Monday, August 28, 2017

How to make money from auto blogging?

Autoblogs do work, but they will not work for every type of website or in every niche. For example, It most likely will not work for an affiliate review site but could work perfectly for a news website, a tutorial site or content hub.

With auto blogs forget SEO and trying to please google, you aim should be to try to create something of value to users. For example, say you wanted to target the knitting niche, you can create a blog that pulls in content from every relevant knitting related feed you can find, you tube videos, Facebook posts and videos, knitting related tweets etc. The possibilities are endless. So what you end up with is a website where people who love knitting can find links and read all the latest tweets, see themed Pinterest pins etc . With such a site you are providing value by giving people who like knitting a single source where they can find links to all the latest knitting related content.

The only thing I would suggest is to make the process semi auto rather than full auto.Keep an eye on what gets published and delete unwanted stuff of clean up posts that need to be cleaned up, or add to posts you feel you can increase their value.

For traffic as mentioned by wolfmmiii focus on social media, forums, question and answer websites, if you have some money to play with run a few ad campaigns to get things rolling.

Monetization possibilities are limitless for news type sites, you could use native ads or AdSense, for a tutorial site you could use Amazon affiliates, Clickbank etc.

Autoblogs do work as long as you see it as a tool to help you curate content quickly and easily. To make it successful you still have to put the work in and generate traffic, keep an eye on the content your blog pulls in and find the best way to monetize your blog.

Like all automation tools that people will tell you to stay away from, I usually find out the problem is not with the tool but with the user not using it properly.

Source: How to make money from auto blogging?

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