Friday, March 24, 2017


Hi I'm Heather! I've been a blogger for over 10 years on my blog, It's A Lovely Life! I write about family travel and all things family fun! My blog not only provides our family a wonderful income, but it also has taken us on vacations where we made memories that will last a lifetime!

My blog is our family business and it earns an average of $30,000/mo. This is a business with very little overhead and no inventory to buy. You do have to devote time to your blog to make it successful, but anybody can make money blogging if you are willing to put in the work.

I absolutely love being a blogger and helping others start their own money making blog so that they too can live the lives of their dreams. I designed this 5 day email course so you can easily get your own money making blog started quickly and avoid some of the big mistakes that most new bloggers make! In five days (or sooner) you can have your own blog set up with no technical experience needed!

If you have thought about starting your own blog, this is perfect for you! Get the the free 5 day email crash course now. Just tell us where to send it below!


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