Monday, June 19, 2017

how to make money as a blogger 2017

Thrilled to spread the word today about a huge event that I am participating in and, for the first time ever, expecting to be paid for my time and trouble. You, what? I hear you say. You see, this is not your average authors event. As you may have heard in my recent post FREE AUTHOR RESOURCES AND A NEW MINDSET FOR SUCCESS (and if you haven't, I strongly recommend you check it out), I have recently got into affiliate marketing. I made that decision as part of my plan to grow my budding (and struggling) business in a dedicated manner from now on. As I'm excited to try this new angle, I feel compelled to write and tell you all about it. And I am excited, because: a) The prospect of expanding my business with a new source of income for little work feels like a bonus, whether it trickles or flows for a while! b) I have been following the person behind this event for almost a year now – that's Matt Stone (AKA Buck Flogging) and I believe in him. I know he knows his onions. The fact he earns 6 figures per month is a proof of that, if anything. His past events have been huge successes so I know this one will be too. My decision to join forces with him when he invited me to was both an honor and a no brainer. Matt Stone is the mastermind behind BuckBooks, ArchangelInk, Digital Freedom Academy and many other successful sites, including the one I recently signed up with as an affiliate, which is QuitN6 (Quit your job in 6 months). The site is dedicated to teaching online entrepreneurs everything they need to know so they can build their business from scratch, then grow their mailing list so they can start earning some serious $$$. But don't let the sound of $$$ set off any scammer alerts in your head. I can assure you that Matt's methods involve nothing but hard work and dedication, as well as a burning desire to help others succeed.

But I digress. Back to the specific event. As you can see, it involves a freebie. This is the incentive for the online entrepreneurs (authors included, of course!) to sign up to Matt's mailing list. Matt has got an army of dedicated affiliates ready to spread the word about the book. So what is the incentive for me to sign up as an affiliate too, I hear you say? Simple. Matt will pitch a paid product to the new subscribers in July, and every affiliate will be earning a commission for purchases made by the people they'd brought to the landing page. The traffic each affiliate brings will have been tracked automatically. As I said, this is new to me and I am very excited. Seeing that I don't have many entrepreneurs but mostly fiction readers on my mailing list, I cannot blast out an announcement about the event via my newsletter. So instead, just before the event starts I will blog it here, then tweet the living daylights out of it to get entrepreneurs to sign up during the four days that the event will run (June 26-29). This is all I will have to do. Then I'll sit back and wait for July when hopefully I will be receiving a nice little sum that I wouldn't have earned otherwise. Here's the truth: Over and over again, I have been working my butt off doing promo for days, and 9 out of 10 my ROI is negative. And this leaves me feeling bummed every time. But not this time. Even if a single $ comes in for half an hour's work to join forces with an entrepreneur as phenomenal as Matt Stone I'll be sitting pretty. So there you go. This entails zero cost, half an hour's work, if that, and you'll be in with a chance to win Paypal cash without any risk involved. I am sure you will agree this is a non brainer. Consider this post my cordial invitation to you to sign up as an affiliate today. Added bonus: As an affiliate, you will be able to email the author directly and get a copy of the book for your own reading pleasure too! If you choose not to go down the affiliate marketing route, you can still get your hands on the freebie.  I have read it and it has some gems in it, especially towards the end! To get your copy, just sign up for Matt's mailing list when the event is live. I will be blogging about it near the time so this will serve as a reminder for you. See, I got you covered either way 😉 However,  if you have a strong point to use to your advantage, I hope you will choose to participate as an affiliate. When I say strong point I mean either or both of these things: a) A mailing list that contains only indie authors or entrepreneurs of any niche b) A large Twitter following so you can blast the message out continuously. As I said, this is my only option and I got nothing to lose to try it! CLICK HERE NOW TO SIGN UP AS AN AFFILIATE FOR THE EVENT PLEASE NOTE! Upon signing up, you will receive the link to your affiliate dashboard and your sign on details. When you get to your dashboard, make sure to change the tab to the FREE IBI BOOK. This page will show your affiliate links for the specific event. One is for the landing page you will be promoting, the other is to refer other affiliates to the event (the way I am doing now to spread the word!). These two links are unique to each person as you realize, so make sure to use your own and not mine, otherwise you'll be giving me your precious commission and that won't do 😉 Before I go: If you are an author, you may want to sign up to my mailing list just for indies, HERE. Every time I publish a post for authors I email it to this list. There are other benefits to sign up and you can find out all the details on the same page. Believe me, you do not want to miss a thing! CLICK HERE NOW TO SIGN UP AS AN AFFILIATE FOR THE EVENT SPREAD THE WORD WITH A TWEET: Author, participate in a huge event and get paid! #authors #ASMSG #marketing Click To Tweet Did you enjoy this post? Type your email in the 'follow this blog' window on the right sidebar and get to see all our future posts!

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Source: how to make money as a blogger 2017

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