Tuesday, May 2, 2017

How To Make Money Blogging (Without Selling Your Soul)

There are so many rules when it comes to building a successful, money making blog: use SEO, make it pretty, write engaging posts. The list goes on. Whether you're brand new or a pro, I know you've heard it before. But I think that you can create a blog that you love, that others RUSH to, that makes you income, without selling your soul.

You can make money blogging, let me be the first to tell you. But you do need a plan. I want to share with you how I did, what works, and what I've learned from my (many) pitfalls along the way.

I remember a few months after I started blogging I was offered $200 to write a post about adult diapers. $200 was all I heard. HELENE, think for a second. 1. You do not wear diapers. 2. Your audience knows that you most likely do not wear diapers.

I wrote the post. And I am embarrassed to say I did. It did horribly (duh) and I'm sure I lost fans and followers along the way. It's clear why: I wrote a dumb post and my audience saw through my greed and passed. But I truly thought this was my only path to making money. Then the skies opened up and I found other ways to make money. I realized that I could do it on my terms and in a way that actually made me happy. (Revolutionary!) And it made the people that read my blog happy, too.

My approach to monetizing your blog is very different from others out there. Many people focus solely on one way to monetize. They claim affiliate links are the answer. They tell you to sell a product. Or to sell ads.

Now, none of those are wrong. But just one way isn't smart, at all. It's a bad bet to put all your profitable eggs in one basket. Let me put it this way, years ago (maybe 10 or so) bloggers that had lots of pageviews (think 200,000+ a month) could make an income from just ads on their blog. For real. They were able to make $1,000s a month just from people viewing their blog. It's not that way anymore. With the advent of so many blogs, competition, and ad blockers (some servers actually block the ads from every showing up on your screen), and other elements, the revenue they were pulling in plummeted. Someone with that many pageviews is now making maybe $200-$400 a month. Not $4,000 like before.

So, I hope they diversified their income streams. Without sounding like a stock broker, the message is still true: you need to have multiple outlets to make money from your blog.

But… which are the most profitable? Which should YOU, personally focus on? And how can you do it all without selling your soul? (Aka talking about adult diapers.)

What you need to know first: anyone can make money from their blog. The internet is this weird and wacky place that allows us to do this. Thank you, internet. As someone who has been working for myself for the past two years I can tell you firsthand that you can. But there is a caveat to that. I have tried and failed. My first business attempt was a total bust. But this was a good thing. Because it taught me that I didn't have to follow the mold on what makes money online.

And you don't have to either. You can follow some simple strategies and steps to ensure that you create a blog that makes money. I want to let you know, I have tried it all when it comes to making money from my blog. A lot of them were very time consuming and really, I didn't have my heart in it.

The truth is: you can make money as a blogger, you just have to find YOUR profitable path.

My blog has changed my life in so many innumerable ways. But I can't forget to mention the fact that it has truly allowed me to live out my dream. That isn't fluff. That's the honest truth. My blog has allowed me to quit my job, move abroad, travel the world, and even have my husband work with me on this adventure (that's a brand new one!).

All of this sounds great, right? Yes! But without a little guidance it really doesn't take you from $0 to money in the bank. That's why I'm hosting a FREE workshop to break it all down.

FREE WORKSHOP! Monetize Your Blog

You got it! Check your email to see all the details!

It's time to cut the crap and get down to some actionable ways to monetize your blog. Period.

In this FREE, live workshop you'll learn:

  • Blogging myths that can hold you back from success  
  • How to create fans who buy what you sell
  • A road map to monetizing online
  • The best 4 ways to make money from your blog
  • Finding your path no matter what your current stage of blogging
  • Here are the details:

    When: Wednesday, May 10th at 7pm European Time // 12pm Central Time

    Where: Online! Register here.

    How: Once you're registered I'll email you with all the details.

    Cost: $0.00

    P.S. Can't make it? It's okay. I'll be sending out a replay afterwards! But ONLY for those who sign up.

    I'm so so excited about this live workshop and hope you'll join me. I always promise actionable, helpful advice that can help you with your blog right away. So get in on the awesomeness. I promise, this is not one to miss.

    FREE WORKSHOP! Monetize Your Blog Monetize_yourblog-

    Learn to make money from your blog, the right way!

    You got it! Check your email to see all the details!


    Source: How To Make Money Blogging (Without Selling Your Soul)

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