Wednesday, September 6, 2017

7 Smart Money Moves to Make in Your 20s

Are you in your 20s? Indeed, it is one of the most exciting times of one's life. For many, this decade is filled with fun and enthusiasm, leading a carefree life, enjoying with family and friends.

What many people don't think about is the financial stress many millennials are under. People in their 20s are pushed to travel and live life to the fullest. Just because you are in your 20s doesn't mean you can just sit back and relax. You have the right to enjoy life but financial planning will help you in the long run. In fact, you can be making smart money moved now that will continue to pay off for years to come. Here, are some great money moves to lead you towards financial success…

Build a Savings

Managing your money is not that easy when you are a youngster. But, once you learn the importance and art of saving money, you will enjoy seeing your funds accumulating. So, try to save as much as you can. Start with small amounts and slowly move towards a larger savings goal. You can establish emergency savings and even begin to save for retirement with this cash.

Master Your Own Budget

You might have read a lot about budgeting. Sticking to a fixed budget sounds like a tedious task, but it doesn't have to be! There are plenty of tools to make budgeting easy. A budget is one of the most important parts of your finances. A practical budget listing your monthly income and estimated expenses gives you a brief idea of where you actually stand and where you need to improve.

Set Your Financial Goals

Your financial goals can include anything you desire to have in future. It can be your interest to go for higher studies, buying yourself the latest car, buying a home, getting settled in life and so on. These financial goals can be short term or long term and will vary from person to person.

Pay Off Your Debts

It is always better to to pay off your debts sooner rather than later. If possible, make yourself debt free once you are into your first job or may be even earlier. Don't pile up any unnecessary debts even in the form of credit card dues. If you succeed in building a good credit score in your 20s, you can have access to a number of credit facilities when you need them later in life.

Take Your Investing Lessons

As you may know, simply saving your money at home or in a bank account won't fetch you anything extra. In order to increase your earnings, you need to move a step further and start investing your money. Get yourself acquainted with the investing world by doing research and possibly even reaching out for professional help. Doing this in your 20s will help you build a secure financial future.

Look for a Side Hustle

For the most part, people in their 20s are energetic so it is the perfect time to take on a second job or side hustle. An additional earning source while working from home, freelancing, taking a part time weekend position or even starting a small business in your free time are all great ways to continue adding cash to your bank account.

Stay Focused and Organized

This is probably the most important and the smartest money move that one can make in their early 20s. As a youngster, you are likely to get attracted to shorter and easier ways of becoming successful in life. At such a young age, you may get enticed looking at easy routes and get deviated from your goals. Stay calm and remain focused on your long-term goals. Not every day on the path to financial freedom will be easy. However, with your hard work and honest efforts, you can surely reach the pinnacle of success both at the personal as well as the financial level.

These baby steps taken now, shall guide you in having a smoother and happier financial journey. You can easily open the doors to your financial freedom without waiting any longer.

Do you have any other smart and practical money moves to add up for living a financially healthy life? If yes, we would love to hear from you in the comments.

This is a guest post by Harleen Kaur, a Chartered Accountant by profession, a Finance blogger by passion, running a personal finance blog @ , sharing knowledge and simplifying things in the field of Finance, Investment and related topics.

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Source: 7 Smart Money Moves to Make in Your 20s

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