Friday, April 21, 2017

Ways To Make Your Home Feel Like A Sanctuary Without Spending A Ton Of Money (Guest Writer)

Welcome Back the amazing guest writer, Tracey Clayton, to the TwinCitiesView Community. It's always a pleasure to hear from her and learn more about life. She's got a great topic for us today, let's proceed to the article now… 

There's nothing like a cozy and warm home to welcome you after a long day. Your personal surroundings play an important role when it comes to your happiness and mindfulness. Therefore, it's essential that you decorate and organize your home the way you find best. However, this doesn't mean that you have to spend a ton of money on beautifying your home. In order for your home to feel like a true sanctuary, you only need to make a few effective changes. 

Clean up your space

This is the most efficient step you can do for making your home more pleasant. Essentially, declutter everything that simply makes a mess. Clutter can put a lot of pressure on you, especially when it comes to your personal environment. In that respect, you can get a lot more space and achieve the much necessary balance by saying goodbye to things that simply don't match your aesthetics or have no real use in your home.

 The good and the bad mementos

This may seem similar to the process of decluttering and it essentially is, but getting rid of your "bad" mementos is a lot more difficult than saying goodbye to a useless chair or worn out clothes. However, if you want to achieve a true sanctuary in your home, you have to be strong and bid farewell to all the keepsakes that remind you of negative experiences. Basically, you should only use those mementos in your décor that remind you of happy things in life.

Motivate yourself

Motivational quotes and messages have a lot of benefits even though you may perceive them as a mere décor piece. In general, you can print your own messages and quotes and frame them, or play with self-adhesive wallpaper and create your custom wall stickers that spell your favorite motivational quote. Essentially, if you look at these motivational messages every day, you can actually feel the encouraging power behind the words. Never underestimate the magic of words and the way these can affect your personal surrounding.

Add accessories that you like

Accessorizing your home doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg. A little bit of effort can transform the look of your home. For example, if you feel that your place is too cold, add texture! You can find a lot of great deals for designer rugs online that can add warmth to your rooms. What's more, cushions and curtains can effectively warm up your space as well. These don't cost much but you can also make your own cushion covers with old clothes and fabrics.

Introduce plants

Greenery is a very significant part of home décor. Keeping plants at home provides a lot of benefits for the human psyche. They have a relaxing effect, purify the air and reduce stress. That being said, feel free to fill your home with indoor plants of your choice. If you don't like the idea of taking care of plants, worry not. There are plenty of plant options out there that are low-maintenance but can still beautify any room perfectly.

Play with lights

Lighting is also an important aspect that can make your home cozier. Again, you don't have to change your lighting solutions entirely to get the desired effect. For example, installing dimmer switches can help you adjust the brightness level to your mood. This is perfect for creating an atmosphere that feels pleasant. What's more, you can add a whimsical touch to your home décor by using fairy lights as well. There are plenty of ways to utilize these in your home and have them personalize your space effectively.

As you can see, making your home feel like a sanctuary doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor. With a little bit of effort, you can spice up the look of your place and add a personal touch where necessary. Just make sure to stick to your own tastes and preferences. Your perfect idea of home décor and organization shouldn't need any validation from others.

About author:

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She feels she knows a thing or two about raising happy, healthy and confident kids, and offers helpful advice in hers parenting articles. Her motto is: "Live the life you love, love the life you live."

Thank you Tracey Clayton for your wonderful post, I'm sure it will help many of us achieve a fabulous home we've always wanted while saving money.

Take care readers!



Source: Ways To Make Your Home Feel Like A Sanctuary Without Spending A Ton Of Money (Guest Writer)

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