Saturday, April 29, 2017

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2017


By Crystal Roman

These days Internet became not only a source of the interesting and important information but also an easy way to earn money. It is not as difficult as it may seem. There are lots of ways of working via the Internet, for instance, freelancing or just working from home for a prestigious company.

Do you read online magazines or reviews? Sure you do, but did you know that people are getting paid for it? Blogging is a goldmine of the 21 century. Your task is easy: write something that people would like to read and make money out of it. The more people read you, the more money you will get. Unfortunately, in 2017 this approach is quite old-fashioned because web competitiveness has remarkably risen. So what shall you do to start a money making blog?

First of all, if you have been interested in such way of making money, your question should sound like "How can I create my own blog?" The idea of starting an online journal is good enough if you don't want to make money because it has other benefits. Just Google "blog", "blogging", "site" and you will see how many sites offer to launch various personal websites. (mostly for free!). In this article, we have gathered 5 really working ways on how to start blogging for money.

1. The Blog Itself

Decide what kind of blogging it will be. You can start your own channel on YouTube, create an account on FicBook or just register on Google Blog. Consider what you like to do more: talking, writing short/long stories, sending brief information about your goals and plans or gathering info about some critical issues. This is the most crucial point, which will define your website future.

2. Choose Your Topic and Be Active

At some point, blogs remind of a dissertation or thesis, because it also needs a particular problem. Sure, no one can forbid you to discuss everything you want. However, if you ask yourself "How to get paid blogging?", then you need to decide what target niche to choose. Anything you are talking about should encourage people to participate in the process. Show them that you are an interesting person and discuss the questions that are worth their attention.

The main "online blogging" problem is that usually people just drop it. If you stopped posting, you would lose your followers, who are your main source of income. It appears that if you want to start a profitable website, you should perceive it as your daily job. You need to work hard, and what is more important, you need to "show up" regularly. So, if you are not going to post and share information in a long-term, then don't be surprised when you lose all the subscribers.

3. Interact With Your Followers

It is highly important to make a good first impression; nevertheless, you should always be interesting. Don't try to guess, just ask them. For instance, many YouTube bloggers ask their subscribers what they wish to see in the next video. This is the best way to keep your followers interested and meet their hopes.

4. Brand voice promotion and advertisement

People will never remember your name if you don't promote yourself, hence you won't be able to earn money. So, why don't you sell yourself? Don't be afraid of telling your friends that you've started your online diary, let them read it and follow you. Place an ad somewhere in the social networks, where there are lots of people who are bored and are looking for something to read. Cooperate with other bloggers if it is possible. It will increase your chances to engage more visitors and gain valuable experience.

5. Partnership

As soon as you become a famous blogger, there is a big chance to start cooperating with various brands/companies. If you sell yourself successfully, it means that you can expand your products/services to a great extent. Let some brand place an ad on your site so that you will get some money, and they will get some clients from your subscribers. However, you should be careful with what you are going to offer your readers. Make sure that you won't regret your decision later.

Crystal Roman is a blogger and freelance writer for lifestyle credo is "Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. "

Source: Top 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2017

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