Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Build your coaching practice. Make more money. Get better results for the people you want to help.

Watch as Dr. Berardi explains the Precision Nutrition Formula to over 1,000 health and fitnessprofessionals at the Business Summit. (Want to read the transcript? Click here.)

How would the PN Formula change your career?

Once you're Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified, you can use the Precision Nutrition Formula — world-class curriculum, expert coaching, innovative software — to help improve the nutrition, fitness, and health of the people who turn to you for advice. It's your springboard to a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.

Learn what the Level 1 Certification is all about in this short video, which features renowned coaches Eric Cressey, Molly Galbraith, Adam Lloyd, and Jon Goodman.

Level 1 Certification Graduate Stories

Precision Nutrition is trusted by elite-level fitness professionals worldwide. Here's what they have to say about the Level 1 Certification:

"The Level 1 Certification is a very practical experience that allows you to immediately affect positive changes in the lives of your clients. One of the things I absolutely love is the focus on the big things first — the behavioral modifications, and to some degree the quick fixes that can yield dramatically improved results." - Eric Cressey, MA, CSCS

"What really makes a great coach, and what I think works so well in the PN Level 1 program — it's not about telling someone to do something. It's about knowing what questions to ask, and then leading the person in the right direction."- Jon Goodman, CSCS

"The Level 1 program gives you the skills and tools that you need to actually go out and do it. So it's not just academic information. It gives you everything you need to be a successful coach." - Marie-Josee Perrier, PhD

"I think the coolest thing about the program is the promotion of behavior change. If I can teach my patients how to change, I can make a world of difference without having to pull out my prescription pad. In the end, when people tell me they want to teach other people how to live healthier lifestyles, I tell them the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the way to go." - Spencer Nadolsky, DO, Bariatric Medicine

"As I was going through the course I realized it was perfect; it's exactly what I wanted and needed to learn. The information it taught me vs. the 4th year nutrition course I took as a Kinesiology was like comparing apples to oranges. The nutrition course was good. But the Precision Nutrition Certification was that much better." - Adam Lloyd, CSCS

Source: Build your coaching practice. Make more money. Get better results for the people you want to help.

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