Sunday, April 23, 2017

How to Make Money Blogging like a Celebrity, 10 Tips

Bloggers can make money blogging with Ryan Biddulph's Blog Monetization tips #MakeMoneyBlogging #BlogMonetization

By Ryan Biddulph


The stars were aligned.

Talk about convergence.

I reached out to Janice to write a guest post for you rocking folks at Mostly Blogging. She kindly accepted the offer. Then she suggested I write a post about making money through blogging. As I was calculating my taxes.

It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to see that writing about ways through which I made money blogging last year would be a perfect match.

Note: This post discusses ways and means through which you can prosper through blogging. Making that chedda ultimately requires facing, feeling and releasing your money fears, which gives you a sense of detachment on all things money, which helps you allow in more money.

But that is another story…..

Let's dive into these 10 strategies for earning scrilla through your blog.

1: Creating Online Courses (Selz and Teachable)

The pain point: you need a big ticket item to sell through your blog.

The relief point: creating and selling an online product.

I sell courses through Selz and Teachable. I also sell a course me and my wife Kelli co-created through SendOwl. Here's my full course page.

Ask what your audience needs help with. Create a course based on that topic.

I saw bloggers lacking the fundamentals. So I created the 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging.

I also saw folks struggling to gain exposure. So I created How to Get Featured on World Famous Blogs (without pitching a soul). If you have anxiety or tons of limiting beliefs around appearing on top blogs – and I know many of you do – this course would be a super helpful buy to boost your confidence, to land on top blogs and to earn income through your blog (see the subtle sell? Pain point, relief point? This is how to market a course).

Both Selz and Teachable are hyper-intuitive platforms. Create videos, audio and text modules to teach your students how to tackle common problems from their niche.

2: Writing eBooks for Amazon

I kinda went bonkers on this front.

Now I'm learning how to promote these suckers.

I wrote and self-published 124 eBooks on Amazon through

Writing eBooks helps you earn passive income while you help your readers with their problems.

Aim for short reads – 6,000 words – to fit into Amazon's short read category.

Address a pressing issue. Build an outline. Write.

Amazon helps to expose you to a massive worldwide market.

If you need help writing and formatting an eBook for Kindle read my post here:

3: Writing eBooks for Selz

This channel dovetails on channel #2 but deviates in a few ways.

I just sold another eBook through Selz yesterday and the cash register rang today, as I received payment. Sweet.

Selz sends out payments on a weekly basis while Amazon royalty checks flow your way monthly. This is a bonus in my eyes.

You can also charge a higher amount for Selz eBooks versus Amazon reads, which top out at $9.99. I charge $14.95 for each of my eBooks on Selz.

Simply write and self-publish an eBook on Selz for 1 more income stream that pays frequently and generously.

4: Selling Audiobooks on iTunes, Audible and Amazon

After *super* passively promoting my audio books I was pleased to see I'd sold 465 of these units through, which is kewl beans.

How it works: write an eBook. Convert the eBook to a PDF. Upload to ACX. Producers – aka voice actors – audition based on a 5-minute sample read. Pick the matching producer. They co-create/produce/speak the audio book. Distribute on iTunes, Audible and Amazon. Split profits.

I am in the process of converting a few more eBooks into audio; only a few of my 124 eBooks have been converted so far, making that 465 number pretty darn sweet.

5: Selling Sponsored Posts

Sell sponsored posts. Rates range from $100 to $500 or higher.

Yes; people *do* drop $500 for a sponsored post if you are clear on receiving the money, if you run a helpful blog and if you have a loyal blogging community.

I have no sponsored post page on BFP [Blogging From Paradise] but still sift through opportunities regularly. If you build it intelligently from an energetic perspective, they will come.

You need to drive quality traffic to your blog to land sponsored post opportunities.

Enjoy this helpful, comprehensive post by my friend Jerry Low to learn how to prosper through blogging via careful research and case studies:

How to Make Money Blogging: Niche Ideas, Case Studies, and Traffic Strategies

6: Paid Guest Posting

I have been paid to guest post on blogs.

I get all the benefits of guest posting plus cash money.

I did not pitch this; folks simply came my way.

Another way to make money blogging.

7: Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is different from paid guest posting in some regards because freelance writing usually involves ghostwriting either posts or eBooks or whatever, as you are a John Doe or Jane Doe or…..who knows?

Write 1,000 words daily. For practice. Get clear. Gain confidence in your writing. Land jobs.

You can build a freelance writing services page to help you land more gigs.

8: Blog Coaching (Hour-Long Live Consult or Detailed Report)

Help people with their biggest blogging struggles.

Get paid.

For reference, this is my blog coaching page:

Blog Coaching

Be really clear on who you are and how you can help people.

I have coached a handful of successful bloggers, video marketers and one hyper-successful internet marketer who makes upwards of $30,000 a month to help them boost their blog traffic and income.

Remember; the same guy coaching $30K a month marketer was some dope a while back who only knew how to check his email and, online-wise.

We all start somewhere. Be a client. Hire someone to get you on the right track. Folks like Janice and I have been through the blogging wars. Use us, cut your learning curve by years or a decade, and build your own successful blog consulting business.

9: Paid Tweets

It has been a minute since I made that "here's $76 for 1 second's worth of work" through paid tweets, but I did make a couple hundred smackers from paid tweeting over the past year.

This is the anatomy of one Twitter feed that attracts paid tweet money:

Ryan Biddulph on Twitter

Study my feed. Engage, engage and engage some more.


Note: As mentioned, it has been a while since I landed a paid tweet. The French company I worked with in the past has since rebranded and linked to a new site, one which I cannot find.

Google "paid tweets". See where that takes you.

10: Affiliate Marketing

Lo and behold: I spied some affiliate marketing revenue when placating Uncle Sam a few days ago.

I am also getting off my cyber duff and getting serious about promoting a lucrative opportunity to Amazon sellers.

How it works: if you are an Amazon affiliate simply query "Blogging From Paradise" in your Associate Backoffice and select a library from over 150 of my products (eBooks, audiobooks, and paperbacks) to sell.

You can even set up an entire aStore of your products to promote to affiliate, like this:

Blogging From Paradise aStore

As is the name of the affiliate game, help folks and make friends with power broker bloggers in your niche.

The clicks and sales happen as you help people through your blog, through social media and as you befriend the blogging big dawgs of the world.

What Say You?

Are you profiting through these methods?

What strategies can you add to this list?

Author Bio: Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who's been featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, John Chows Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging at Blogging From Paradise.

Host Blogger's Comments:

We appreciate Ryan coming to explain his tips for how to make money blogging.

For those of you who prefer watching a video and listening to the information, Ryan has recorded his tips in video format:

Readers, please share so other bloggers learn how to make money blogging.

Are you already making money blogging? Do you have any blog monetization strategies you can share? Which strategies have been the most profitable for you? I look forward to your answers in the comments section.

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Source: How to Make Money Blogging like a Celebrity, 10 Tips

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