers, I came up with this list of ways you (and my friend) can earn money from writing about your frugal living tips: 

Okay, first thing to remember is that people who "live frugally" aren't necessarily misers. They work hard to save money so they can spend it in areas they feel are important. 

Savers are individuals who save for different reasons. For some it's a matter of survival, for others it might be habit, and for others still it could be a way to save up for something big, like a new house or debt freedom.

So don't assume that everyone who comes to read your frugal living tips will be reluctant to spend money. Do expect them to want the best value for their time and money, however, if you are marketing products or services to them. 

Now. Here are some of the ways a blog about saving money can actually make you, the blogger, a little (or a lotta) extra cash: 

1. Ad Income

Placing ads on your blog will allow you a trickle of passive income. The more traffic to reach your blog, the more you can potentially earn. 

If you are getting paid for impressions, then y ou don't have to worry about whether your readers are in a "buying" mood or not.

Plus, ads on your posts don't expire. A post you write today can still draw ad income years in the future. You won't get rich overnight, but any income is good income, right? 

2. Affiliate Sales

When you become an affiliate for certain companies you can earn commissions for sales made via your blog. Basically, you introduce your readers to a product or service that you use or recommend. If they follow your link and buy or sign up, then you get a small bonus. 

But, you are writing a frugal living blog...what would they want to subscribe to or buy? Here are some things to consider: 

  • Products that save time
  • Products with excellent warranties/guarantees
  • Discounted or BOGO products
  • Products that help save money over the years
  • Tools or services that help save/earn money
  • Books and other informational items 
  • Reviewing stuff you own is an awesome way to recommend affiliate links, because it helps your readers decide if the item is the best fit for their needs and budget.

    Because sometimes "saving money" simply means making wise purchases. You'll see in my posts that I'm a big fan of PicMonkey photo editor.

    When I suggest it to my readers, I don't just stick a link to it in every post, I maketutorials to show people how it can be used. Not only does that show I actually do use it myself, it allows readers to see if it is something they want or need. 

    3. Sponsored Posts

    I've not written any sponsored posts yet, but many bloggers consider them to be their bread-and-butter. You get paid to write the post even if your readers don't buy the product.

    Sponsored posts can pay pretty well, too, which makes them more appealing to some than standard affiliate links. However, affiliate links can continue to earn you money for years, while your sponsored post will be a one ti me payment. 

    4. Offer a Service

    Do you have a nifty talent that can help your readers? If so, you might be able to offer a service for affordable fees. This can be something as simple as proofreading blog posts.

    It really doesn't have to be BIG business to be successful. It just has to be something that helps other people.  

    5. Sell On The Side

    One of the best ways to make income with any blog is by selling your own products. And you can make, market and sell just about anything through your blog.

    Again, you may be wondering if your frugal fans will buy anything you create. You won't know until you try! 

    But if sales are slow, there are other ways to earn with your products without having to depend on your readers. 

    For example: Let's say you have a section dedicated to frugal meals. You probably spend a lot of time taking pictures of the finished food.

    You can edit those photos to perfection (using PicMonkey of course!) and sell them as stock photos . Or if it is a pretty dessert, head over to a print-on-demand site such as Zazzle and sell photo prints. 

    You can also bundle all of your recipes and photos together and sell as an eBook. 

    There a lot of ways to make money with your own creations without having to be overly sales-y with your readers, so don't let your blog topic hold you back from trying to earn extra income! 

    ​6. Make Tutorials

    If you have no problems with being on camera, then you can monetize video tutorials on You Tube.

    You don't have to do long, boring lectures on personal finance either. How about a short tutorial showing how you winterize your home to save money on heating? Or how to change your own oil, cook a meal from scratch, or repurpose an item into something new? 

    ​7. Write Freelance Blog Posts

    If you write frequently in a single niche such as frugal living, you will soon get a reputation as an expert. You can offer to write and sell blog posts to other sites. 

    If you do this as a guest writer, you can get paid and direct traffic back to your own site. If you sell the post anonymously as a ghost writer, then you can ask for a bigger fee. Either way, your blog will work as your portfolio. 

    You Can Make a Living With a Frugal Living Blog!

    You can earn income on any type of blog. It may require some creative thinking and a lot of research but that's part of the fun!  

    So if you are a pro at saving money and stretching a budget, don't be shy about sharing your wisdom and experiences with the world. You can still help your readers while bringing in some extra (or even full-time income) with your frugal living blog.

    Source: Can You Make Money From a Frugal Living Blog?

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