Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sexy Thai Flight Attendants, Money Manager Cliches, Coming Out in the NFL, Blade Runner 2049, Deadliest Pathogens

We bring you a hot video with sexy Thai flight attendants, hilarious money manager cliches, read a Father's Day letter, coming out in the NFL, Blade Runner 2049 and working with deadliest pathogens.

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As always, click on the headline to be taken to original source.

I slow down blogging down in the weekends, just some selected links that made an impression to me during the past week.

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One day I am going to devote enough time in this blog to make it a real part time hobby because I just don't want to become like the "influencer" travel "thought leader" pumping bloggers…That day is closer as I just don't have that fire anymore. Still trying to deal with that 50 thingie… #developing

Thai flight attendants welcome Britney Spears with 'Toxic' video

I have never flown Nok Air but after this video I can't wait 🙂  Apparently, Britney Spears is doing two concerts in Bangkok so these ladies decided to do a video like this to honor her. Has anyone flown this airline? How are they? I mean, the airline you guys lol.

I must admit this was a late addition to this post, I had to redo the headline and keywords and all. Frankly, I wanted to be first among bloggers and beat View From The Wing and force him to HT Alan H. again when he links to it bwahahahaha (blog insider joke). Actually, there is another video in the link of an Air Asia flight attendant doing the same song and it is hilarious! Air Asia's CEO said so. I can't wait for the flight attendants of US domestic airlines in long routes to do the same….Umm, actually…I can wait, I can wait! (HT: Christine H.)

Money Manager Cliches

The amount of bullshit in the financial services industry parallels the bullshit in the now becoming mainstream travel hacking hobby. These are hilarious translations!

"We're bottoms-up stockpickers"

Translation: We're closet indexers.

"We look at the markets from a macro, top-down perspective."

Translation: We got crushed in 2008 and needed to pivot to show we understand economic cycles better.

"We have a repeatable process."

Translation: Our process changes when we underperform.

"We have a go-anywhere, unconstrained investment style."

Translation: We can lose money in any environment.

"We're long-term investors."

Translation: One month holding period, tops.

"We look to take advantage of market dislocations and volatility."

Translation: We will lose more money than the market during the next downturn.

"We provide stock-like returns with bond-like volatility."

Translation: We provide cash-like returns with stock-like volatility.

"We have boots on the ground."

Translation: We have a huge travel budget and far too many analysts on staff.

"This is our best ideas portfolio."

Translation: We honestly have no clue what our best ideas are.

"We meet with company management and talk to all suppliers and competitors to truly understand our holdings."

Translation: We read a lot of sell side analyst reports.

"We're not benchmarked focused."

Translation: If and when we outperform we will definitely be comparing ourselves to the S&P 500 but not when we underperform

"We have an excellent risk-adjusted return history."

Translation: We've severely underperformed.

"We only invest in companies where there are catalysts for upside value."

Translation: We invest in momentum companies and pray they keep going up.

"We have a separate risk management department."

Translation: We almost blew up our fund in the past.

"Our returns our top quartile."

Translation: Everyone says they're top quartile because we all just make up our own peer rankings.

"Here's what differentiates us from our competitors…"

Translation: Here's why we're exactly like our competitors but with a different narrative attached.

"Our strategy is opportunistic."

Translation: We give you multiple ways to lose money.

"We wait for the fat pitch."

Translation: We swing at everything.

"We look to protect capital in down markets."

Translation: You will definitely be firing us during a bull market.

"We're looking to generate significant alpha over 3-5 year periods."

Translation: No one really bothers to understand what "alpha" really is but this makes us sound intelligent.

"We're concentrated, deep value investors."

Translation: We own 350 stocks and Apple is our largest holding.

"We look for growth at a reasonable price."

Translation: We underperform when value is doing well and when growth is doing well.

"We have 150 years of combined experience."

Translation: Everyone else puts this in their presentations so we followed suit.

"We use a qualitative and quantitative process in our research."

Translation: We're no good at either.

This Is What It's Like To Work With The World's Deadliest Pathogens Every Day

Reading this…I was scared. I hope there is security around to prevent access to this building. Heavy security for crying out loud. And you thought your job was dangerous! Must read if you are interested in learning of terrifying ways to kill us all. Be positive.

On Father's Day

Jason Zweig, one of my favorite personal finance writers, lost his dad when he was just 22 years old. He wrote this letter to his dad two days after his death. On March 26, 1981. It is a wonderful gem of writing. And what Father's Day is about. Or it should be! Enjoy it as much as I did.

Former Patriots and Chiefs tackle Ryan O'Callaghan comes out as gay

What a fascinating and inspirational read, being an NFL fan and all. I am so glad this young man found peace and is now helping others. And kudos to the Kansas City Chiefs organization for helping him get through his suicidal intentions. What is the big deal anyway, it is 2017!

Blade Runner 2049 making-of featurette

Blade Runner is one of my all time favorite movies. And the little preview they did of the sequel (thirty years after the original!) was absolutely amazing. This is a video of how they made that little teaser…I will attend the premiere…in my local theater as nobody invites me in these things as I would rather eat durian than to kiss ass 🙂

And I leave you with this…

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Opinions expressed here are author's alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.

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Source: Sexy Thai Flight Attendants, Money Manager Cliches, Coming Out in the NFL, Blade Runner 2049, Deadliest Pathogens

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