Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How to make money blogging – 7 Tips from a SAHM

by Ila Asthana

Expert 04Stay-at-home moms, now make money by working from your house! How? Here are 7 simple tips on how to make money through blogging!

If you are a writer, who can pen down her thoughts in the digital platform and wish to earn money, blogging' is the right way. It is the most trending means of making money, by spending few hours of the day. Start a blog with a niche area of writing like cooking, health, beauty, wedding, etc. Few tips from SAHM's (Stay-at-home-moms) about making money through blogging. How to make money blogging 01

1. Adsense:

Once you have setup your blog and grown a community with regular visitors, you can update your site with Google AdSense. It works perfectly for all product sites; for example: If on your website you are selling a product like homemade food, dress fabrics, etc. The visitors of the blog might end up clicking the ads, with few hundred rupees into your account.How to make money blogging 02

2. Selling advertising space:

One of the best way to monetize your blog. Companies with an offer to run advertisement contact niche blogs. These advertisements run as the banners that you often see on the website. Traffic to your website will edict the revenue.How to make money blogging 03

3. Sponsored posts:

A paid promotional message written either by you or an advertiser can be a 'sponsored post'. This could be in the form of Facebook message, tweet on the Twitter or an update on the Instagram. More the popularity, more the money. Here is an example of a sponsored post on Kiddiez. Do check the writing style and format of the same.How to make money blogging 04

4. Product reviews:

 We all seek other people's experience and opinion before we make a purchase. You can write a review of the product by approaching the brand and initiating the conversation of featuring the product/service by conducting an honest review of the same. Once approved, make money. Here is an example of a product review of Motorola baby monitor and CG Slate published on our blog. Do check the writing style and the honest feedback.How to make money blogging 05

5. Affiliate marketing:

A commission based concept. For example, you signed up for the affiliate program of say Amazon/Flipkart. One must input the affiliate code to their blog site´s sidebar or widget to create a banner. Once your visitors reach their blog, by clicking on the banner, you can earn money.

6. Selling E-books:

The selling of E-books is one of the best mode to earn money. Write what you love to talk about, craft a magnetic catchy title and with a perfect SEO description of the E-book. Follow this, you are a winner.How to make money blogging 06

7. Paid content:

Selling your content on news and magazine websites. A well-crafted content and a client willing to work within your needs is a criteria to win. An instructive and eye-catching content leads to many attractive opportunities. 

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Source: How to make money blogging – 7 Tips from a SAHM

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