Thursday, July 20, 2017

Got Gear Or Skills? Here Are 8 Other Ways To Make Money With Them [Infographic]

This infographic originally appeared on the Home Studio Maven blog.

If you haven't made it big with your music yet but you've picked up some gear and some skills why not put them to other uses?

Using the resources you already have you could create an additional income stream. Sure, it will take a bit of extra work but it can also help you make connections in the industry.

Plus, there are platforms with huge audiences built up that can help you start so with some of these ideas you don't start from absolute scratch.

You'll still be competing with other people but that is what you do anyway no matter what you are trying to do.

Who knows, a side gig like this could also become a full-time career later on or simply a backup side business in case your main act doesn't work out the way you'd want it to.

In the infographic below you'll find different ideas that you can pick up. I would suggest thinking about each of them for a bit before picking one.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses and try to figure out which of these is best suited to you for best odds of success.

Also, I would stick to one and do my best with it to make that one thing work. And I wouldn't move on to the next idea until I ran out of ideas of how to make the first thing work out.

I hope you find these ideas useful and good luck with your next side gig!

Emma Becker is a marketer by day and music maker by night. She also blogs about home studio gear and occasionally about marketing. Find her at

Got Gear Or Skills? Here Are 8 Other Ways To Make Money With Them [Infographic]

Source: Got Gear Or Skills? Here Are 8 Other Ways To Make Money With Them [Infographic]

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