Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Make Extra Income Online

Making money on line can be simple and complicated. If you want to make fast cash which ofcourse is possible, or you need an extra source of income, here are the ways to go about it.


Make Money Online Blogging

The world is changing and if you refuse to change you get left behind. These are few ways you can boost your income online especially if you love to write.

You can be a blogger..

Blogging: Being a blogger is one of the easiest ways to earn money from home. Unlike any other job, if you are blogging from home. You don't need to work 9-5. You can work at any time of the day with ease. But beware blogging takes time before it starts making money for you.

So I suggest you jump into this field slowly. If you have a day job, don't quit it. Start part-time with your blog. Once it is on the stage where it is earning you more than your comfortable limits then it's the best time to turn into full-time blogging mode.  Suitable For - People who love to write and would like to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.  Skills Required -  Ability to express knowledge in writing with simpler yet effective way.   

Time Needed And Tips You Should Know

Time Required For Starting A Blog - 

The time required depends upon your level of expertise if you are an expert you can easily start a blog within few hours.

For a complete beginner, a day or two would be sufficient to be ready with the basic setup.

Tips -  

1. Start a blog about something in which you are really good at.

For e.g. If you love travelling and you have travelled a lot of places then start a travel blog.  

2. Always try to limit your blog to a particular domain. Don't put content about multiple domains in one blog.

For e.g. Writing about recipe tips on a fashion blog.

Keep your blog specific to one domain only.

3. Using your experience and expertise, try to create a very unique and phenomenal content.

4. Try to give a lot of value to your readers. Write about something that will make a difference in your reader's' life. 

How To Earn By Blogging

You can monetize your blog by recommending products or services related to your blog's topic either by writing an informative article or placing banner ads on your blog's relevant pages. 

You can earn handsome commissions when a person buys a product recommended by you. This method is the best if you own your own product. Make such you advertise commodities that are of interest to your readers so as not to chase them away.

Another way is you can place Google Adsense ads on your blog. More people click on your ads more money you will make. Look for Good trustworthy companies that pay heavy when you advertise for them.

Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards a certain percentage of commission for each product bought by the customers who are brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

Suitable For - 

People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.  

Skills Required - 

Ability to promote product online using social media, videos, ads etc. 

Time Required For Starting Affiliate Marketing - 

Virtually within an hour. You just need to select an online product that pays you a commission when you promote and sell it using your affiliate link. 


Tips - 

1. Select an online product from the domain in which you are well conversant with. For example, if you are a dietician then select a product related to diet.

There are lots of products available in every domain you just need to find a domain which is suitable for you.

2. Places to find products:,, These websites have thousands of products listed from multiple domains. 

3. Choose a product that pays you at least 50% commission on each sale. 

4. Most product websites handle affiliate link generation and payouts so you don't need to worry about how you'll get your commissions.

Just get your custom affiliate link created by the vendor and start promoting it. 

5. If you want to earn instant money from affiliate marketing try to promote your affiliate link on social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Reddit. 

How To Earn From Affiliate Marketing

How To Monetize -  

Monetization is simple, just make more people to buy the product through your affiliate link.

Create a Facebook page or Banner ads with the aim of promoting the product.

Tell people how the product will help them to solve their problems. 

Improve people's knowledge about the domain and help them to solve other related problems.

Source: Make Extra Income Online

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